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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - BREAKING: Microsoft to purchase Nokia’s devices & services business, license patents & mapping services for €5.44 billion in cash.

I hope they will still make the inexpensive lumias like the 520.

Still having a contract for my android phone till mid next year, but always wanted to try a windows phone.
But don't want to spend a premium for it. Hope there will be a 525? next year for around 150€ too ...

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I think this will pay off and they will be committed fully. My next phone will be a windows phone.

Purchased a Nokia Lumia 920 myself not long ago, outright, they can shove those contracts where the sun doesn't shine!
Not everyone has $500+ to plonk down on a phone though.

Great phones, highly recommend them unless you want some random obscure app or adobe flash player.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

kowenicki said:
Nyleveia said:
Last nokia i actually liked was a 3210, nothing of value has been lost.

Over here in Japan, Xperia A, SGS4, iPhone 5 and Eluga X are the mobile kings.

Thats that then.  Japan dont like them so they may aswell give up.  If you dont think any of the Lumia's are good devices then I'd suggest you dont want to.


The Lumias are just fine, but Microsoft is just always kinda late to the party. You wanna get a Full HD phone? Then it's no Win Phone for you. Also, they are waaaay to expensive at launch. When I got my Xperia Z, it was cheaper than the Lumia 920, even though the Lumia was inferior in every aspect except the camera. 

It doesn't mean that there will be bad sales, but for me personally, Androids are just the better option. That said, I think for nearly every customer, the OS doesn't really matter. Windows, Android, iOS and even Blackberry gets done what you want to do. It's just a question of personal preference, if you ask me. I had them all and no OS is really bad in my eyes. Everything works just fine, no matter what OS you use. 

My last Nokia phone was the N8 btw. I liked it a lot, especially the camera with Xenon Flash and the built-in FM Transmitter. 

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

I can't say that I'm surprised as I predicted this that day troll stephen elop went to nokia.
First thing he did was eliminating Symbian-the only huge OS that was not coded and controlled by the NSA.
(this is like forcing microsoft to abandon windows)
As result Nokia ,the inventor of smartphones,was not able to produce new/modern/competitive Smartphones as Elop forced them to wait for Windows Mobile.Nokia lost almost all market shares in the most important mobile segment.
Than Nokia was an easy victim-the price for Nokia was low and thanks to MR Elop all competition was eliminated.Other investors were excluded.
And now after Mr Elop has done for what he was sent for by the MSNSA he is coming home and will be rewarded by MS with zilillionof dollars etc etc.

It was easy to predict this as no mobile-company is so stupid to make the most incompetent ,senseless moneywasting guys(elop+friend)in mobile business(microsoft mobile:best opportunities,0 success in 10 years) the chief of their company. That is what they call corruption and treason. MS used a strategy very similar to General Electric ,Standard Oil or Thomas Edison.

Now,after Skype can't be used Nokia is also dead and the OS and internet phonecall monopolist is,without ever inventing something of importance in the mobile hardware segment the biggest patent player in the room.

This company has to be split before it can do more damage,but it won't happen.
The last time they(corporate us goverment)tried this MS just donated several hundred millions to the bush party and it all stopped.

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No more Nokia for me, then. Not that I've been wanting to have anything to do with them in a long time anyway, with their Windows Phone thing and all.

kowenicki said:
wick said:
So will Elop be the new CEO of Microsoft now that he succeeded in his job as a trojan horse at Nokia?

Go in, gut company, sell to the old employer for dirt cheap, job done.

Should be illegal.

He has overseen the transition of their smartphones from a platform that would have vanished by now (symbian) to windows... a platform that (whatever you will now say) has the potential to grow significantly.  Without this change Nokia would be all but dead already, becoming just another android platform was not an option.

He also put the non smartphone business on a sound footing with the recent siemens deal.

There is no gain without pain in this kind of situation.  Look at Sony, they are doing simialr radical things, not tweaking around the edges.

You are making easy, cheap shot, throwaway comments with absolutely no knowledge of the subject.

Mind you, Nokia had Meego, which wasn't that far from ready. And judging by the one Meego phone that came out, it's a good OS, just in some need of polishing (which would obviously have happened relatively quickly). I'd say it had a much bigger chance of becoming big, considering Windows Phone still isn't anything big. Microsoft needs to do some huge marketing for WP to grow significantly, otherwise it would have grown already.

kowenicki said:
Zkuq said:

No more Nokia for me, then. Not that I've been wanting to have anything to do with them in a long time anyway, with their Windows Phone thing and all.

kowenicki said:
wick said:
So will Elop be the new CEO of Microsoft now that he succeeded in his job as a trojan horse at Nokia?

Go in, gut company, sell to the old employer for dirt cheap, job done.

Should be illegal.

He has overseen the transition of their smartphones from a platform that would have vanished by now (symbian) to windows... a platform that (whatever you will now say) has the potential to grow significantly.  Without this change Nokia would be all but dead already, becoming just another android platform was not an option.

He also put the non smartphone business on a sound footing with the recent siemens deal.

There is no gain without pain in this kind of situation.  Look at Sony, they are doing simialr radical things, not tweaking around the edges.

You are making easy, cheap shot, throwaway comments with absolutely no knowledge of the subject.

Mind you, Nokia had Meego, which wasn't that far from ready. And judging by the one Meego phone that came out, it's a good OS, just in some need of polishing (which would obviously have happened relatively quickly). I'd say it had a much bigger chance of becoming big, considering Windows Phone still isn't anything big. Microsoft needs to do some huge marketing for WP to grow significantly, otherwise it would have grown already.

You are out of date.  Marketshare doubling in Europe in the last 12 months to 8.3% isnt growing?  This is now just under half of iOS marketshare and It will strongly compete with iOS soon enough. In emerging markets, especially South America, it is growing even quicker.

Huh. So all the news about Windows Phone still struggling are false? Anyway, your point pretty much begs the question: Why sell the phone business to Microsoft now, when marketshare is getting better? If anything, doesn't times getting better mean there's less reason to resort to something like this?

kowenicki said:
wick said:
So will Elop be the new CEO of Microsoft now that he succeeded in his job as a trojan horse at Nokia?

Go in, gut company, sell to the old employer for dirt cheap, job done.

Should be illegal.


He has overseen the transition of their smartphones from a platform that would have vanished by now (symbian) to windows... a platform that (whatever you will now say) has the potential to grow significantly.  Without this change Nokia would be all but dead already, becoming just another android platform was not an option.

He also put the non smartphone business on a sound footing with the recent siemens deal.

There is no gain without pain in this kind of situation.  Look at Sony, they are doing simialr radical things, not tweaking around the edges.

You are making easy, cheap shot, throwaway comments with absolutely no knowledge of the subject.

^this is spot on. Nokia were in very deep trouble before elop took over, they either had to try and outdo samsung in the android space with no support which would have been all but impossible or transition to windows with MS support,  they took the only option that gave them a viable path away from the grave. Nokia has declined considerably, but that is a result of rebuilding that had to  happen or they would have simply died instead.

DirtyP2002 said:

Ahhhh totally fine then! -.-

Okay, please explain these pics then:


Photoshop, if you cant tell that, i dont even know what to say to you.

How is this ANY different from staple parts of the english-speaking porn industrys "glory hole", and other such fettish place, you act like fettish stuff is weird, need i remind you that Scat (the act of eating one anothers shit) originated in Germany, in the form of text references then later, porn - i wonder which one most people would find "weird" ?

What has a picture of water intended for dogs to recooperate lost electrolytes in summer got to do with anything?, i suppose youre the same type of mal-informed idiot that sees Pocari sweat and thinks its ACTUALLY SWEAT, too?

If you posted those to try and prove a point, all you have done is further illustrate the fact that your opinions are based off of heresay, urban legends and a total lack of any sort of logical processing, way to go.

kowenicki said:

You are out of date.  Marketshare doubling in Europe in the last 12 months to 8.3% isnt growing?  This is now just under half of iOS marketshare and It will strongly compete with iOS soon enough. In emerging markets, especially South America, it is growing even quicker.


Android - 45.41%

iOS - 38.99%

Windows - 2.58%

Either you are grossly misinformed or you are flat out lying.

With your track record of blind devotion to a certain company I think I know which one it is


Moderated - Kresnik.



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The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron