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Forums - Sales Discussion - View of Wii-fit from a non-Wii owner's prespective (No Wii owners allowed)

I can't comment, but I kinda agree with some people around here, looks like this thread is only to get support from non-Wii owners for the wave: "Wii fit is destroying the gaming culture as we know it, and the really hardcore gamers (The ones with HD consoles :P) hate it..."

For me, is kinda pointless do a survey that alienates a big part of the poblation, man is like cherry picking, I bet there are a lot of Wii owners who don't care about Wii-Fit, why exclude them???

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FJ-Warez said:
I can't comment, but I kinda agree with some people around here, looks like this thread is only to get support from non-Wii owners for the wave: "Wii fit is destroying the gaming culture as we know it, and the really hardcore gamers (The ones with HD consoles :P) hate it..."

For me, is kinda pointless do a survey that alienates a big part of the poblation, man is like cherry picking, I bet there are a lot of Wii owners who don't care about Wii-Fit, why exclude them???

I think all of my posts explore that question, and drive the inqueries to the very heart of the matter.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


My sister wants to get Wii Fit. I doubt I'll like it much.

It should be a prerequisite to watch ALL the videos on this site before making a statement on whether anyone'll like it or not

they alone changed my opinion from "it'll do well" to "i'm getting that on launch week"

kingofwale said:

Yes, if you own a Wii, this isn't the thread for you, so please restrain from participating.


The purpose of this is for PS3/PS2/Xbox/Xbox360 owner's view on Wiifit, and hopefully untainted by fanboyism. I know how Wii owners feel about Wiifit, I just need the view from others WITHOUT having flames thrown at them for expressing themselves.


As for me, I really don't know why the big hypes. I can understand the hypes of SSBB, MK and I can see myself playing those and enjoying those deeply, but I have absolutely no interest in Wiifit. To me, it's not a game and if I want to pick up yoga, I'd go do just that. I buy console for games, not workout video.


What do you think? 

 Sorry if someone has already mentioned this here, but I did quickly scan through it and didn't see anything.

 Isn't this just the same comment as made for Guitar Hero/Rockband? "To me, it's not a game and if I want to pick up guitar, I'd go do just that. I buy console for games, not guitar lessons."

I haven't seen Wiifit personally, but I assume it offers something different to what Yoga does, just in the same way that GH offers something different to actually learning a guitar.

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As long as these types of games stay on the Wii, I am fine. Start flooding Playstation or Xbox market with these types of games, I will have a problem.

While I own a Wii I'm not really hyped about Wiifit, however I'll probably buy a copy since my girlfriend would love a more interactive exercise routine.

kingofwale said:
>apparently everyone here owns a wii

lol, apparently so. *sighs*

I guess Sony fans can't see a system seller if it hit them in the face. Do you think Sony wouldn't love to have something like Wii Fit coming out for them. I mean Nintendo is just gobbling up the new market and selling games and systems like mad. When Nintendo moves 30 million consoles this year and Wii Fit sells over 10 million, ask yourself if Sony would really be embarassed to have Wii Fit for their console.



I am a Wii owner who is quite happy with the console, but who has no interest in Wii Fit whatsoever.

kingofwale, you are such a wii hater...
Why the hate? Does it make you feel bad that your ps3 isnt getting it? Move over, wii fit will be a great game, if your cousin doesnt buy it, you buy it for yourself, seems you are interested.

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