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kingofwale said:

Yes, if you own a Wii, this isn't the thread for you, so please restrain from participating.


The purpose of this is for PS3/PS2/Xbox/Xbox360 owner's view on Wiifit, and hopefully untainted by fanboyism. I know how Wii owners feel about Wiifit, I just need the view from others WITHOUT having flames thrown at them for expressing themselves.


As for me, I really don't know why the big hypes. I can understand the hypes of SSBB, MK and I can see myself playing those and enjoying those deeply, but I have absolutely no interest in Wiifit. To me, it's not a game and if I want to pick up yoga, I'd go do just that. I buy console for games, not workout video.


What do you think? 

 Sorry if someone has already mentioned this here, but I did quickly scan through it and didn't see anything.

 Isn't this just the same comment as made for Guitar Hero/Rockband? "To me, it's not a game and if I want to pick up guitar, I'd go do just that. I buy console for games, not guitar lessons."

I haven't seen Wiifit personally, but I assume it offers something different to what Yoga does, just in the same way that GH offers something different to actually learning a guitar.