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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Core exclusives Sony (PS3) Vs MS (X360).

Runa216 said:
bananaking21 said:


when MS says it, we KNOW it. when sony says it, its questionable.


bias at its best. 

As for the thread itself:  yep.  Been saying PS3 has been on a roll for  years now, but nobody believed me, or would come up with arguments and get aggressive.  Facts are facts.  I guess some people need an actual visual image to understand the difference, otherwise it doesn't count.  "I don't see it, therefore it doesn't exist" 

the word hypocrisy suits the situation better.

as for PS3 being on a roll, thats very understandable, Sony has a much stronger lineup of first party devs, you are talking about industry veterans here such as Sucker punch, polyphony digital, naughty dog and studio japan among others. these devs literally helped shape the industry, MS's biggest first party dev was bungie, and they left. 343 while a good dev team, hasnt really proved them selfs to be amazing. then you have turn 10, which have proved them selfs to be a good racing dev. and then who? lionhead? their previous games speak for them selfs. First party devs are really the ones who can maintain the steady flow of games through out a consoles life. Worldwide studios was established in 2005, which explains the reason of the lackluster first party lineup on the ps3 the first two years or so. once sony got their shit together with worldwide studios they destroyed MS in games in term of both quality and quantity. 

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DarthVolod said:

Just noticed that some of those PS3 games are on Vita as well so they don’t count (if we use the logic of the creator of the list that defines an exclusive as “only playable on that system and nothing else”)


Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sly Cooper 4, Ratchet Full Frontal, Dragon’s Crown all have Vita ports.



Also, there are a number of games as well with Vita versions that are incredibly similar to the PS3 versions. The MLB the Show games come to mind. Little Big Planet on Vita, and Mod Nation Racers Vita are different enough to claim they are unique games, but they are incredibly similar.


Please do some research before posting. Have you played the game? In what game are they similar? Should some Mario games not be considered exclusives becaue they're very similar to previous Mario games? What about COD games?

inb4 "but...but...Halo 4 sold more than all ps3 exclusives combined!"

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

kowenicki said:
pezus said:

Here's something else:

"After announcing at its Xbox One unveiling in May that it had 15 games in development, eight of which were exclusives, Sony Europe CEO Jim Ryan told Gamereactor that it has 30 PlayStation 4 exclusives in development, 20 of which will arrive in the console’s first year and at least 12 of which are brand new franchises. Some of those currently unannounced PS4 games will be revealed at the German Gamescom convention in August, Ryan hinted. "


MS try again

Good old Sony, doing what Sony does.

announcing things way in advance again..... anyone seen Agent or Eight days or Last Guardian recently? 

Meanwhile every exclusive announced my Microsoft is 100% confirmed to come out right? I don't think their track records are going to be that different.

I still don't see Sony cancelling 73% of their PS4 exclusives currently in development.

kowenicki said:

pezus said:

Oh, you. Meanwhile MS announced they had 15 games in development in May and you embraced it. Being biased is fine, but such hypocrisy is just embarassing.


Which are coming in the first 12 months.  Did you have an answer on those 3 game? 

When is your next holiday? 

you are acting like microsoft never announced a game and canceled it. what about these games?

thats matter in case you dont know it, its a kinect game that microsoft announced in E3 2012, you know that tittle that was being developed by the Pirates of the caribbean director. i cant seem to find it anywhere, hmmmm. 

what about this?

i remember the big fuss about this one back when it was announced. 

really dude, its getting really embarrassing for you, just give it a rest. 

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JinxRake said:

Sony are going into the next generation with a lot of goodwill garnered this gen. Let's hope they won't throw it away like it happened with this last gen.

Angelus said:
This is a pretty convenient list isn't it?

Leaves off several years of the life cycle (years in which the PS3 had almost nothing, and most of it was trash), and doesn't list MS console exclusives that eventually found their way to PC either. You add all those in, and that list looks a lot different.

Wouldn't that be a negative for the 360? I mean ok, you have a strong starting line-up, but if there's no follow through and you can see a clear shift from the core audience to the Kinect stuff...then that isn't really ok for the early adopters. There's nothing bad in having a large target audience...but Forza, Halo and Gears can only go so far, especially as they do not really resonate with an all-age crowd, as opposed to Nintendo core games.

The problem is you can't just change some wording around and then try to pass it off like this list is legit.

We have seen Halo and Fable on PC. So by the list logic those games are no longer exlcusive to Microsoft. What is BS is that Microsofts CHOOSES to have a good portion of their games go to PC for obvious reasons. Hell Major Nelson promotes their Xbox Games on STEAM all the time. Alan Wake and Dust are 2 examples. Why would he do that if Xbox was competing with PC in terms of games sales?

MoHasanie said:
Yeah but why are you starting from 2010? If you wanna compare them fairly, then compare them from 2006 or 07. That would give a much better picture since we all know the PS3 had very little in those years.
All this tells us is the PS3 had much more exclusives in the last 3 years but everybody already knows that.


because thats when the Kinect and Move launched....Its showing the switch that MS focused more on casuals and Sony focused more on Hardcore.

Lets hope this isn't an indication of how the xbone is going to turn out....Nice games everyone wants for 2-3 years then once they know the hardcores have brought the console they switch to casual mode :/

think-man said:
MoHasanie said:
Yeah but why are you starting from 2010? If you wanna compare them fairly, then compare them from 2006 or 07. That would give a much better picture since we all know the PS3 had very little in those years.
All this tells us is the PS3 had much more exclusives in the last 3 years but everybody already knows that.


because thats when the Kinect and Move launched....Its showing the switch that MS focused more on casuals and Sony focused more on Hardcore.

It is BS really. Because we are taking 3rd party Kinect games and using that as a basis to why Microsoft stopped developing Core games. Please tell me how it is logical to list over 40 Kinect games while Microsoft Published/Developed 14 of them and say Microsoft was all about Kinect? They didn't force Activision. EA, and Ubisoft to make games for the thing. So just becaue they are listed for Kinect Microsoft gets knocked for other people making the games for it.

So we can include 3rd party kinect games that Miicrosoft has no ties to except Kinect, but we can't list Fable 3 (a Microsoft owned IP that went to PC), Splinter Cell, and Alan Wake.

EDIT: Also how many games on Sony's side didn't release in NA?

Why arent any of the Kinect/Move games considered core?

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