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Forums - Gaming Discussion - As if we needed more dev confirmation that the PS4 is over 40% more powerful than Xbone

Daisuke72 said:

Now can we please stop posting rumor threads about how Xbone might have a discrete GPU and the power difference is the same as current gen. On paper it's not, and devs have come out to say that the PS4 is in fact more powerful.



Now let's talk about games. Inb4 Xbox fans say "hes probably lying" etc.

moderated - kasz216

How funny major nelson said 30 % is BS and someone out of no where coming saying ps4 is more powerful lol was it another indie devs said that and how much Sony paid u to say it to Cover up their lie till 29th September ? 

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He is a fanboy and shouldn't be taken seriously. There is no way of telling which console is more powerful other then specs on a paper. It will take years to unlock all the PS4 and XOne power. It will take years for the Wii U too for that matter.

TheHunt3r_Orion said:

How many times do I have to say this..? Price is already included. By Microsoft's account, the Kinect has military grade technology in it. And they said..."It costs almost as much to make as the actual Xbox One."

What does that even mean. That sounds like straight from MS's Pr dept. Like the cloud suddenly makes the consoles 40x more powerful. It's all rubbish.

Remember the initial videos from Kinect... look how the videos for that and how it turned out were. Only after 1+ year did they start to put on the videos they released that they were "technology previews" and not actual expected working.

Is it possible that they have hidden tech in their machine that no one knows about (even developers)... it's possible, I mean devs didnt know about the CPU/GPU speed upgrades, but were talking about another chip not a speed upgrade... very very unlikely.

Let me ask you this very simple question. MS have an extra chip in their console which makes it more powerful than the PS4... then why do they need to try so hard to get another 5-10% out of their chips and risk overheating. Because they are just giving people even more power because they have found they can increase it, or they are worried about being outspecc'd. Personally the second one seems more reasonable to me.

As for the Major Nelson, they are playing a PR game right now. The way they have worded their statements suggest that the gap might be 30-40% right now, but with the right coding/coders this can reduce. That is true, you can close a gap, but that would suggest that the other side (who let's be honest have the better 1st party studios) wont be doing the same.

Is it strange that we havent seen any footage of Battlefield 4, Watch Dogs, Assassins Creed or any of the major versions running on XboxOne yet?

Are we to believe that MS have an NDA to not talk about their own console and only a few something like 6 weeks to launch suddenly turn around and say, hey everyone that negative press about our console being weaker, its all untrue... surprise. That would be one of the worst marketing decisions ever. 

I don't know what is going on, perhaps MS will announce some tech/name on the 29th that will sound like it improves the machine but in fact is just a name of something that already exists... or perhaps they will announce another chip... but we have to be realistic here. If they have got another chip in the machine and it does make it faster, then this has to be the worst marketing for a new console i have ever seen.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

PigPen said:
He is a fanboy and shouldn't be taken seriously. There is no way of telling which console is more powerful other then specs on a paper. It will take years to unlock all the PS4 and XOne power. It will take years for the Wii U too for that matter.

Weird how a PS fanboy was the creative director for a Gears of War game.

I'm soory but I gotta call out "realgamer" and thehunt3r_orion. Who the f are u guys? rg's first posts were about this 10tf hidden xb1 specs and now th_o's first few posts are blatent m$ pr posts. I've been seeing a lot of new guys on the forums who only tend to talk about this so called "hidden dgpu" bs. Is m$ out in full force online pr too? This isn't the only site where I'm seeing this.

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NYCrysis so according to your logic any new accounts that post sony news like this can be considered a sony PR REP??hmmm i like your mindset i think i shall adopt it from now on lol.

Don,t be Fanboys,Be Gamefans,Play games 4ever...GAME ON(msn)


riderz13371 said:
Zappykins said:
TheHunt3r_Orion said:

Based on your logic, good sir, since Microsoft is so HUGE, they wouldn't have let Sony get the jump on them. Since Microsoft is so HUGE. Lol

You have heard from two Microsoft people on the inside say it isn't true and to "wait and see". You have heard from a friend of a friend of a guy of his wife's boss who is a developer for some company that...PS4 is more powerful. Who do I believe...?

It's like this. There is a faucet of information. Microsoft is the faucet connected directly to the water source. Whereas the information you got has been circulated through this massive, complicated piping system. Who knows where it's been or if that is even the water from the source, the one Microsoft is connected to.

By the way, before you say anything about Microsoft lying, consider this. Sony was sued I believe for lying about console hardware at one point in their existence. Class action law suit. If Microsoft has lied or is lying, you can go sue them for hundreds of millions, maybe billions. See you at the court house? Or...are you speaking out the side of your head? Lol. "Microsoft is lying! Trying to recover what they lost! Blah blah blah! Because I say so! I have no proof! Sony is perfect! They haven't lied to us!"

Puhlease son. Come back to me with proof from AMD's mouth, Sony's backing, and Microsoft's confirming they have a significantly weaker console. Because then, you are right cut and dry. But you can't because AMD has said nothing. Sony has said nothing. Microsoft has said "You don't know everything guys, because we haven't told you."

Nah, if that was true they might have been caught making up fake good movie reviews for movies.

oh, wait,

"Sony settles suit over fake movie reviews"

Hmm, guess we have to wait and see if something happens on the 29th, tee hee.

Lol this again. Keep trying bro. I don't think you want people pointing out what Microsoft/Sony have done wrong in the past. 2005...lmfao let it go.

Right, because a systematic methodological attempt to device and mislead the public is in no way a reflection of the company.  Of course, one could see that it went on for years.  But hey, multi million dollar scams happen, right.  But usually only to late night programming.

I could point out claims like 'The PS2 is the most powerful console' but that has already been done in this thread.

Or how about 'We can not pay the contractual bonus to the important people who worked our movie, because it didn't make any money if we add this magic creative accounting." (Even-though it was the most profitable movies of the year.)

I could go on, but it would just be redundant.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Andrespetmonkey said:
PigPen said:
He is a fanboy and shouldn't be taken seriously. There is no way of telling which console is more powerful other then specs on a paper. It will take years to unlock all the PS4 and XOne power. It will take years for the Wii U too for that matter.

Weird how a PS fanboy was the creative director for a Gears of War game.

He's an insider from Sony. I mean, he designed the worst Gears of War game; surely he did it so the franchise failed. You don't need more evidence to see that this man was already on Sony's side!

Zappykins said:
riderz13371 said:

Lol this again. Keep trying bro. I don't think you want people pointing out what Microsoft/Sony have done wrong in the past. 2005...lmfao let it go.

Right, because a systematic methodological attempt to device and mislead the public is in no way a reflection of the company.  Of course, one could see that it went on for years.  But hey, multi million dollar scams happen, right.  But usually only to late night programming.

I could point out claims like 'The PS2 is the most powerful console' but that has already been done in this thread.

Or how about 'We can not pay the contractual bonus to the important people who worked our movie, because it didn't make any money if we add this magic creative accounting." (Even-though it was the most profitable movies of the year.)

I could go on, but it would just be redundant.

2005... most of Sony's big management from that era is long gone. This is Sony's era of Kaz. He's changing the politics of the company and making a vast array of changes. They seem to be done with mismanagement and scandals for the most part.

Does this mean, for the first time ever, Sony will have the most powerful system on the market?

Wii U Nintendo Network ID, Borode

XBOX Live ID, Borode