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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Are Pikmin 3 FW sales proof enough for you that the Wii U is not doomed?

Einsam_Delphin said:
Michael-5 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Michael-5 said:

Gamecube released in September in Japan, so its big spike is late. However WiiU hardware appears to be selling at about the same rate as the Gamecube sold in Japan.

Unless WiiU sales hold 20k weekly in Japan, I see no evidence that it will perform better then Gamecube within its first 52 weeks.

Mind you, Gamecube had a lot of games after launch. Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Eternal Darkness, Mario Party 4, Metroid Prime, etc. So the fact that WiiU is keeping up with only Pikmin 3 and NSMBU so far, means that it's going to do better overall.

Still, that red line is far, far below the blue one. WiiU really needed more then a 100% boost.....Wonderful 101 won't help much, so this means for another 3 months, Wii U sales will still be low. Then Wii Party U should fix things.

I believe the GC had more games and was cheaper priced than the Wii U during the same timeframe, so it should be selling more. If you're trying to say GC had games yet it still didn't sell, well, erm, here is my response! This is just my theory, but I think one of main the problems with the Gamecube other than the PS2's existence was it's overall appearance. I know, don't judge a book by it's cover, but does everyone follow that rule? Luigi became a ghostbuster, Mario became a powerwasher, Kirby a racing game, Zelda a cartoon, Metroid a FPS, etc., all wrapped up in a purple lunchbox. Even if appearance was not the issue, Nintendo and it's franchises have grown a lot since GC, so the Wii U will have more games of higher quality and more variety than the GC. That alone should enable the Wii U to sell more than GC. If not, then this generation likely being longer should help the Wii U sell more lol.


There was a lot of skeptecism against Metroid Prime being a FPA game and developed by a Western Studio. Actually Gamecube looked like a system which largely catered to Western gamers. Eternal Darkness sold poorly in Japan, and Luigi's Mansion, and a Purple Box appearance of the gamecube did make it look like a kids system.

However most of those games were not known about in Gamecubes 1st year. Zelda was a super cool looking HD Ocarina of Time type demo, which eventually got us Twilight Princess, and Smash Bros was a pretty good game.


Wii U will sell a lot more then gamecube in the long run, just not in the first 52 weeks.

Huh? I never said it would sell better in the first 52 weeks. The Wii U's 7 month drought pretty much made that impossible. I do believe the Wii U will sell more than GC lifetime though.

Yea we both failed to communicate.

I said WiiU is doing decently considering Gamecube had so many games in it's first 52 weeks and is only doing a little better. Wii U will bounce back with big games like Mario Kart, Wii Party, and whatnot. We agree.

Still, it is a bit sad to see WiiU sell below Gamecube in Japan in its first year.....

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Aielyn said:
VGKing said:
It doesn't prove anything, really. 22k is still really low and its unlikely to maintain even that level of sales. The game itself is also unlikely to have legs as it isn't a very popular IP and the install base is too low to support it.

We've seen it with Vita. It gets a semi-big game once in a while and it gets a nice boost only to drop back down to "normal" a few weeks later. What's the next biggest Wii U release that can actually make any sort of difference?

In Japan? Lego City Undercover releases in a week (LEGO games haven't sold well in Japan so far, but Lego City Undercover may perform better, as it's not based on a western film or franchise, and is releasing on a console with a relatively shallow lineup to date). Yakuza 1+2 HD Collection releases a couple of weeks after that (Yakuza 1 sold better than either Pikmin 1 or 2 in Japan, and Yakuza 2 is the best-selling, having sold nearly 1 million copies in Japan). Then The Wonderful 101 releases a couple of weeks after that.

We don't know the release schedule beyond the end of August, so I can't comment beyond that.

But what you may have missed is the fact that Nintendo began advertising the Wii U again with Pikmin 3 in Japan. So we're likely to see increased sales over a longer period, even before you factor in that Nintendo titles tend to have longer tails than other titles. I'd say we'll be seeing a good 12-15k in the next week's worth of numbers.

Yakuza 1+2 made about 120k on PS3,
with 9 million user base,and most of the Yakuza fans are stick with PS series,
if PS3 only able to made 120k,i'm surprise and wondering how much you expect for a rere-release Wii U version.

TheKoreanGuy said. Sois the Vita not doomed now then?

It is, just in the West. I am very confident about Japan though.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

It just proves that games sells systems, not tech specs.

Soul Sacrifice soldd 112,000 in its first week and there was a bump in sales for the Vita.  It means nothing.  The Vita sales went back down and future week sales for Soul Sacrifice dropped, with all around sales of 210,000.

Pikmin 1 and 2 on the Gamecube sold 1.63 million and 1.21 million.  That was a console that didn't sell much more than 20 million.  As highly praised as the titles are, once they were rereleased on the Wii, they only sold 590,000 and 410,000.  So this might matter to some die hard fans, but it's not going to sell many more consoles when all is said and done. 

I never thought the Wii U was doomed, but 14,000 for a half week of sales is expected.  In two more weeks it's going to be just like any hyped game release and go back to the sales it was getting.

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Nintendo consoles are always doomed and never actually end up doomed (except virtual boy). This in no way indicates a proper recovery though. It will take time and lots of games.

spurgeonryan said:

No one thought that the 3DS would dominate anything, yet now it certainly seems like it is set to do that. Has done very well this year.

What are you talking about?  Plenty of people thought it could dominate and perform like the DS.  Even a few months ago people were still championing the "selling faster than the DS" mantra despite it only being true in the US, and even then only because it hadn't hit the 2006 holidays yet.

Last year (in the prediction thread) only 3 people predicted lower than the actual sales.  And when I say lower, it was 14m/14m/13m, compared to 14.4 million sales.  Compared to 57 people expecting higher sales.  28 of them expecting 20 million or more.  Even for this year, the average prediction is 15.66 million.  If the 3DS manages to blow things out of the water this holiday, there will still be at least a few who predicted higher.

The 3DS hasn't even hit a single one of Nintendo's forecasts.  I don't know where you get the impression that every single person thought the 3DS would do worse than it is.

Nyleveia said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Nyleveia said:i have pikmin 3, i was one of those 100k ish that bougt it, and its about the first time my wiiu got switched on in months.

only to be switched off again an hour later

Are you implying you don't like the game? o_O

Also, I've always said it'll take a collection of games to sell Wii U, rather than any one game on it's own. The weekly average should gradually increase after each release. Pikmin 3 is only the start!

Yes, i dont particularly like the game, i bought it figuring id give it a shot, but its not my cup of tea.

What's not to like about it? Maybe you just have to play the game for a while before the going gets good.

Michael-5 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Michael-5 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Michael-5 said:

Huh? I never said it would sell better in the first 52 weeks. The Wii U's 7 month drought pretty much made that impossible. I do believe the Wii U will sell more than GC lifetime though.

Yea we both failed to communicate.

I said WiiU is doing decently considering Gamecube had so many games in it's first 52 weeks and is only doing a little better. Wii U will bounce back with big games like Mario Kart, Wii Party, and whatnot. We agree.

Still, it is a bit sad to see WiiU sell below Gamecube in Japan in its first year.....

Ah, now it all makes sense! Yeah Wii U has been beat out early on, but it's the long term that matters most!

spurgeonryan said:

I am talking about during it's year or so of doing horrible. When Nintendo was struggling to fix it. I think you know full well what I am talking about. Remember....the first year it was out they had to cut the price, release some big games, and give ambassador games out? Many did not have high hopes for it at that time.

By year, do you mean the roughly three to four months post launch, pre price cut?  A time period where the 3DS only dropped as low as 75k (not counting the weeks right before the price cut took effect), where it also saw weeks above 100k, even in June and July.  Numerically, it doesn't seem like it will settle much higher post AC bump.  Is the difference between domination and struggle only 30 or 40 thousand units?

First of all, I'm not sure why "No one thought that the 3DS would dominate anything" only applies to the time period where it was doing its worst, but let's be realistic.  Even during the worst weeks of the 3DS there were still people who thought it would end up dominating.  The "selling faster than the DS" chant was even stronger then.  While I'm not going to go search for threads, I am sure that some people defended Nintendo's 16 million forecast, which they still held to in July.