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The behemoth game.

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Anybody think it's weird nobody's really making any vampire games? I mean they're all the rage in movies and TV lol

Angelus said:
Anybody think it's weird nobody's really making any vampire games? I mean they're all the rage in movies and TV lol

Good point. It seems to be all zombies in videogames; probably easier to program. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Anyone played the masterpiece called vampire rain?

Conegamer said:
Angelus said:
Anybody think it's weird nobody's really making any vampire games? I mean they're all the rage in movies and TV lol

Good point. It seems to be all zombies in videogames; probably easier to program. 

Yeah it's like they can excuse dumb AI cus it's a zombie!  That and probably after the massive success zombies was in WAW onwards.  

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If anyone here ever wants to play some DoA feel free to add me on Live if you don't have me already.

GT is Arch Adonias

Can't wait for Behemoths GAME 4, they've always delivered for me.


Angelus said:
So my brother and I have each other's accounts set to be home on the other person's Xbox. This allows us to share digital games with each other since any account gets to play the games of the home account on a console for free. It also means whenever I buy something on my account his console will automatically download it (unless manually cancelled). All pretty cool. It also leads to situations like this......

I come home from a weekend trip to 44 notifications. WTF is this I ask myself? Apparently my brother had bough DoA5:LR, which for some messed up reason seems to download every single damn character as well as several outfits/outfit packs separately. Thank god I wasn't here for all that cus man I would have lost my shit lol

How do you set this up?  A mate and I were going to do this but never got around to it.

I want some Moa burger now^^

Seece said:
Can't wait for Behemoths GAME 4, they've always delivered for me.

One of my favorite studios out there.