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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U Passes 1 Million Units in Japan in Roughly the same time Frame the PS3 did

Not to impressive when you consider the launch price of the PS3 compared to WiiU.

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When you consider what games were available on each platform, along with the price... Which is more impressive?

Or which failed more, even?


That....isn't reassuring

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


The problem with this isn't that it's tying with PS3 at the minute; it's the abysmal rate it's been selling the past few months with the sub 6k weeks etc. It's getting better now we've had the first of this supposed wave of new life with Pikmin releasing, but I think the fact it only peaked at slightly above 20k despite new model / new release shows that there won't be a miracle turnaround any time soon.

That said, I think the console will do alright in the end, just like the PS3 has done. I wonder which console had the better first-6-months lineup; I know PS3 launched with Gundam & Ridge Racer but did it receive anything major after that?

Still, grats on the 1 million, didn't notice it in the Media Create thread this week.

The only reason why it made to 1 million in about the same timeframe is because Wii-U hade a much better launch. It sold more in it's first week than the PS3 did in the first five. It outsold the PS3 by a good margin the next two weeks and after that it fell hard. A few weeks later and the PS3 was selling double what Wii-U was selling in the same time frame.

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The WiiU is doing AMAZING considering the games it has. It is selling with 5 or 6 games really worth getting, and 3 of those are already on cheaper systems like the PS3 and the 360. And, worst of all, the WiiU version don´t even look better. All that consider, it is a freaking miracle that the system is selling this much. The Vita, with a much more compelling library, is a total freakish failure.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

This is not good.

PS3 was failure until late 2009 in Japan.
PS3 was way more expensive... not just "a bit".

Can Wii U make a comeback like PS3 did? It can but the situation is even worst than PS3 because PS3 yet have the price to make the comeback... Wii U is already in a good price point.

What's "roughly" the same time frame? A month? Week? Two months?

ahhh, glad to see some familiar faces who strangely enough didn´t post in the "Nintendo software dominates Japan article". Glad they are still here !

leo-j said:
spurgeonryan said:
leo-j said:
that's not good..... the ps3 was almost dead world wide until it dropped to 399

Yet look at where it is today. done well for itself1



2  last poster


not too long.

because of third party support.... sony first party.... and cutting prices.... Wii U is already cheap... and has almost no third party support in the horizon

Sony has hardly any exclusive third party support. They pratically own the Naughty Dog team.