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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Happy 15th birthday, Spyro.

Kresnik said:

My favourite part of my favourite Spyro level. If you make it to the end of the video, check the dragon inside the egg. Does the name of the dragon sound familiar? Does he look like anyone we've been seeing a lot of lately? :P

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Hope you're enjoying the anniversary, Kresnik. I know how much Spyro means to you.


Haha I totally did not remember that easter egg :D gotta admit Cerny put his hand in a lot of great games in the past, he was usually the designer if I'm not mistaken. That gives me hope in Knack I won't lie, Cerny's track record makes me owe him the benefit of doubt even if Knack doesn't look that promising.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

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Love and tolerate.

I LOVED the first game and my most precious memory is getting 100% at every level and getting that last stage to collect things. It was awesome, one of the best platformers of the PS1.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Wright said:

Is that real?

VGPolyglot said:
Wright said:

Is that real?

Yup, it is.

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I just got 100% on Spyro 1 for the first time this past year (there was one Dragon back at launch that I couldn't ever find). Great game and the sequel was awesome as well. The Year of the Dragon was meh to me and of course the others sucked. Oh well I hope some day Spyro goes back to Insomniac and Crash goes back to Naughty Dog.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

I will always remember playing Spyro on my Nintendo game boy advance.

I always preferred Spyro over Crash but havent played the series since PS1, are the 6th and 7th gen games any good?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Kresnik said:
P.S. Feel free to share any of your favourite Spyro memories here. For some of mine, refer to Conegamer's wall :P

Ha! The same applies with me and your wall I feel! 

Anyway, for anyone who didn't know, Kresnik and I coincidentally bought the Spyro Trilogy on PSN a few months back and have been playing through it ever since. Now we've hit 100% on each game, here's my favorite moments in no order:


- Going around Gnasty's Treasure Cove after 100%ing the first game


- The Dream Weavers (home) world. Ingenious design for pretty much every realm maybe that damn Supercharge...


- Skateboarding!! Particularly the second one.


- The slide in Crystal Mines


- The Ice Skating Contest (see above)


- Moneybags' remarks in Year of the Dragon ("If you don't pay, I do magic you know! Maybe I'd turn you into a blue hedgehog...")


- Haiku in the Swamp, and Shelia's mission therein.


That's 7...but I know for a fact Im missing some. There are some genuinely unbelievable moments in the games, you know. And most remarkable is the fact that (perhaps post Game 1), almost every level has one. 


It is sad looking back and thinking what Spyro has become, but I've done that essay and this isn't the place for it. In addition, I can't begin to describe how important this trilogy was for me, and where I am now because of it. For now, let's just celebrate what we have, because if our recent playthrough has taught us's that they are as good today as they ever have been.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

BasilZero said:

15 years and I have yet to play a single game from this series n_n.

You do not deserve to even consider calling yourself a Sony gamer until you do. Tut tut.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.