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finalsquall said:
VG is Nintendo bias... 1 reason why. Because the Wii is in the lead. Everyone loves backing the leader. I'm sure if Nintendo was losing - VG would be a 360 vs ps3 site - which most sites are. This is the only site I have seen that is not backed by a particular console, that talks about the wii in all it's glory.

I will love it when it changes... and it will; say next yr when it's getting it's little ass kick :D Well I can dream.

Did you just say that everyone loves to back the leader, then say that most sites are 360 vs ps3 site?

And last time I checked, there are still many that aren't backing the leader.

OT: I was a PC gamer too, mostly RTS and simulation games, until the Wii came out. I wasn't the most hardcore PC gamer, and I don't like FPS on the PC, even though I find MoH:H2 on the Wii enjoyable. My borther owned a GC and PS2, and I sometimes would play madden on it, but nothing more. Already for the Wii I have 7 or so games, depending on whether you count WiiSports and WiiPlay, and I haven't even gotten Madden yet. Also, it's opened me to other types of games, such as Zack & Wiki, which I would never have played on any other conosle (or PC for that matter).

I think the control scheme is little more than an interesting novelty and that most gamers will eventually tire of it and realise that a traditional gamepad is actually far more practical in most scenarios (although by that time, we may have 1:1 motion controls, which would be a lot more impressive). Waving your arms about to achieve something that could, in most cases, be achieved by pressing a button or using an analogue stick does not seem like progress to me, and I certainly don't find it a more immersive experience.

I hope you don't find "waving your hands around" less immersive? I don't find any fun in pushing buttons, and that's why I love RTS games like the Total War games and Battle for Middle-Earth II (combines my two favorite things), because it's more about strategy than pushing buttons. On Lego Star Wars Wii you can use the light sabor two different ways: wave the wiimote back and forth, or push the B button. I have played the game with many people, and all of us find swinging the wiimote to be much better than pushing B. The force powers require a pressing of a button, and I think they'd be much better if you could simply "punch" with the nunchuck.