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Torillian said:
I'm so happy that the 360 fans of this site finally have someone to make them look just as bad as Rock makes the Sony fans look. I tip my hat to you Gamer....flame on sir.....flame on.

@kratos - Bioshock is the rox and yuppies its a going multiplat. But since it hasn't get I still get to claim it.

@ Tor. They still have more deluded fanboi exclusives. I think if we looked at metacritic it would go something like 10 - PS3, 5 Xbox360, 3-Wii so the PS3 still has the other consoles beat even combined.

Just kidding. Enjoy your Wii.

BTW RE4 ROCKS!!!!! Its the best game i've played this generation, I tip my hat and I give a cheer to Nintendo for being able to finally play that series. Its been a game i've loved and been unable to play until now! Stupid console controls, I always felt the difficulty level was low but getting past the controls was hard.

