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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: “Wii U Owners Better Buy Ubisoft Games”

AC3 ruined my opinion of UbiSoft. That game felt like a EA product from start to finish.

I am not excited for any Ubisoft game outside of watchdogs and in all honesty I think it's going to be a DLC up the rear end title as anything Activision and EA put out.

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Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
WagnerPaiva said:
Simple fact is: Ubisoft will look at the costs of porting their games to WiiU vs. the profit of WiiU sales, if it isn´t profitable, they will do what Bethesda and EA did, same with Actvision.

Bestheda never made a serious game on a Nintendo console so lol. Porting shit to the WIIU costs less than a million $$

You, probably like many, got that part from an incorrect quote. Gaming journalism is really not the best.

Original quote was:
"out of 7 games we are planning to launch, 5 games are ports, so those are games for which there is a quite small reinvestment to do. [...] For the other five games, you are talking about small budget, I'd say of less than a million euro to make some of the ports, I'd estimate. " (the original source source)

Which makes sense for Just Dance 4 or Skylanders, since both of them also had a Wii version, but definitely not for Assassin's Creed 3 and all other big budget ports.

Jumpin said:
bobgamez said:
KylieDog said:
bobgamez said:

Is in the OP, try reading.

i did, and i still ask the question "who?"

LIke how does she know this stuff? Why havent i heard her before, does she always get publicity. Just seems random, never heard of her before this at all, and i go on gaming websites a lot.


And jeez, you dont gots to be so snappy :/

I've never heard of her either. No Wikipedia article.

As far as I can tell, she is someone who is supposed to have insider info, she is English and not Japanese.

Due to the lack of any kind of wikipedia article, I would guess the thread starter is not being truthful about her importance.

Emily Rogers is a writer for Nintendo Force, which is the successor of Nintendo Power (the official Nintendo magazine).
She probably has a lot of connections with Nintendo since she has to write about them, and she also was able to share when a NDirect was going to air before it was even announced. 
In terms of reliability, she has to be a very good source.

She's also saying that the Wii U-update will be this week, most likely monday, so we'll see how reliable she might be.


Dv8thwonder said:
Nintendo fans: Don’t buy third-party games if they're gimped.

If you don't want developers to put out gimped ports, then don't support a company that puts out gimped hardware.


-Mr Khan

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Barozi said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
WagnerPaiva said:
Simple fact is: Ubisoft will look at the costs of porting their games to WiiU vs. the profit of WiiU sales, if it isn´t profitable, they will do what Bethesda and EA did, same with Actvision.

Bestheda never made a serious game on a Nintendo console so lol. Porting shit to the WIIU costs less than a million $$

You, probably like many, got that part from an incorrect quote. Gaming journalism is really not the best.

Original quote was:
"out of 7 games we are planning to launch, 5 games are ports, so those are games for which there is a quite small reinvestment to do. [...] For the other five games, you are talking about small budget, I'd say of less than a million euro to make some of the ports, I'd estimate. " (the original source source)

Which makes sense for Just Dance 4 or Skylanders, since both of them also had a Wii version, but definitely not for Assassin's Creed 3 and all other big budget ports.

Nah, not from there.Making an exclusive costs more. Porting isnt an extremely expensive process.


Wasnt the idea behind it that they werent going to bank heavy investment into the WiiU?

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Seece said:
RolStoppable said:
Seece said:
RolStoppable said:
You've heard it, everyone. Buy Ubisoft games to show them that halfassed is good enough for you.

I thought Rayman Legends was the best version??

Regardless, you know even if they put the effort into Splinter Cell, ect it would have sold the same.

It was also completed half a year before it got released. Besides, it's not like RL is doing well on any platform, not even those with big installed bases.

Anyway, Ubisoft has to give reasons why their games should be bought. Issuing threats isn't the way to go. Of course, it doesn't help the company one bit that they built an awful reputation for themselves on Nintendo platforms. Always there with plenty of games, but almost exclusively cash-ins or games that cut corners. Nobody in their right mind should expect goodwill with such a track record. But that's just how it goes: Lost Planet 3 bombs spectacularly and it's concluded that it's well deserved; game flops on a Nintendo system, the conclusion is that the audience is to blame. In the specific case of Splinter Cell, I am quite sure that the game underperformed across the board. But even though the Wii U version was never supposed to carry the load, it's the one that is the most talked about.

It's not good enough to say "It's not doing well on any other platforms" Perhaps that means the game shouldn't exist simply because it doesn't have an audience on whatever platform it's on.

But WiiU is a young system, not only is there not many games on the system right now, thus owners should be picking up the new ones, but Rayman is a platformer which really should appeal to WiiU owners, it's a very good one by the looks of it too.

Why didn't it sell?

I was planning to buy it when it was supposed to release... then they delayed it and put it up against the tail end of Pikmin 3, windwalker, splinter cell black list, wonderful 101 and a bunch of others.  I bought pikmin, windwalker and splinter cell.  RL can wait until a lul in other games.  I have AC3, Just Dance, Zombie U and Splinter cell so far from Ubisoft.  I was planning on RL until they puled a dick move and I am currently planing on Watch dogs and AC4...  If they pull another dick move, like giving me an ultimatum,  I have steam games I might buy instead. They have no right to me as a customer, if they want to continue to recieve my money they will stop pulling this shit.

I have no problem with them making RL multiplatform, none whatsoever, and no problem with them not releasing a game on wiiU because they don't think they will make money on it (they are not a charity).  I have a problem with ultimatums, and bad decisions like the RL delay.  I actually buy a lot of thier games, but I will think twice about the next one they release after thearing this.

NightDragon83 said:
Dv8thwonder said:
Nintendo fans: Don’t buy third-party games if they're gimped.

If you don't want developers to put out gimped ports, then don't support a company that puts out gimped hardware.

Wii U isn't gimped hardware.

The gimping of games like Splinter Cell and Batman is not justifiable through the hardware.

They expect Splinter Cell to sell on Wii U? The fanbase is all on PS360. That ZombiU failed to sell is the big thing.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


RolStoppable said:
You've heard it, everyone. Buy Ubisoft games to show them that halfassed is good enough for you.

Ubisoft makes good games if you would take the time to play 3rd party games you would realize how important they are. 

curl-6 said:
NightDragon83 said:
Dv8thwonder said:
Nintendo fans: Don’t buy third-party games if they're gimped.

If you don't want developers to put out gimped ports, then don't support a company that puts out gimped hardware.

Wii U isn't gimped hardware.

The gimping of games like Splinter Cell and Batman is not justifiable through the hardware.

You know its stupidity like this that irritates me.

Splinter Cell isnt gimped. Gimping is when you screw over something. They spent the least amount of time on the WiiU version. Still came out better than everything else. Splinter Cell in general has issues with online. PC version doesnt have Online co-op either because it was not made.


Batman is having its multiplayer outsourced. To a company with no experience with the WiiU.

Its just shoe-horned in there.