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Forums - Politics Discussion - Has Barrack Obama set African American's back 20-50 years?



Yes 148 33.04%
No 274 61.16%
Other ( post below) 26 5.80%
the_dengle said:
Most of the world does not think he did a horrible job. He also still has three years left, so we shouldn't exactly be using the past tense.

Which countries ? Also, after the Obamacare fiasco, even with 3 years left, he ratings will most likely be heading further south (He's not far behind Bush Jr.)

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

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Figgycal said:
Lol no. Republicans in Congress has kept us int he Bush era.

Uh, Obama extending many of the Bush-era policies, including the Patriot Act, keeping Gitmo open, and keeping those  tax cuts for "the rich" that turned out to actually be mostly geared towards the middle class, among plenty of other things, has kept us in "the Bush era."

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Machiavellian said:
The interesting thing is that most people seem to believe the US President is all powerful. He can dictate his will on any subject and policy and he has the power to make everything right or wrong in America.

I believe before anyone can judge Obama, they must first fully understand how the US system work. The president power is very well defined and limited.

I can give you links to where Obama has supported something that the republicans asked for and they then voted against it because he supported it. This has happen time and again. Even on the budget when the Democrats gave the Republicans exactly what their web site stated we needed for a balance budget and growth as soon as Obama gave his OK, the Republicans changed their whole stance. Its one thing to be oppose to a President but Republican made it a mission to derail anything Obama tried to get done no matter if it hurt their own constitutes.

I did not even vote for Obama and there are some things I believe he could have done but I even question that because of how the Republicans made it a mission to make him a one term President no matter the cost.

The problem with most American is that they do not do any research. They listen to people tell them things and never question those people motives. This whole thread is about the OP evidently getting his info from one source and never having the balls to actually go and research his opinion. No where in the OP does he even try to make an informed opinion. He does not show what Obama voted for or vetoed, he does not show what Obama has supported or not supported and he has not tried to show how Obama has either lead policy in an area or hampered.

If we even look at the Affordable Healthcare act this was a republican ideal, its the same plan Rommy was going to institute but it turned evil because Obama supported it.

Jay Leno did this on the street report where he asked people about Obama care and the Affordable Healthcare act. All the people stated that they did not support Obama care but when asked about the Affordable Healthcare act they said they fully support that. The sad part is that a lot of people really do not know that they are the same thing and even worst they do not know what is in the act. There is a lot of good stuff and then there is the government crap which comes along with it.

Links. Jay Leno part is irrelevant because you do that with any law. There was a vid were a guy ask did they support Obama on his positions and gave him republican positions and they all agreed with it. Interview random people means nothing because you don't why they responded the way they did and how much was edited. 

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

NightDragon83 said:
Figgycal said:
Lol no. Republicans in Congress has kept us int he Bush era.

Uh, Obama extending many of the Bush-era policies, including the Patriot Act, keeping Gitmo open, and keeping those  tax cuts for "the rich" that turned out to actually be mostly geared towards the middle class, among plenty of other things, has kept us in "the Bush era."

Why did Obama extend Bush polices, why is Gitmo still open and why is there tax cuts for the rich still in existance.  Its one thing to make a list, its totally different to research and find out why that list exist.  So saying that Obama has still kept us in the Bush era demands that you understand why those polices still exist and who voted for what and why.  Maybe before you throw a list together on something like this, it might help if you understood exactly what the President can do and not do.

NightDragon83 said:
Figgycal said:
Lol no. Republicans in Congress has kept us int he Bush era.

Uh, Obama extending many of the Bush-era policies, including the Patriot Act, keeping Gitmo open, and keeping those  tax cuts for "the rich" that turned out to actually be mostly geared towards the middle class, among plenty of other things, has kept us in "the Bush era."

This is why he extended the bush tax cuts for 2 years

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ninetailschris said:

Links. Jay Leno part is irrelevant because you do that with any law. There was a vid were a guy ask did they support Obama on his positions and gave him republican positions and they all agreed with it. Interview random people means nothing because you don't why they responded the way they did and how much was edited. 

I will bring you those links as this happen in the first term and I need to hunt down the stuff again.  You can easily find the part where Democrats were willing to give the Republicans exactly what they asked for during the first Budget issue.  The Republicans even had a site up on the whole subject before they took it down once Obama agreed to what they asked for (off by a few % points on spending cuts/ new revenue).  You can also find out yourself about the Affordable healthcare act and what foundation it based on.

The Jay Leno and even your example just shows how much people in general really do not understand what the vote on or even why they should like or dislike someone as they are happy to be feed info instead of researching it.

Machiavellian said:
NightDragon83 said:
Figgycal said:
Lol no. Republicans in Congress has kept us int he Bush era.

Uh, Obama extending many of the Bush-era policies, including the Patriot Act, keeping Gitmo open, and keeping those  tax cuts for "the rich" that turned out to actually be mostly geared towards the middle class, among plenty of other things, has kept us in "the Bush era."

Why did Obama extend Bush polices, why is Gitmo still open and why is there tax cuts for the rich still in existance.  Its one thing to make a list, its totally different to research and find out why that list exist.  So saying that Obama has still kept us in the Bush era demands that you understand why those polices still exist and who voted for what and why.  Maybe before you throw a list together on something like this, it might help if you understood exactly what the President can do and not do.

I understand plenty.  During the Bush administration, Obama and the Democrats railed against The Patriot Act, Gitmo, and "tax cuts for the rich", and when he was campaigning, Obama vowed to end all of these.

As President, the first thing Obama did was sign a symbolic order to "close" Gitmo, but then quickly realised that oh shit, no other country wants to take these guys back, and we can't bring them to the US and put them in with the general polulation, so here we are 5 years later and Gitmo is still open after Obama got hit with a cold hard splash of reality.

Second, many of the key provisions in the Patriot Act that Bush signed into law had "sunset" expiration dates.  As President, Obama signed the "Patriot Sunset Extension Act" in 2011 which extended wiretapping, business record searching, and expanded surveilance on "lone wolves" and other suspected operatives in the US.

And third, the so-called "Bush tax cuts", which also had sunset provisions built into them, were extended TWICE by Obama, and are now permanent for anyone making under $400,000 or couples making $450,000 per year, which is 98% of the country.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:

I understand plenty.  During the Bush administration, Obama and the Democrats railed against The Patriot Act, Gitmo, and "tax cuts for the rich", and when he was campaigning, Obama vowed to end all of these.

As President, the first thing Obama did was sign a symbolic order to "close" Gitmo, but then quickly realised that oh shit, no other country wants to take these guys back, and we can't bring them to the US and put them in with the general polulation, so here we are 5 years later and Gitmo is still open after Obama got hit with a cold hard splash of reality.

Second, many of the key provisions in the Patriot Act that Bush signed into law had "sunset" expiration dates.  As President, Obama signed the "Patriot Sunset Extension Act" in 2011 which extended wiretapping, business record searching, and expanded surveilance on "lone wolves" and other suspected operatives in the US.

And third, the so-called "Bush tax cuts", which also had sunset provisions built into them, were extended TWICE by Obama, and are now permanent for anyone making under $400,000 or couples making $450,000 per year, which is 98% of the country.

Perfect, so what you are saying is that when a President is on the campaign trail they make statements until they actually get into office and find out things are much more complex.  Also as President, if you want things to get done, you have to pick your battle and maybe even give up something to get something.  As the link provided by another poster shows on the tax cuts.  Republicans wanted some stuff and Obama wanted some stuff, they were able to come to some type of agreement which provided both parties to be happy.  A President is like a basketball coach.  Most times you get all the blame when things do not go right but the players get all the fame when it does.

well-the reason why they(wall street,FED,banksters,military industriall complex )chose him.

He is the perfect trojan horse.He is untouchable because of his color.You can't destroy constitution,illegal mass surveillance,give trillions to the banksters with zirp,QE etc on a large scale.l,give weapons to the al qaida in Syria,prostitute the usa in favour of the TPP,kill hundreds of innocents with drones,crush the 2nd ammendement or force people into pseudo social care that was 100% written by pharmalobbists if you are part of the majority..
Bush would have been attacked for this by the left and the right .Democrats & Republicans would try to
lynch him.But in in the case of obama you can dissmiss all criticism with racism.

Just a little bit shittalk like peace&change and people will sell all their integrity to keep their illusion about messiah-obama.Just a little bit pretending:oh he couldn't do much because of ...
just blame someone else(the sequester,republicans etc)and people will calm
Obama for black people is: their house ownership dropped to historical lows while at the same time the number of black prisoners accerlerated + people on foodstamps rose to 50mio and unemployed people at working age passed 100mio+ manipulating jobless data to 7%.
He has promised the most transpatent government while he created the most intransparent goverment ever.

He was praised as the new Marthin luther king but turned out to be the new Papa Doc-so usefull to wall street that even black intellectual activists like cornel west are heavily attacked by the press if they dare to criticize him.

el_gallo said:
Figgycal said:

There's a history that comes with some of the insults used agains Obama - a long history that doesn't work the same way with white people. These are politicians calling Obama these insults - not everyday citizens. Saying Obama is chucking spears, or that he is shucking and jiving, or that he's the food stamp president is blatantly racist. Again these are politicians making using these stereotypical insults. Kanye West was the guy who said George Bush hates black people - not one of his peers in office.

"No one declared that President Obama doesn't like white people when Hurricane Sandy caused massive damage." Again you're blaming Obama for something that Republicans are largely responsible for. In the House 179 republicans voted no to Sandy Relief efforts - as opposed to 1 democrat. And in the Senate 36 republicans voted no - as opposed to 0 democrats. What is Obama to do? Become a dictator and mandate action to be taken place? George Bush had a distinct ack of reaction to Katrina.

And why yes: many conservative personalities have claimed that Obama hates white people. Many people from Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, and even his fellow politicans have. Again compare those people to Kanye West who said that on MTV with people with actual power:

The point remains, that all presidents are caricatured. They are ridiculed. They are mocked and undermined by people within the country who opposed them. The intent doesn't really matter and that is part of what keeps the African-American community down.

First a point, racism didn't used to mean just insensitive to a group, or ignorant about their culture or community. It used to mean what it still means. It meant someone thought their race was superior and another race, inferior. Could it be said that declaring someone is a food stamp president is insensitive? Sure I can buy that but people leveling insults aren't exactly trying to be sensitive. However if someone is saying President Obama is a food stamp president are they really saying that black people are inferior and white people superior? That I don't buy at all.

As for Hurricane Sandy, you must be thinking of a different bill and again you are excusing incompetence. First this link shows the relief bill passed the House 354-67. Perhaps there was a different bill that didn't pass but that one did and had plenty of votes to spare. As for what President Obama is responsible to do, he has to take the interests of the other party into consideration when governing. That is why it is called BIPARTISAN. You don't run on bipartisanship, shut the other party down and then complain and call it racist when they won't give you 100% of what you want. That is exactly what he did the first two years he was in office. Even now his bills reflect only the interests of those who elected him.

I did go look up the bill you were talking about and it was an additional bill. However the opposition was not because of President Obama or because of his race. It was because there is a small faction out there that think tha that when a government has borrowed $17 trillion dollars it should spend a little less in regular areas to offset emergency aid. These are the same Republicans that voted to cut military spending. They are completely consistant and wanting the numbers to add up doesn't equal racism.

As for the links I assure you that within the black community people will listen to Kanya West a lot more than they would ever listen to LePage, Reilly or anyone else. Those folks have much less power because the people listening to them or tuning them out come from an array of perspectives. You will not find 93% of any other ethnic group turning out disporportionately and listening to one voice or voting for one person. Their networth was lower, their pocketbooks were more empty and their unemployment had gone up a few points under his first term but none of that mattered, they pulled their lever on a vote for him not for the job done, but because of the face. That IS racism plain and simple. President Obama was supposed to be a uniter, smarter, more honest, better intentioned and just more capable. George W. Bush, a claimed idiot, could convince Democrats to vote for his education bills, his wars, you name it. Bill Clinton wiped the floor with Gingrich when Republicans shut down the government on him. President Obama is never accountable for his own governing. It is alway the fault of someone else he doesn't succeed.

Well that lie is set to blow up in his face because his health care plan is owned entirely by him and passed entirely by the Democratic Party and it is TERRIBLE.

The bill clearly is a cash grab from young to old. It will raise the rates and cancel the plans for almost everyone who is employed, young, married or healthy. The opposition from how terrible it is and the incompetence from it will be massive.

Let me put my prediction in an envelope and you can unseal it for later. It wasn't President Obama's fault the program is terrible. See it originated from Mitt Romney, so it is Republicans fault. That darn Republican in Mass lied and a bunch of Democrats in Mass bought the lie and passed his bill. Now Obama bought the lie and so did all the Democratic Super Majorities in both the Senate and House. They all bought the lie of one person. It is that evil one Republicans fault that so many Democrats did what they did. (This is just another version of Bush lied and thus people aren't responsible for their own votes.)

They could fix the bad program, with the terrible website all accomplished by one bad man telling his bad lies. However now the fix isn't the responsibility or problem of the president either. It will be those mean, terrible House Repulbicans who are lying, and who are racist, and who don't want the ACA to succeed and by succeed we mean run as the law states but didn't realize because we bought a lie.

You can book it. If you've looked at the ACA plans they are terrible. They give young people deductables of several thousand dollars all while charging them a few thousand dollars per year. No one will buy giving the government $3000-4000 a year for health insurance so you can pay another $5000 in deductables before the insurance kicks in. $9-10k isn't affordable to a young person nor is it free or affordable health care which is what was promised.

YOU KNOW WHAT?!? I don't disagree with you.