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Forums - Gaming Discussion - COD:Ghosts is embarassing.

C0LINx said:
A_C_E said:
C0LINx said:
bananaking21 said:
i also have to say, its pretty obvious they lost track of what made the previous games awesome and they are running out of ideas fast.

What made WAW and MW so great was simplicity. The games are just so complex now, not in a hard way but in one that just feels unfamilar and just wrong in a COD game. They need to get back to MW2 and just make it balanced but still fun with interesting and good map design. MW2 was a step in the right direction because it wasn't over complex but it was an evolution of the original. Just exploits ect. really ruined the mp for that game. Don't know why but the last 3 COd games have had seriously boring maps. MW2 had awesome maps like Carnival, the Airport one and Highrise. Now they're just so lame. 

I don't even play the campaigns. I never really have.. but I played through like 60% of WAW and COD4's and were never able to finish them because of my discs being scratched, but those campaigns were way better then the 30% I played of the Black Ops campaign. Atleast COD4 and WAW's campaigns really embodied the name Call of Duty. I've watched the ending of the WAW campaign and it really impacts you. Now the campaigns are all about explosions and what not.

But that's what made MW3 so amazing, imo. It introduced two more styles of killstreaks that can be used to their best depending on the mode you play online. The same killstreaks are their from MW1.  I've liked every map on MW2 and MW3, I don't see the complaints especially since theres spots on every map that you can either camp, snipe or knife. Something for everybody. You just gotta know the hotspots of each map and you'll be able to use that to your advantage. The size of the maps is a concern in Ghosts but the setups are completely useful in ways that I can take advantage of. How do others have trouble with the map designs? I don't get it. They're more than good enough. I could literally play the game in any way and be successful with it because the map designers know how to design a map, the just didn't scale Ghosts like the userbase wanted.

But isn't the general consensus on MW3 that it is an incredibly boring/generic game? MW3 is just werid, but it doesn't necessarily do anything wrong but it seems by most COD fans to be one of the least popular in the series. I'd say because it feels like DLC for MW2 rather then a new game despite the changes. Killstreaks were better than MW2's horrid system, didn't really change the game that much after BO1. The thing with Ghosts is that, maps are too big. It feels like they're trying to be like Battlefield. Atleast in WAW big maps we're great for sniping and had tanks.

I completely agree that creatively the yearly releases are not only burning out the developers but eventually the fans as well. They need to give it a 1-2 year break after this next one. Surprised Activision hasn't realized this. It will generate more hype and buzz for the next game. 

I guess that's the general consensus, but for me everything worked more "in-tune'' if you will, like a well-oiled MW2 but with much more online options available. MW3 was incredibly popular, I don't think Xbox-Live has had more traffic at one time than when MW3 released and it still has a huge fanbase. I can see why you'd say that they're trying to be like battlefield with Ghosts but I'd say that they're trying something new with environment changes instead of desctructable environments. I don't think it worked out too well because like you said, the maps are too big.

If IW and Treyarch took a couple years off and built a fresh new game, MW1 style, or created CoD: Online to compensate for the 2 years between CoD games then revenue would still flourish. But we know this would never happen but its too bad I guess.

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bananaking21 said:
A_C_E said:
C0LINx said:
bananaking21 said:
i also have to say, its pretty obvious they lost track of what made the previous games awesome and they are running out of ideas fast.

What made WAW and MW so great was simplicity. The games are just so complex now, not in a hard way but in one that just feels unfamilar and just wrong in a COD game. They need to get back to MW2 and just make it balanced but still fun with interesting and good map design. MW2 was a step in the right direction because it wasn't over complex but it was an evolution of the original. Just exploits ect. really ruined the mp for that game. Don't know why but the last 3 COd games have had seriously boring maps. MW2 had awesome maps like Carnival, the Airport one and Highrise. Now they're just so lame. 

I don't even play the campaigns. I never really have.. but I played through like 60% of WAW and COD4's and were never able to finish them because of my discs being scratched, but those campaigns were way better then the 30% I played of the Black Ops campaign. Atleast COD4 and WAW's campaigns really embodied the name Call of Duty. I've watched the ending of the WAW campaign and it really impacts you. Now the campaigns are all about explosions and what not.

But that's what made MW3 so amazing, imo. It introduced two more styles of killstreaks that can be used to their best depending on the mode you play online. The same killstreaks are their from MW1.  I've liked every map on MW2 and MW3, I don't see the complaints especially since theres spots on every map that you can either camp, snipe or knife. Something for everybody. You just gotta know the hotspots of each map and you'll be able to use that to your advantage. The size of the maps is a concern in Ghosts but the setups are completely useful in ways that I can take advantage of. How do others have trouble with the map designs? I don't get it. They're more than good enough. I could literally play the game in any way and be successful with it because the map designers know how to design a map, the just didn't scale Ghosts like the userbase wanted.

there are some good ideas in every CoD (gun game FTW!!) but the thing is a few good ideas dont make the game feel fresh. specially with just how many games come out. we had CoD4, WaW, MW2, BO, MW2, BO2, and Ghosts since CoD became realy popular, thats ALOT of CoD. also there are some serious issues. quick scoping is a BIG one. i dont know in what world is a sniper the best weapon for close combat?! really?! its one shot one kill, and shooting a person from close range with a sniper has never been easier. its a joke. 

Your definitely right. And I absolutely think QS should be hindered substantially (lowered accuracy for the first second of ADS) or just taken out completely. That's another thing, how are these problems supposed to be fixed if the games are coming out every year. Also the devs would be alienating the fanbase that lives for QS and the likes. There's a couple fragile decisions that comes with making a game and making money at the same time, you have to put content in the game that people will be drawn to. Unfortunately QS is one of them.

A_C_E said:

Your definitely right. And I absolutely think QS should be hindered substantially (lowered accuracy for the first second of ADS) or just taken out completely. That's another thing, how are these problems supposed to be fixed if the games are coming out every year. Also the devs would be alienating the fanbase that lives for QS and the likes. There's a couple fragile decisions that comes with making a game and making money at the same time, you have to put content in the game that people will be drawn to. Unfortunately QS is one of them.

QS is a joke, a big one. and it honestly pushed me away from CoD. really, the only reason i play CoD is because of the split screen multiplayer, i play with my brothers and cousins online because they just play CoD and Fifa, and honestly, playing an FPS split screen online is awesome. but i used to spend hours and hours on MW2 but i dont touch CoD when i play by my self anymore. they need to take it out because its a serious quality issue. it basically fucks the games balance. when you have sniper rifles besting assult and SMG in close range easily, you have a huge problem that needs to be fixed. try going head to head in close range with sniper vs an assult rifles or SMG in battlefield or Killzone, your fucked, and thats how it should be. 

i swear, in MW3 while playing domination, i would see a whole team of snipers just running around the bomb QS the shit out of people. its just doesnt make any fucking sense. 

this marks the downfall of the series for me

the MP component of the game is nothing like the past games b/c of map size and design the fast pace addictive gameplay is gone the cool aerial killstreaks are also gone

where is spec ops? and survival lol

when people yrs from now say what happened to COD they should know that it was the devs who killed it by stripping gamemodes and designing maps that make you feel your running a marathon and not b/c the gameplay got stale


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I love the map design and the refocusing of the gameplay to gun versus gun.

But as good as those are, the shitty shitty spawns and terrible latency ruin it. I thought IW said all platforms have dedicated servers? Their PS3 servers must be garbage.

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I want a reboot of Call of Duty 4 with better graphics. They'd probably f it up by adding sh@t, though.

"On my business card I am a corporate president. In my mind I am a game developer. But in my heart I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata

I'm really enjoying Ghosts on Wii U, but I never touch the multiplayer, I'm a single player guy.

I decided to pass on this game. I played every single modern call of duty game,but I just needed a break from the series. I'll probably get the next one though.

Well yeah Ghost sucks, the good part of Infinity Ward left to Respawn.

     CoD  Ghosts is a mediocre game in an already mediocre franchise.. The last CoD that was worth a damn was  World at War. MW2 is a disgrace, BO1 is OK, MW3 is awful, BO2 is mediocre and now we have this mediocrity.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---