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Forums - Sales Discussion - View of Wii-fit from a non-Wii owner's prespective (No Wii owners allowed)

No Wii owners allowed? Damn, and I was ready to bash the Wii with you guys.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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Mummelmann said:
And compared to SMG (and SSBB's first week sales), sales weren't really spectacular to begin with, moving a lot slower than both those games in the same period.

Compared to SMG from launch, Wii Fit is doing better. 

Now that I think of it, I might just buy a 4th Wii for my moms, when the WiiFits comes out.

kingofwale said:
>I think it is funny that you take offence to the fact that we believe that non wii owners would be much more likely to complian about WiiFit, when you state that all Wii owners would say it is great just because they own a Wii.

nope, I took offense when people claim automatically that PS360 owners will HATE Wiifit. Generalization is mostly driven by ignorance, and I can't stand ignorance.

Oh, I don't remember saying that Wii owners will say it's great, I implied that I don't need to hear what Wii owners say, because it's more likely tainted by fanboyism. I want to see it from an 'outsider's view', hence I asked for non Wii-owners.
ROTFLMAO! Cause obviously there won't be ANY fanboyism from PS3 and 360 owners!


Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Its an easy day#1 purchase for me.

Once the supply fixes itself - I'll be buying another Wii + Wiifit for my parents. My partner may be doing the same for her mother, and possibly her sister (who needs a serious workout!).

So thats 4 copies of WiiFit + 3 new Wiis - just thanks to this "game".

I really hope Ninty bring out a Wii + Wiifit bundle - also time to get the production figures of WiiFit up there. These shortages are becoming a real joke, and really hurting the company.

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we need to start an "OFFICIAL Why you like and hate WiiFit" thread.

to me, anybody who seriously claim WiiFit is like working out is like saying playing with Brain Age would really help you become smarter. however...

it sure is better than nothing. for me, that's a big deal. maybe i'll still only do it once every other week, but at least it's better than never ever.

second point.

as we have seen in Wii rehab adminstered by real doctors, playing a video game takes away a lot of the tedium in rehabilitation. patients think they're playing a video game, but doctors look at it as rehab.

saying "If I need to work out, I'll just go to the gym or exercise, doing it on WiiFit is stupid". For people truly into healthy lifestyles, it is absolutely true. For the rest of us, if you can have fun working out, that's better than no motivation.

third point.

it's looks fun. and from what we have read, people who have tried it out also find it fun. that's what games are about--delivering entertainment. obviously, different people have different criteria when it comes to having fun.

a portion of hardcore gamers, for instance, would find the gameplay shallow and short. it is a 100% valid viewpoint. however, they the first 2 points still stand up and anybody criticizing WiiFit needs to address them.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Let me respond to my own post by using a Brain Training analogy. I am a researcher, working on hardcore science problems, and solve difficult problems on regularly. Initially, I completely dissed Brain Training as something for people who settled into a job of tedium and not needing to think very often (yes, elitist point of view...). However, after one great review after another, and in fact, it was following the recommendation of a great friend of mine (who's interviewing for a professorship at tier-one universities) that I tried Brain Age.

So, response to:

Point 1)

I really didn't think I needed Brain Age. I don't like puzzle games like Zack and Wiki since I feel like if I'm gonna spend my time thinking about solving puzzles I might as well go back to my research. And the ads I saw are people doing additions and subtractions--I don't need those kind of exercises. Surely not.

But after trying it out I realized this. The variety of the exercises and training in Brain Age surprised me. For instance, there is a memory test where you try to memory 30 4 letter words in 2 minutes and try to write them back out in 3 minutes. Since my research is all about logic and reasoning, memorization skills is something I've left behind since... oh, high school. I felt parts of my brain rekindled when playing that exercise, and thought it is a terrific way to work my brain in different ways. Memorization is just one of many areas of my brain I realized that I haven't paid enough attention to.

WiiFit, I anticipate, would have the same effect, even for professional athletes. WiiFit I'm sure would contain exercises that can be helpful for anybody, just like Brain Age did for me.

Point 2)

Using the memorization example again, why would I in my right mind try to memorize things when it's not a skill I really need in research. But in a game, when it becomes an objective, I try to beat my own score, or my wife's high score.

Memorization became less of a tedium.

Point 3)

Like many WiiFit critics, I dissed Brain Age. I didn't think I would come close to needing it. What drove me to getting it was that people said it was fun.

And yes, indeed it was fun. And it allowed me to realize point 1 and point 2 above.

The me who criticized Brain Age also neglected Point 1 and Point 2. If the me a year ago was debating with the me today, the me today would certainty win the argument.

the Wii is an epidemic.

scorptile said:
i myself may own a wii but also a pc. i wasnt really interested in wiifit till i read this thread and saw the videos. myself i am thin but still wanna work out but for me there really isnt any motivation to do so. same with my wife she wants to work out badly but procrastinates like me and never does it. now with wiifit i can see it like a personal trainer. but also a way to control how u work out/do arobics. so i might let my wife watch these videos and see what she says.

@OP making a thread like this is basically asking sony and MS fanboys what they think bout a game on the opposing system. which i can garuntee your results would be that they hate it cause its on the competition console but wont admiit it. its like asking a nintendo fanboy what he thinks bout MGS4. it wouldnt be pretty.

That there is basically the second ingredient to a perpetual discussion. Somehow, not liking WiiFit instantly and falling completely in love with it equals being a childish fanboy in here. That is really an extremely broad, and not to mention false generalization. There are plenty of PS3 or 360 or PC gamers in here that love a lot of Wii games, but don't feel excited about WiiFit! The OP might be fishing for a small war, but generalizing the way you just did really does nothing to improve upon the situation either.

And, just to flip things around, there are also plenty of Wii fans in here that are excited over MGS 4 or Mass Effect or whatever, there's no golden rule coercing an owner of one system to automatically hate the others. This notion has to go, and it has to go now. There are even those who own no current gen systems at all that would like to express their opinions without being labelled either this or that or being shot down for "childish bias" or some such, and I should know, I'm one of them.