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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reality really is Wii-biased.

One comment I just want to make about this thread, how do we know PC gamers are more attracted to the Wii than either 360 or PS3? It seems like we're basing that belief on the users of this site which has a Nintendo bias. For example there have been various polls done on this site asking people what consoles they owned last generation, what their favorite console was between the PS1 and N64, etc, and if someone who didn't know how the console wars turned out and just looked at those numbers they would assume the N64 and Gamecube won their respective generations.

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Legend11 said:
One comment I just want to make about this thread, how do we know PC gamers are more attracted to the Wii than either 360 or PS3? It seems like we're basing that belief on the users of this site which has a Nintendo bias. For example there have been various polls done on this site asking people what consoles they owned last generation, what their favorite console was between the PS1 and N64, etc, and if someone who didn't know how the console wars turned out and just looked at those numbers they would assume the N64 and Gamecube won their respective generations.

Um, so we are completely ignoring the topic post now?  The whole reason he made this topic is that it was interesting that a site full of nothing but PC gamers was very pro-Wii.  

As a PC, Handheld and console gamer I can say that the Wii is the only console which is trying to live in the marketplace that consoles have traditionally lived in. From the early days of gaming the Console was a low performance single function system which provided uniform hardware and a standard input device; at the same time the PC was a high performance multi-function system which provided upgradeable hardware and a customizable interface. I could be wrong but I suspect that a lot of PC owners see the Wii and respect it for what it is; at the same time I expect that some of them see the PS3 and XBox 360 as being far more "PC Like" and being that they do not measure up as PCs, PC gamers have less respect for them.

Im sure PC gamers could like the Wii. I'm not sure how reality has a Nintendo bias.

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I owned a Wii... i hated the controls so I sold it for $900 on Ebay.

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Legend11 said:
One comment I just want to make about this thread, how do we know PC gamers are more attracted to the Wii than either 360 or PS3? It seems like we're basing that belief on the users of this site which has a Nintendo bias. For example there have been various polls done on this site asking people what consoles they owned last generation, what their favorite console was between the PS1 and N64, etc, and if someone who didn't know how the console wars turned out and just looked at those numbers they would assume the N64 and Gamecube won their respective generations.

I think this topic was based on the theoretical assumption that if PC gamers liked the Wii, and resented the PS3 and 360, then what were the reasons?


It's certainly similar to how PS3 and 360 owners resent the Wii. Lower powered machines with a lot of Japanese games, for people with less knowledge on how to manage gameplay, addons, and patches.


That last sentence transfers from 360 to Wii just as well as it does from PC to 360. The only difference is most Wii games that people want to play, are exclusive, while the 360 is directly competing with the PC in most games, due to its penchant to port games to that platform. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


finalsquall said:
VG is Nintendo bias... 1 reason why. Because the Wii is in the lead. Everyone loves backing the leader. I'm sure if Nintendo was losing - VG would be a 360 vs ps3 site - which most sites are. This is the only site I have seen that is not backed by a particular console, that talks about the wii in all it's glory.

I will love it when it changes... and it will; say next yr when it's getting it's little ass kick :D Well I can dream.

Did you just say that everyone loves to back the leader, then say that most sites are 360 vs ps3 site?

And last time I checked, there are still many that aren't backing the leader.

OT: I was a PC gamer too, mostly RTS and simulation games, until the Wii came out. I wasn't the most hardcore PC gamer, and I don't like FPS on the PC, even though I find MoH:H2 on the Wii enjoyable. My borther owned a GC and PS2, and I sometimes would play madden on it, but nothing more. Already for the Wii I have 7 or so games, depending on whether you count WiiSports and WiiPlay, and I haven't even gotten Madden yet. Also, it's opened me to other types of games, such as Zack & Wiki, which I would never have played on any other conosle (or PC for that matter).

I think the control scheme is little more than an interesting novelty and that most gamers will eventually tire of it and realise that a traditional gamepad is actually far more practical in most scenarios (although by that time, we may have 1:1 motion controls, which would be a lot more impressive). Waving your arms about to achieve something that could, in most cases, be achieved by pressing a button or using an analogue stick does not seem like progress to me, and I certainly don't find it a more immersive experience.

I hope you don't find "waving your hands around" less immersive? I don't find any fun in pushing buttons, and that's why I love RTS games like the Total War games and Battle for Middle-Earth II (combines my two favorite things), because it's more about strategy than pushing buttons. On Lego Star Wars Wii you can use the light sabor two different ways: wave the wiimote back and forth, or push the B button. I have played the game with many people, and all of us find swinging the wiimote to be much better than pushing B. The force powers require a pressing of a button, and I think they'd be much better if you could simply "punch" with the nunchuck.


The person who wrote the waggle comments, I believe, has never played a Wii in his life. I explore his fallacies more thoroughly in one of my previous posts in this topic.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:

The person who wrote the waggle comments, I believe, has never played a Wii in his life. I explore his fallacies more thoroughly in one of my previous posts in this topic.

Yes I read that, and it was a very well written counter-argument. I was simply giving a second opinion on the subject. He also pointed out that most will tired of the motion controls and they will "realise that a traditional gamepad is actually far more practical in most scenarios." He's almost right. Luckily, the Wii supports the GC controller for those occasions, like in SSB:B and Mario Kart Wii. Another game that supported both motion controls and GC controls is the Dragon Ball Z: Whatever 2 game, and I could never see myself or imagine playing that game without the motion controls.

well the wii mote is sorta like a mouse and keyboard so i can see why they like it

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