[edited post]
This hasn't been confirmed by Microsoft, and probably won't be for a long time, just like their anti consumerist 360 policies that were later confirmed, but with the evidence we now have with the release of Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, the conspiracy theory in my original post is nothing short than fact.
You can argue that Battlefield 4 runs in 900p on PS4, but just like the Xbox 360, there's a clause in their policy. "If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released." Microsoft reserves the r ight to not allow the content to be released, means that it doesn't necessarily mean that they can choose whether or not for the game to be allowed on their console.
It's just a major coincidence Call of Duty Ghosts was 720p on the Xbox One and by some coincidence they messed up coding it and it's locked at 720p even though 1080p resolution is available on disc. It's another major coincidence that we now know the Xbox One version of Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag is 900p at 30fps, and according to Ubisoft, they were nice enough to work on the PS4 version more to get it running at 1080p. So they're not nice enough to Xbox fans to do the same? What about back in June when Black Flag was running in 1080p 30fps on the PS4 even though they stated it was running 1080p 60fps. I suppose they just downgraded the game to run at 900p 30fps because it just happened to stop running properly, and then they magically upgraded it.
So yeah. Two games in a row that received after release patches from the Xbox Ones native resolution up to 1080p. Two bs excuses in a row with facts that are out there that we can clearly see. I'm sure these aren't the last games that will follow this sort of policy.
Just goes to show that Microsoft is the king of anti consumeristic policies.
[original post]
This is a conspiracy theory, but now that I think about it, this could acstually be true.
Call of Duty Ghosts runs at native 720p on the Xbox One right? Assassin's Creed Black Flag was rumored not to run at 1080p, possibly 720pp or 900p.
PS4 just happens to run at native 720p because of "an error" where the game doesn't update to 1080p even though it's developed to do so. Assassin's Creed just so happens to run at 900p, which is what is rumored the Xbox One version runs at.
We all know that Microsoft has a requirement on new releases that if the game releasese on the PS3 before the 360, then Microsoft won't allow that game to appear on the 360 in the future. It has to be released on the same day or before and the 360 version has to have the exact same content coming with it as the PS3 version has on disc. There's a reason why the extra PS3 content comes as a DLC voucher, as it's to keep parity with what's offered on the Xbox version on disc, but that doesn't mean extra stuff off disc.
What if Microsoft has a new requirement that makes all games on competitor consoles required to have the same resollution at launch as the Xbox One version? The resolution can be upgraded with a patch after the fact, but that doesn't change the fact that the resolution on disc is locked out even though it's there. Battlefield got around it with a higher resolution on PS4, but is it just coincidence that two games have a patch day one to fix resolution? Do you think we'll see yet another game get a 1080p patch announcement in the future? I'm waiting for the official word on Xbox One's Assassin's Creed Black Flag resolution. If it's 900p, the same as what the PS4 has, then I'm taking this conspiracy theory as fact.