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Forums - General Discussion - I saw Leo-J on TV

I can't help but blame the mother a little...

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souixan said:
lolita said:
What a stupid slut...


Now now, we live in a politically correct world. She suffers from Dickslexia. She's virginally challenged or suffers from a disease known as Vaginus no longer tightus ala fake made up latin

ROFL, thispost realy made my evening.

 Thanks :)

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SeriousWB said:
I can't help but blame the mother a little...

 I think both the mother, her school and Britney Spears are to blame. There is going to be a whole generation of Britneys, Paris Hiltons and other dumb sluts because of TV. Its kinda sad.

There is only 1 word for that video.


They should make a law where you have to take an aptitude test and apply b4 having children.

That girl is trash and her mother is trash.

sorry if that sounds mean but GOD DAMN I hate wankster hookers.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



konnichiwa said:
kirby007 said:
rofl are all americans like that?:D

No the rest are dumb and fat...

Or mexican.

Just kidding =p.

Saw this before I hate that girl..

 you f**ng implying that being mexican is equally bad as being dumb and fat?  and for the record, adding just kidding at the end does not make a racist comment not count.

This signature was intentionally left blank

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You tell em Cornholio! huh, huh, huh, huh, that was cool.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



They need to do a case study in what mistakes the mother made in raising that kid.

thats weird

wel he has nothing else to do
be.c he is banned
on vg chartz

Yeah, I saw that clip some time ago, crazy spoiled bitch indeed. Probably related to the one that nags and bitches over getting a 50.000$ lexus for her 16th birthday...

But seriously; I think its a little rude of people to bash on a user who is currently banned and not returning anytime soon, wait for the fella to be able to speak for himself at least.

I hate Maury Povich. That is a sickening form of entertainment. Whoever is blaming videogames for all of lifes ails, needs to go kick Maury Povich in the junk.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.