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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster has been delayed to 2014 according to SE reps @ PAX

just wow square enix it does not take 2 years to make a HD port seriously the upper management at square enix is a mess

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With FF14 and KH releasing in a short period of time it may have been too much for SE. Although around Xmas would have made it sell like hotcakes.
No way they are gonna disturb Lightning Returns, looking at May 2014?

Maybe even release on Ps4? That would expain the delay at least.

Man SE keeps messing up, don't they know they need to get some positive PR out there?

Even the launch of FF14 is a mess! Servers full... Great game so far though.

outlawauron said:

I understand your point, but this isn't a fair comparison at all. This HD remaster is lucky to have 1/10th of the team and 1/10th of the resources that FFX did. Despite that, they've made some good changes and it's not a lazy remaster.

If FFX had something like 100 people working on it and cost $32 million to make, I can easily see this (which, you're right, is not a lazy remaster) having 1/10 of that. Especially with Square doing it internally.

And if the team needed more manpower or resources to get the game done in a timely manner and didn't get those, it's still seemes reflective of a Square that can't manage development anymore. As if we needed more evidence with them ousourcing everything and Wada crying about how hard internal development is. Hopefully Matsuda can straighten things out, but it's hard to be optimistic about them anymore.

badgenome said:
If we need an indication of just how far Square-Enix has fallen, this was announced back in September 2011 and according to Wikipedia it only took them two years to develop FFX in the first place.

Not sure a 100 people worked on the port.

At least they're doing things properly (really properly), but this is beginning to get ridiculous.

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It's not surprising, FFX just had too many towns! rofl.

badgenome said:
If we need an indication of just how far Square-Enix has fallen, this was announced back in September 2011 and according to Wikipedia it only took them two years to develop FFX in the first place.

Quoted for emphasis.

Love and tolerate.

RenCutypoison said:

Not sure a 100 people worked on the port.

I should hope not, and that's not really the point. It's about their inability to manage development efficiently anymore.

Unless it has the original music as well, I think I don't really care. I was kind of excited until the told it was going to have remastered music. I heard the new battle music and it's way worse. I mean, it's completely different, not even the mood is the same in that.

probably delayed cause they are also porting it to smartphones..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)