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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What are some of the most overrated games this gen?

uncharted 2

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Bioshock (all of them) and also Halo Reach and 4. Just off the top of my head those come to mind

Long Live SHIO!

Most Wii titles. The ones with Wii actually in the name i mean. Like Wii Fit and that kind of stuff.

DerpSandwich said:
Skyward Sword. So many publications gave it perfect or close-to-perfect scores, and it was an enormous disappointment. It had so many problems, and they treated it like it was the freaking second coming of Zelda.

Amen. I'm sure there are more overrated games, but of the games I've played, nothing comes close.

The game is a fundamental example of when everything functions, and nothing "works."

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.

The. Last. of. Us.

And Sonic Colors.

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For me, without a doubt, BioShock. Never understoor the supposedly "philosophical" side of the game, just saw a hugely improbable underwater city and awful FPS mechanics. This is the only prev-gen game that I simply could not play through due to being irritated by the game.

Another honourable mention for me is MGS on 3DS. I know this game is loved by everybody, and with good reason, but come on, those mega-length cut scenes and cheesy dialogue just got too much.

And that is it really. Almost every other game I played I thoroughly enjoyed, including some critical failures like Rage, NFS Hot Pursuit (3DS) and F1 (3DS). Overall, a really successfully gen for me.

leyendax69 said:
I agree with all the DS & Wii stuff except DQIX that I haven't played and with Crisis Core too.
Some of mine are GTA IV, Zelda Skyward Sword, Metal Gear 4, Journey. And if I can say it, Alice Madness Returns is one of the most/if not the most underrated game of the gen.

Skyward Sword is totally overrated...  I found the motion controls so frustrating.


Red Dead Redemption
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5
Metal Gear Solid 4
Heavy Rain
Smash Bros Brawl
God of War 3
Killzone 2

Never bought anything off ratings but off hype I was disappointed in GTA IV I still haven't finished it, it was just so uninteresting.

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)

I don't have any comment to make really, but I think GTA IV is just as much as an exception as post-COD4 games for everyone that keeps saying it. That's pretty much unanimous.