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sales2099 said:
Good idea.....PS3 was $599 because of Bluray. It read discs slower, and required many mandatory installs, where as the 360 version would require megabytes for game saves....

Aside from the occasional exclusive that actually took up most of the space, the vast majority of the generations games were on one disc for 360/PS3. Near the end 360 games had a "install" disk so there wasn't any disc swapping needed anyway (Halo 4 and GTA5 come to mind).

a lot of people like to forget that the PS3 was actually $499 at launch for the 20GB, which, feature-wise, was more comparable to the 360 (no wi-fi, 20GB HDD, etc). And I don't see you all complaining about the XBone being $499, btw.

Not to mention, the Cell was the most expensive component (while blu ray wasn't significantly cheaper). So if anything, the 60GB PS3 was $599 because of that, and don't lie and say the Cell didn't benefit games (just look at Uncharted. Except for booting the game, there were no load times due to how ND programmed around the Cell). And the game save files for PS3 are megabytes, sometimes kilobytes. It's the install files that are gigabytes....but the same can be said for X360 games.

And don't downplay the install disc. Entire components of games had to be placed on the install disc (side missions, multiplayer, etc). Swapping out a disc to continue playing Lost Odyssey is very different from quickly filling up your HDD so you can play Halo multiplayer, Mass Effect side missions, and race on a number of tracks in Forza so "there wasn't any disc swapping needed anyway". And don't say you just delete the data and reinstall when you play again. Game installs are meant to load off data so that game data is read faster and smoother. There shouldn't be a separate disc needed to be able to play half the game. It doesn't raise your eyebrow that you literally can't play major sections of certain games unless you possess, essentially, another game?