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kowenicki said:

pezus said:

Oh, you. Meanwhile MS announced they had 15 games in development in May and you embraced it. Being biased is fine, but such hypocrisy is just embarassing.


Which are coming in the first 12 months.  Did you have an answer on those 3 game? 

When is your next holiday? 

you are acting like microsoft never announced a game and canceled it. what about these games?

thats matter in case you dont know it, its a kinect game that microsoft announced in E3 2012, you know that tittle that was being developed by the Pirates of the caribbean director. i cant seem to find it anywhere, hmmmm. 

what about this?

i remember the big fuss about this one back when it was announced. 

really dude, its getting really embarrassing for you, just give it a rest.