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The OP has good intentions but unfortunately it won't be long before many of the things that trip the triggers of others are said. Because for some reason there are so many people around here who can't help but say things that are trying to make an opinion sound like a fact. Often by misrepresenting or exaggerating actual facts or completely making them up. That doesn't sit well with a lot of people, not just the fans of the other teams. However, I do think it's worth attempting so long as people do not start drowning threads in hyperbole and going to other forums JUST to see what the other teams are saying. It would also be nice that when we find ourselves on a neutral forum that we don't have people from any side trying their hardest to completely discredit what is a plus for the other side or running with the hype and just being blind to reality either. I'm all for it but it's going to take more than someone just saying this and expecting everyone else to follow suit. You have to be willing to NOT do the things you know causes tensions to flare even if you're doing it in "your forums". One way or the other someone is going to come around here even if it's not "their forum". It's going to take everyone being mindful of how they come off. A blind fanboy is irritating to everyone except the person doing it and the few people who do it with them.