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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is X1 forcing Kinect on us any different than PS3 forcing Bluray on us?



Yea! 301 40.13%
Nay! 447 59.60%
Mr Puggsly said:
Akvod said:
Mr Puggsly said:



I argue Bluray in PS3 wasn't necessary, it was very expensive at the time and did little to actually improve the gaming experience. An expense device that doesn't improve the gaming experience... its no wonder why so many people went to the 360.

I fear Kinect is doing the same on X1. Its an expensive device the average consumer may not and it will do little to improve the average gaming experience. Although, I feel Kinect can have a bigger impact on X1 gaming than Bluray ever did on PS3.

But it obviously did have utility, given how it's being used today by both consoles.


Its useful now because of the storage space. It wasn't necessary last gen and hurt PS3.

We could go back and forth, but here's the bottom line.

Both BluRay and Kinect could be argued to enhance the console's gaming capabilities. Both firms incorporated it into their marketing.

The difference is in how the consumers perceived and bought into that message.


If I had to guess, I would believe that relative to BluRay, the Kinect was unsuccesful in convincing a majority of gamers that the feature enhanced their gaming experience. Actual utility is subjective and we can go back and forth on it, but if we did a professional survey, especially when Xbox One debuted and its negative image was at its peak, then a majority of gamers would say they didn't see the utility of Kinect in terms of gaming.

I'm a little less sure about BluRay getting >50% of gamers saying they thought it was useful when the PS3 debuted.

But now let's focus on another aspect. Again, the marketing. As true or untrue Sony's claims about the Cell Processor and BluRay was, their proposition was that those two things would lead to better performance. We can debate if people bought that, but that was the messaging they gave.

Microsoft has been much weaker in translating Kinect in terms of gaming, and I think that was their biggest downfall:

Just look at all those dislikes for that video.


All Microsoft needed to do was demonstrate how the Kinect could be used in a gaming context. Instead of showing people watching football through Skype, why not show 2 guys playing CoD/Madden while Skyping with each other? Why not show a before and after footage of someone going through menus to do something (e.g. equip new armor) and have someone do the same thing with a single command?


Bottom line:

It's not a matter of actual utility (utility in and of itself is subjective).

It's a matter of how the feature was markted by the company, and how the consumers interpreted that marketing.

And I find it hard to believe, after all those PS3 fanboys when about how great the Cell processor and BluRay is in terms of graphics and performance, that BluRay was received just as negatively as the Kinect.

I'm sorry, that's just pure fantasy.

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Goatseye said:
BMaker11 said:

If Blu ray is a "peripheral" then so is the the processor, graphics card, and the freaking fan inside the console =/

You made a rather silly comment there. How can you compare a component that makes the console work to a completely optional accesory? Tell me, would you still be able to enjoy your Xbox if Kinect wasn't there? Could you still play the games, browse the web, watch Netflix, etc? Now, could you do any of those things if you took away the blu ray player from the PS3? NO! Because the console wouldn't even turn on! It's utterly ridiculous to compare the benefit that blu ray gave to games since it's a media format built into and not an outside product. Now, had Microsoft built Kinect into the Xbox One and made it a component within the console, you'd have an argument

And you can brag all you want about how Kinect can sign in 5 people and keep your track of your settings....but does it really? I mean, it'll try and sign in your cat


or a pillow on the chair

I wouldn't brag too much about it's facial recognition.

And with regard to the voice commands, do you send text messages via voice or texting them out? I know you know how much error there is in trying to speak out a text message. Don't think just because Xbox is doing it that those same errors won't exist. I prefer just writing it out, and if you want to get really technical, PS has mouse and keyboard support, which is faster than voice commands or using the controller. And if you want to argue "well, M+K is extra. Sony is forcing you blah blah blah" my point still stands. Can you enjoy your PS/XB without K+M or Kinect? The answer is obviously yes.

edit: Not to mention Blu ray was the solution to the #1 game killer - scratched discs. All in all, if you truly want to make a comparison, Blu ray wins. Kinect's advantages are neglible. All it is is an alternate way of doing what you otherwise normally do. Blu ray saved game discs from being scratched, gave devs the space they needed to make games (it started to show later in the gen when 360 had to have multiple discs in many games), gave us HD movies (I don't care what anyone says, the difference between blu ray on an HDTV and DVD on an SDTV is just as much a difference as VHS to DVD), didn't have to split games up into multiple discs (Mass Effect 3 had to have a separate disc for side missions on 360; kinda crappy to have to swap discs just to do a side mission) and more. If you honestly believe all of that has less of an impact than "Xbox: watch ESPN", you're delusional

#1 I don't read long paragraphs.

#2 Kinect is a peripheral and Blu-Ray disc drive is a peripheral.

#3 How many "multiple"games later on required multiple discs?

#4 Most games didn't add DLCs to a second disc, they just delivered them digitally. Moot point.

#5 If swapping discs make your gaming experience crappy try to play NES when the cartridge doesn't want to play.

#1 yes, ignore valid points and their elaborations, should you raise a question had I simply left it as "x does y"

#2 So is a power supply a peripheral? The USB socket a peripheral? The power button? Instead of dancing around your false statement, just own up to it. Definition of "peripheral": a device that is connected to a host computer, but not part of it. It expands the host's capabilities but does not form part of the core computer architecture.

The Blu ray drive forms and is a part of the PS3. Kinect does not form the Xbox nor is it a part of it. It is a separate entity. Take blu ray away from PS3 and it's not a PS3 anymore. Take Kinect away from Xbox and it's still an Xbox 

#3  The list is pretty expansive. Here you go

#4 I didn't say anything about DLC being on a 2nd disc (unless we're talking Capcom. They're know for on disc DLC). I'm talking about having to switch discs to enjoy parts of a game. My example with ME3 was that the side missions were on the 2nd disc (not DLC. side missions. read: components of the game are on another disc). Imagine playing Fallout or Elder Scrolls (glad Bethesda optimized their game well so this wasn't an issue). You're playing the story and you decide you want to do some quests that don't necessarily advance the story. Well, you can't just go talk to an NPC and start the quest. You have to pop in the other disc to do that. And then, there's nothing but side quests on that disc. So if you want to advance the story, you have to swap in the first disc. I dunno about you, but in open world games like that, for example, I like to do things seamlessly.

#5 A broken game and disc swapping are two completely different things and you know it.

Michael-5 said:

Yes there has, one of the big reasons Metal Gear Solid 4 never made it to 360 was because they couldn't partition it into small enough bits.

Plus games like FFXIII have to have their cutscenes significantly compressed to work on 360. Not to mention the pile of PS3 exclusives which are 40G or larger. BR was needed to optimize the power of the PS3, and yes at the start it was a bit expensive, but later on DY DVD's held back the 360 a lot.

Kinect on the other hand, is not required. It's the same idea as playing Smash Bros on the Wii, a lot of people prefer to play it with the Gamecube controller. Unlike Wii though, Kinect isn't universally accepted, a good population of gamers don't want it, and there isn't a single game out yet which needs it. So why force it?

Do you have number of games that reach and exceeds 40Gs on PS3? Or you're just speculating?

They're just a handful of games according to you that needed more space than DVD permits.

Well, MS did correctly calculating the marginal benefit of adding a DVD disc driver instead of a BR-P.

By saying Kinect is universally not accepted you're disregarding the 20+ million that bought it.

Just because gamers "bitch" on the forums a lot about doesn't mean it's universally hated. I know multiple families that also have fun playing dance and other interactive games w/ Kinect. Otherwise they wouldn't have played "a boring-sit down- staring at the screen- with a controller."

sales2099 said:
Good idea.....PS3 was $599 because of Bluray. It read discs slower, and required many mandatory installs, where as the 360 version would require megabytes for game saves....

Aside from the occasional exclusive that actually took up most of the space, the vast majority of the generations games were on one disc for 360/PS3. Near the end 360 games had a "install" disk so there wasn't any disc swapping needed anyway (Halo 4 and GTA5 come to mind).

a lot of people like to forget that the PS3 was actually $499 at launch for the 20GB, which, feature-wise, was more comparable to the 360 (no wi-fi, 20GB HDD, etc). And I don't see you all complaining about the XBone being $499, btw.

Not to mention, the Cell was the most expensive component (while blu ray wasn't significantly cheaper). So if anything, the 60GB PS3 was $599 because of that, and don't lie and say the Cell didn't benefit games (just look at Uncharted. Except for booting the game, there were no load times due to how ND programmed around the Cell). And the game save files for PS3 are megabytes, sometimes kilobytes. It's the install files that are gigabytes....but the same can be said for X360 games.

And don't downplay the install disc. Entire components of games had to be placed on the install disc (side missions, multiplayer, etc). Swapping out a disc to continue playing Lost Odyssey is very different from quickly filling up your HDD so you can play Halo multiplayer, Mass Effect side missions, and race on a number of tracks in Forza so "there wasn't any disc swapping needed anyway". And don't say you just delete the data and reinstall when you play again. Game installs are meant to load off data so that game data is read faster and smoother. There shouldn't be a separate disc needed to be able to play half the game. It doesn't raise your eyebrow that you literally can't play major sections of certain games unless you possess, essentially, another game?

Michael-5 said:

Konami designed MGS4 as a PS3 exclusive, and when 360 did better then expected, they couldn't port the game over to the 360 because of how it was designed. It would be the same story for Uncharted and The Last of Us, the structure of the game prevents equal parts of 4 from being partitioned, so it can't be played on a 360, not unless you redesign the game from the ground up. This is why MGS4 never released on 360, not even in the MGS Collection which only released what last year?

I own the 360 version of FFXIII, the cutscenes look okay, but it's not anywhere nearly the same as the PS3 version. It's a noticable cutback.

As for 50GB, sure they can design games to use less data, but that would cut back at the amount of content, texture resolution, number of objects on screen, etc. Removing Blu-Ray cannot be done without cutting back at the quality of PS3 games. You can't take the larger PS3 games and make them fit on DL DVD's without significantly affecting the game.

Removing Kinect on the other hand, doesn't affect anything in a game. Not 1 XBO exclusive requires Kinect so far, so why force us to buy it? 

That's a silly argument. We've seen games designed for the PC brought over to consoles. Games like MGS4 may have been designed for PS3, but they can be ported.

You seem to believe PS3 games are actually making use of all that 50GB for in game graphics, I assure you that's not the case. Look at Witcher 2 or Battlefield 4 on PC. Those games look better than any PS3 game in every way yet neither use 50GB. Use some logic.

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Would you say that Sony also forced HD on people because they had the option to use a memory card to save games? How have HD helped improving gaming?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Mr Puggsly said:

I'll be blunt, I can't point to a single game that was better thanks to Bluray. The best things Bluray had to offer on PS3 is higher quality video and no disc swaps.

It appears to me the only thing that motivated Sony to push Bluray was royalties and it made the PS3 signficantly more expensive. Had PS3 not included Bluray, it might have launched for $399.

Not everyone wants Kinect, but not everyone wanted Bluray either. So I ask again! Is forcing Kinect on people any different than Sony forcing Bluray on us for PS3?!

Did you also make that observation when the Playstation forced a cd drive or the PS2 forced a DVD drive? Were you up in arms when MS forced paid for live on the consumer but it was free everywhere else????

Blu-ray was used to help Sony establish it as the de facto standard and to move on with the latest technology!

This is a ridiculous thread!

S.T.A.G.E. said:
yvanjean said:

Sony created the tech. They know how far it can go and they've been saying since the first Eyetoy that having a camera without a peripheral for games is folly. That would be 2004 to be exact. Microsoft never created the tech so they dont know anything about anything. They just know what they want you to believe.


Kinect offers HD quality camera, Microphone to communicate with your consoles and motion control.

Camera is part of the gaming landscape now, 3DS, PSV, WiiU, PS4 all use a camera in some form. 

The Kinect is a very useful accessory even if you ignored the motion control. Don't tell me the tech doesn't work, you've use it yourself, you know that it work. 

Whats the point apart from Sony made the tech and they know how far it can go? Sony knows Microsoft is stuck in mini-game hell and cannot actually controll 3D realms or manipulate them properly without a peripheral. This is why Sony created the Move. They knew this a full generation before 

I just mentioned two games that are reliant on the Kinect, Just Dance and Dance Central without the Kinect these game would not sale as much as they do on Xbox 360 and now on Xbox One. 

Whats the point apart from Sony made the tech and they know how far it can go? Sony knows Microsoft is stuck in mini-game hell and cannot actually controll 3D realms or manipulate them properly without a peripheral. This is why Sony created the Move. They knew this a full generation before. Just Dance and Dance Central is the best you're ever going to get out of the Kinect. Sony has already proven their point that peripherals and cameras can complete a core experience especially for those who dont like to game as much. Microsoft has failed, but they failed in style because it made them more money thanks to great marketing and good multimedia integration which is much better this time. After playing Killzone and the FIght on the Move there is no contest and I still believe the the cameras should be optional. 

Microsoft will probably succeed with their multimedia/cable integration with the Kinect commands and all. I think everyone needs to turn their heads away from the Kinect and look at the cloud. Something that will become as essential as Sony's format driving in the console realm. Both are invested in it and they know its going to be big.

Come on I let it go the first time.... Sony made the tech??? Do you know nothing about the Kinect.

Give me a link that prove that Sony created the Kinect technology before you make that insane claim again.

Microsoft as failed with Kinect. Come on bud.....


24 million units of Kinect had been shipped by February 2013. Having sold 8 million units in its first 60 days on the market, Kinect has claimed the Guinness World Record of being the "fastest selling consumer electronics device". According to Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter, Kinect bundles accounted for about half of all Xbox 360 console sales in December 2010 and for more than two-thirds in February 2011. More than 750,000 Kinect units were sold during the week of Black Friday 2011.


The only reason PS4 as drop the motion control is that they're betting on VR headset technology. Since the PS4 eye is not sold with the console or is not in any bundle, you know that it won't be fully supported by the developpers.



Ashadian said:

Did you also make that observation when the Playstation forced a cd drive or the PS2 forced a DVD drive? Were you up in arms when MS forced paid for live on the consumer but it was free everywhere else????

Blu-ray was used to help Sony establish it as the de facto standard and to move on with the latest technology!

This is a ridiculous thread!

Once again, it was logical to use those mediums because they were reasonably priced technology.

Basically PS3 was expensive not for better graphics, but to push Bluray.

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DonFerrari said:
Would you say that Sony also forced HD on people because they had the option to use a memory card to save games? How have HD helped improving gaming?

I think you mean HDD.

It appears to me a hard drive benefited PS3 games more than a Bluray drive did.

How has a HDD benefited games? Faster load times, storage for updates, game content, and DLC. The Bluray drive in PS3 was so slow that a HDD was a necessity.

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