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Forums - General Discussion - Why are you a virgin? *OFFICIAL VIRGIN THREAD*

toot1231 said:

Im not a virgin but, should be.
I hate (being with) women but, im not gay...sounds like im joking but im serious.
I like being alone or with some friends everyonce in awhile (male or female friends) just no further than friends

I'm the same way. I wish my folks would understand that I like being alone.

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MohammadBadir said:

I'm religious, so no sex for me until marriage.

And I've put a goal for myself to not get married before I finish studying and getting a high paying job.

Sir-you should consider the weak economy.If it keeps weak the next 40years you should rethink your "high paying job"goal if you want to avoid losing your virginty+marriage at 60.

I lost my virginity to a prostitute and I am not ashamed of it.

I however regret paying the crappy ones.

bananaking21 said:
anybody who needs help with this "problem" just give me a phone call and make sure you got 20 bucks on you

Do you accept checks?

bananaking21 said:
anybody who needs help with this "problem" just give me a phone call and make sure you got 20 bucks on you

Wait.Aren't you the guy from an arab country?Is this legal where you come from?

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here is a not virgin guy sending a shout out to the virgins!. try to save that moment at least to a cool person, i am not saying to the love of your life, but at least someone nice :). i lost my virginity at 17, and it was awfull. xd.

NobleTeam360 said:
bananaking21 said:
anybody who needs help with this "problem" just give me a phone call and make sure you got 20 bucks on you

Do you accept checks?

no, but i accept PSN cards. 

Oh great, those guys will be along soon touting anyone that isn't a virgin is dirty and promiscuous

OT: No, obviously.

Me + Hatmoza rack up some impressive numbers.


I couldn't get any sex. I was pretty unsocial, a little bit shy, and never really went anywhere I could meet any girls. I suppose there were girls at school but physics and mathematics lectures? Nah, not really a very good place, it wasn't.

Then I joined an online dating site, met a girl after a couple of months and we got to the fun part pretty quickly. We kind of did not continue the thing for very long but that's how I got rid of my virginity. She wasn't completely random and it was fun so I certainly don't regret it: I didn't want it to happen with a random person and it didn't. I was 20 at the time, almost 21. Now I'm 22, almost 23, and I have a girlfriend so there's sex regularly now.

bigjon said:
Soleron said:
VGPolyglot said:
I also don't want to get an STD.

Well that one's easy, you both get tested first.

Or find another virgin. Trust me you will know if she lied. 

And by that time it's too late...