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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft fans we can keep the threads clean ourselves.

kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:


i feel for Ms fans as they do get alot of stick in there own threads which shouldn't happen. But just as you Kowenicki come into the Sony threads just to be negative. Now i found you commenting on this weird as you love doing it to other fans?


I dont go into any thread "just to be negative", be careful what you say.

Go find where I have regularly gone into threads simply to laugh at and belittle the PS3, PS4 or its software, find the threads I have started purely to belittle or scoff at PS4,PS3 or software. 

There are users that exist almost purely to post negative MS stuff and start negative MS threads, particularly the last few months... but you probbaly dont notice that. 

I have no problem with opinions, I have a problem with trolling that gets a free pass.... which happens here a hell of a lot.    I also dont talk abouty subjects on which I have no knowledge or make things up to suit a stance or argument.  That happens a lot here too and its as clear as day.

I vote for the abilty to ban a user permanently from a particular forum.

actually you do.  you're now where near as classy as you like to tell everyone you are.

...but i would be fine adding a rule to permaban you for sony forums.  so at least we can agree there.

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You know, it seems like we have a new 'ignore the trolls' thread every month. It obviously doesnt work. Honestly though, some of the ms threads that have been popping up have been pretty bad. The x1 is not more powerful than the ps4, but how many threads have there been saying just that in the last month? The only purpose these threads serve is to bait the trolls.

enditall727 said:

lol You dont appreciate a little confrontation?

I've seen you confront people before *cough* Vgking *cough*

Without confrontation, Vgchartz would be boring

Nah, I think confrontation is fine as long as its warranted like the VGKing incident you brought up where he got legit caught out trolling.

This is totally different because not only has PSGamer ignored the OP completely, he has done nothing but get on kows nuts and then got upset when kow didnt take the bait and made him look silly. Off topic, derailing (much like this) and simply not needed.

VGKing was trashing the Xbox One for something, where only a couple of Months beforehand he was praising the PS4 for potentially doing the exact same thing. VGKing went back and changed his posts, to try hide what he did and when he did he got caught out again. He got caught trolling. He got caught having extreme double standards.

You can go through my post history and you will find countless cases of me being a dick with people, though. I fully admit that.


Carl2291 said:
Dr.Grass said:

I got banned for a month unfairly, and before that 3 weeks relatively unfairly. I'm most certainly not the only one. I don't like you at all anymore after this post. You sound like a dip&*#@

We've all been banned "unfairly". Youre not the odd one out. If you think you have been banned unfairly, there is a route for you to take. You can ask the head mod to look into it. Ive had 3-4 bans overturned in the past, along with a fair few warnings. Ive had other peoples bans overturned. The system is fair. You can fight your corner if you wish to, you just have to be civil about it

And yes. I am a dipshit and its hilarious.

Carl i just wanted to say, you are the dark knight of vgchartz, the one who fights for justice at night for every user of whatever allegiance. I love you man, have MAH BABIEs!!!

But seriously Carl keep up the good work, bullying should be prevented towards all sides!

OT: That's a good way to prevent some trolling in the MS forums (and other forums for that matter) i guess, but if it will help completely? I dont know. :-S

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Now everyone stop ganging up on my buddy Kowen!

He is a great asset to this website, he was the only thing we had close to Selnor after Selnor left until Selnor came back!

i say you have to be happy he is on this forum!

because even if you aren't happy he will still be on this forum

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

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The OP has good intentions but unfortunately it won't be long before many of the things that trip the triggers of others are said. Because for some reason there are so many people around here who can't help but say things that are trying to make an opinion sound like a fact. Often by misrepresenting or exaggerating actual facts or completely making them up. That doesn't sit well with a lot of people, not just the fans of the other teams. However, I do think it's worth attempting so long as people do not start drowning threads in hyperbole and going to other forums JUST to see what the other teams are saying. It would also be nice that when we find ourselves on a neutral forum that we don't have people from any side trying their hardest to completely discredit what is a plus for the other side or running with the hype and just being blind to reality either. I'm all for it but it's going to take more than someone just saying this and expecting everyone else to follow suit. You have to be willing to NOT do the things you know causes tensions to flare even if you're doing it in "your forums". One way or the other someone is going to come around here even if it's not "their forum". It's going to take everyone being mindful of how they come off. A blind fanboy is irritating to everyone except the person doing it and the few people who do it with them.

Porcupine_I said:
Now everyone stop ganging up on my buddy Kowen!

He is a great asset to this website, he was the only thing we had close to Selnor after Selnor left until Selnor came back!

i say you have to be happy he is on this forum!

because even if you aren't happy he will still be on this forum



Wouldnt Kowen be ranked higher than Selnor among the Xbox users? Im not saying Selnor is bad or anything but i would believe a post from Kowen before Selnor



The Victim card has been played.

gooch_destroyer said:
The Victim card has been played.

This is why we need a thumbs up button...

KingdomHeartsFan said:
gooch_destroyer said:
The Victim card has been played.

This is why we need a thumbs up button...

I know. The only Xbox fan I know that doesn't bitch about us is Wright and Jay. The rest like senlor and Kowen are just I don't know.