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Forums - Sales Discussion - Monster Hunter 4 outsold the Vita!

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What's Monster Hunter?

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pokoko said:
Anyone who thinks that Monster Hunter wouldn't have sold roughly as well on the Vita is completely misunderstanding Japan and the Monster Hunter franchise. The Vita hardware curve would have began moving upward from the moment the game was announced. The Japanese would probably buy a Vita just for Monster Hunter, to be honest, but Monster Hunter PLUS Toukiden, Soul Sacrifice, and God Eater 2?

Yeah, it would have sold just as well.

Maybe, we will never know

peachbuggy said:
1. not bigger than dragon quest or final fantasy
2. at best conjecture, at worst wishful thinking.

Monster hunter is definitely bigger than final fantasy, I dont know about Dragon Quest 

badgenome said:

peachbuggy said:
1. not bigger than dragon quest or final fantasy
2. at best conjecture, at worst wishful thinking.

1. It has been over a decade since Final Fantasy did the kind of numbers Monster Hunter is doing now. Dragon Quest can probably match it with a new mainline entry but not with the spinoffs, remakes, and MMOs that comprise the present output and are eroding the brand.
2. No. At worst obvious, at best fucking obvious.

pointless arguing with you since you obviously have a crystal ball and a time machine.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

badgenome said:
the_dengle said:




the_dengle said:



So far the net effect of the move seems to have been a push. Whether all of these factors just roughly balance each other out or Nintendo's larger, more mainstream audience will eventually end up manifesting itself in monster (no pun intended) legs beyond those seen on the PSP remains to be seen. But right now I just get the impression that this is about the size of the franchise and it would have sold roughly the same anywhere.


Again though, that's only because you ascribe the PSP's qualties on to the PSP.

You keep talking about things we can't know for sure, but your whole premise is based on a huge assumption that I'd argue is largely unfounded.

Monsterhunter or no,  Vita was never going to be the PSP... once again, as shown by how it greatly underperformed PSP before Monsterhunter was a big franchise.

You keep trying to handwave that away, but there really isn't any handwaving of that away.   Even if your arguement is "They put their PSP's away until Monster Hunter came out"

that in no way gurantees those people who did that would purchase it again.


For example, when i got my 360, i pretty much never played it until I got culdcept saga.  Which I REALLY got into.   Would I buy the Xbone if it had a new Culdcept Saga game?   Hell no. 


You are ascribing phantom sales as if it should just be assumed they should exist, when all available data suggests that they wouldn't exist.


A push from 3DS to PSP is a push between them, not between 3DS and Vita.


It's only logical to assume vita would be less.

Around the Network
peachbuggy said:

pointless arguing with you since you obviously have a crystal ball and a time machine.

I don't need a time machine or a crystal ball to tell you that Monster Hunter is bigger than Final Fantasy.

Damn ... I thought this was a Tbone thread. Carry on .....


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Weedlab said:
Damn ... I thought this was a Tbone thread. Carry on .....

WTF?????.!!!!!! Your underestimate me, if it were me i do a 3DS outsold Vita 45:1 this week

THe Vita supporters in this argument make it sound like the majority of 3DS's sales PRIOR to this games release are due to the game coming out sooner or later.

I'm pretty sure there were not 12+ million 3DS owners in Japan because Capcom announced MH4 for the system.

If no monster hunter was EVER announced for either Vita or 3DS, what do you guys think the sales of each console woudl be.
3DS - 12.3 million
Vita - 1.8 million

What would sales be if no MH announcement?
3DS - ???
Vita - ???

"Good thing they didn't put it on the.... "

does the same apply to every ps3 game which outsold the wii U?

like of dead redemption...assassins fantasy.....resident evil....skyrim.....batman?