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we need to start an "OFFICIAL Why you like and hate WiiFit" thread.

to me, anybody who seriously claim WiiFit is like working out is like saying playing with Brain Age would really help you become smarter. however...

it sure is better than nothing. for me, that's a big deal. maybe i'll still only do it once every other week, but at least it's better than never ever.

second point.

as we have seen in Wii rehab adminstered by real doctors, playing a video game takes away a lot of the tedium in rehabilitation. patients think they're playing a video game, but doctors look at it as rehab.

saying "If I need to work out, I'll just go to the gym or exercise, doing it on WiiFit is stupid". For people truly into healthy lifestyles, it is absolutely true. For the rest of us, if you can have fun working out, that's better than no motivation.

third point.

it's looks fun. and from what we have read, people who have tried it out also find it fun. that's what games are about--delivering entertainment. obviously, different people have different criteria when it comes to having fun.

a portion of hardcore gamers, for instance, would find the gameplay shallow and short. it is a 100% valid viewpoint. however, they the first 2 points still stand up and anybody criticizing WiiFit needs to address them.

the Wii is an epidemic.