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Forums - Sales Discussion - Who will be on top? PS3 vs 360


While I agree that PS3 won't immediatly catch the 360 in sales, it may be sooner then we think. Right now, PS3 is down by 5.68 million. Last week alone, PS3 outsold 360 by 190,000 Worldwide (granted it was with the release of a major game, but you can expext sales to be inflated in the coming weeks. I think by Q2 of 2009, PS3 will be neck and neck with 360. Home will be coming soon enough and a great lineup of games will inflate Ps3 sales. (360 has some great games too, but they just didnt see the same increased hw sales ps3 did when it releases major games).


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It's going to take a long time for the PS3 to catch the 360, even with major releases. There is a good chance that MS would act like Nintendo last gen and slash the price even lower late in this year/early 2009. That would at least delay the PS3's advance.

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mr.elite said:
Gamer4life said:
Squilliam said:
This thread = Blind fanboy.

The Xbox360 will outsell the PS3 2nd half of this year world wide.

May as well go against the grain eh?


1. Awesome games that cater to a different audience this year (JRPG/RPG) and not shooters. Different audience = different market to sell to = more sales.
2. They can make a price cut and still be profitiable.
3. They are in the next best position behind Nintendo to utilize motion controls. Because A, they have one foot firmly set in the mouse dominated PC world. B, They have launched 3 hardware SKUs so they can be flexible and modify their offerings to suit the market, C. They can afford it.
4. They look like they are going to update their console lineup @ E3 so they can raise the specs to compete better with the PS3 technically. Wifi/HDD size etc.
5. They haven't had a price cut recently in North America, yet they're still going strong so they have the chance to grab the Sub $299 market share before Sony gets there in North America.
6. Come Jasper RROD will be a distant memory.
7. They don't have to raise their sales by much to beat the PS3 week on week averages and if they win this years Holidays substantially the PS3 will never recover.

Well said. PS3 Fanboys just got pwned.

Also, if the PS3 manages to out sell the 360 they can thank their bluray player as it is the only reason people are buying the PS3 more this year. Most gamers are smart enough to understand the 360 has better games and only blind fanboys buy the PS3 on hope that the upcoming games will be amazing. By looking at the attach rates it is clearly evident that a lot of PS3 are just bought for the bluray(GTA4 attach rate for PS3 is low) and that means SONY loses out on the console just bought for bluray as they expect to gain their revenue from games bought(predominately). SONY is in big trouble. If RandC could barely sell a million I doubt any of these upcoming games will do better. Considering Resistance and Motorstorm were bundled just to save face and not be a dissappointment is pretty pathetic. MS on the other hand keeps increasing their profits, buying more exclusives, releasing new gaming innovations(x-mote), and releasing more content on XBLA(and gains more and more money from it too) while PS3 developers have to put millions more into development into a game that will have lower sales like how Gears of War > MGS4 in sales.

As of now SONY is in deep trouble(Hell) while MS is picking it up(Heaven).



I had to make an account for this troll.

1. Attach rate for PS3 Gta4 was higher then 360's -Doesn't mean anything.

2. They weren't bundled to save face, they were bundled to push more hardware (ex. the massive demand for the MGS4 bundle, but i guess that was bundled to save face too? and didn't halo3 get bundled? lol) ??? I don't understand your logic here.

3. MS is blowing money on buying some exclusives, sure they could work out in their favor, but at the same time, if the game fails, they lose money, its a double edged sword. They don't own many 1st parties so it is their strategy to buy exclusives instead. Its much more flexible, especially considering IPs such as Bioshock - Mass Effect - Gears of War which have paid off brilliantly.

4. Has the Xmote even been confirmed yet? And Ps3 already has some motion sensing which could easily be expanded on. Doesn't matter - I said they could do it better if they did, and persistant rumors indicate that there is something in the works.

5. This one i just LOLed at. Are you seriously comparing sales of a game thats been out, to a game that was release a week ago and sold 1.4 million copies? Yawn... you actually think that MGS could hit 5 million sold? Especially considering its got a much larger target market both in consoles sold and genre penetration.

You're a blatent 360 fanboy. Enjoy your probably ban. Actually you're being just as rude. Pot/Kettle and the colour of Africans mean anything to you?




Bioshock is not exclusive anymore. Maybe won't sell as well on ps3 as on 360 but still...

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

I'm so happy that the 360 fans of this site finally have someone to make them look just as bad as Rock makes the Sony fans look. I tip my hat to you Gamer....flame on sir.....flame on.


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Torillian said:
I'm so happy that the 360 fans of this site finally have someone to make them look just as bad as Rock makes the Sony fans look. I tip my hat to you Gamer....flame on sir.....flame on.

360 fans also have starcraft.


Torillian said:
I'm so happy that the 360 fans of this site finally have someone to make them look just as bad as Rock makes the Sony fans look. I tip my hat to you Gamer....flame on sir.....flame on.

@kratos - Bioshock is the rox and yuppies its a going multiplat. But since it hasn't get I still get to claim it.

@ Tor. They still have more deluded fanboi exclusives. I think if we looked at metacritic it would go something like 10 - PS3, 5 Xbox360, 3-Wii so the PS3 still has the other consoles beat even combined.

Just kidding. Enjoy your Wii.

BTW RE4 ROCKS!!!!! Its the best game i've played this generation, I tip my hat and I give a cheer to Nintendo for being able to finally play that series. Its been a game i've loved and been unable to play until now! Stupid console controls, I always felt the difficulty level was low but getting past the controls was hard.



Rock_on_2008 said:
Torillian said:
I'm so happy that the 360 fans of this site finally have someone to make them look just as bad as Rock makes the Sony fans look. I tip my hat to you Gamer....flame on sir.....flame on.

360 fans also have starcraft.



 You're like FFXIII, Starcraft is more like Fable 2 as far as fanboy exclusives go.


Oh come now Rock....Starcraft is an ardent fan of the 360 no doubt, but his arguments at least don't devolve to "well my facts are wrong, but you guys didn't argue against all the opinions and assumptions in my post so I still win".


Squilliam said:
mr.elite said:
Gamer4life said:
Squilliam said:
This thread = Blind fanboy.

The Xbox360 will outsell the PS3 2nd half of this year world wide.

May as well go against the grain eh?


1. Awesome games that cater to a different audience this year (JRPG/RPG) and not shooters. Different audience = different market to sell to = more sales.
2. They can make a price cut and still be profitiable.
3. They are in the next best position behind Nintendo to utilize motion controls. Because A, they have one foot firmly set in the mouse dominated PC world. B, They have launched 3 hardware SKUs so they can be flexible and modify their offerings to suit the market, C. They can afford it.
4. They look like they are going to update their console lineup @ E3 so they can raise the specs to compete better with the PS3 technically. Wifi/HDD size etc.
5. They haven't had a price cut recently in North America, yet they're still going strong so they have the chance to grab the Sub $299 market share before Sony gets there in North America.
6. Come Jasper RROD will be a distant memory.
7. They don't have to raise their sales by much to beat the PS3 week on week averages and if they win this years Holidays substantially the PS3 will never recover.

Well said. PS3 Fanboys just got pwned.

Also, if the PS3 manages to out sell the 360 they can thank their bluray player as it is the only reason people are buying the PS3 more this year. Most gamers are smart enough to understand the 360 has better games and only blind fanboys buy the PS3 on hope that the upcoming games will be amazing. By looking at the attach rates it is clearly evident that a lot of PS3 are just bought for the bluray(GTA4 attach rate for PS3 is low) and that means SONY loses out on the console just bought for bluray as they expect to gain their revenue from games bought(predominately). SONY is in big trouble. If RandC could barely sell a million I doubt any of these upcoming games will do better. Considering Resistance and Motorstorm were bundled just to save face and not be a dissappointment is pretty pathetic. MS on the other hand keeps increasing their profits, buying more exclusives, releasing new gaming innovations(x-mote), and releasing more content on XBLA(and gains more and more money from it too) while PS3 developers have to put millions more into development into a game that will have lower sales like how Gears of War > MGS4 in sales.

As of now SONY is in deep trouble(Hell) while MS is picking it up(Heaven).



I had to make an account for this troll.

1. Attach rate for PS3 Gta4 was higher then 360's -Doesn't mean anything. It means everything when he says systems were bought for blueray

2. They weren't bundled to save face, they were bundled to push more hardware (ex. the massive demand for the MGS4 bundle, but i guess that was bundled to save face too? and didn't halo3 get bundled? lol) ??? I don't understand your logic here. His arguement was that bundled games suck and were bundled to save face

3. MS is blowing money on buying some exclusives, sure they could work out in their favor, but at the same time, if the game fails, they lose money, its a double edged sword. They don't own many 1st parties so it is their strategy to buy exclusives instead. Its much more flexible, especially considering IPs such as Bioshock - Mass Effect - Gears of War which have paid off brilliantly. Yes, but for every good decision theres also a bad one. Do you think star ocean will pay off?

4. Has the Xmote even been confirmed yet? And Ps3 already has some motion sensing which could easily be expanded on. Doesn't matter - I said they could do it better if they did, and persistant rumors indicate that there is something in the works. Sony could do better too? They already confirmed that they're working on a remote type motion sensing device.Point being, anyone COULD do ANYthing.

5. This one i just LOLed at. Are you seriously comparing sales of a game thats been out, to a game that was release a week ago and sold 1.4 million copies? Yawn... you actually think that MGS could hit 5 million sold? Especially considering its got a much larger target market both in consoles sold and genre penetration. I don't know, but how do you know it wont? What I do know is that it sold 500,000 more copies in week one then Gears1 did.

You're a blatent 360 fanboy. Enjoy your probably ban. Actually you're being just as rude. Pot/Kettle and the colour of Africans mean anything to you? Actually, I'm refuting his troll post with facts, not probabilities.

Please respond :)