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think-man said:
MoHasanie said:
Yeah but why are you starting from 2010? If you wanna compare them fairly, then compare them from 2006 or 07. That would give a much better picture since we all know the PS3 had very little in those years.
All this tells us is the PS3 had much more exclusives in the last 3 years but everybody already knows that.


because thats when the Kinect and Move launched....Its showing the switch that MS focused more on casuals and Sony focused more on Hardcore.

It is BS really. Because we are taking 3rd party Kinect games and using that as a basis to why Microsoft stopped developing Core games. Please tell me how it is logical to list over 40 Kinect games while Microsoft Published/Developed 14 of them and say Microsoft was all about Kinect? They didn't force Activision. EA, and Ubisoft to make games for the thing. So just becaue they are listed for Kinect Microsoft gets knocked for other people making the games for it.

So we can include 3rd party kinect games that Miicrosoft has no ties to except Kinect, but we can't list Fable 3 (a Microsoft owned IP that went to PC), Splinter Cell, and Alan Wake.

EDIT: Also how many games on Sony's side didn't release in NA?