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JinxRake said:

Sony are going into the next generation with a lot of goodwill garnered this gen. Let's hope they won't throw it away like it happened with this last gen.

Angelus said:
This is a pretty convenient list isn't it?

Leaves off several years of the life cycle (years in which the PS3 had almost nothing, and most of it was trash), and doesn't list MS console exclusives that eventually found their way to PC either. You add all those in, and that list looks a lot different.

Wouldn't that be a negative for the 360? I mean ok, you have a strong starting line-up, but if there's no follow through and you can see a clear shift from the core audience to the Kinect stuff...then that isn't really ok for the early adopters. There's nothing bad in having a large target audience...but Forza, Halo and Gears can only go so far, especially as they do not really resonate with an all-age crowd, as opposed to Nintendo core games.

The problem is you can't just change some wording around and then try to pass it off like this list is legit.

We have seen Halo and Fable on PC. So by the list logic those games are no longer exlcusive to Microsoft. What is BS is that Microsofts CHOOSES to have a good portion of their games go to PC for obvious reasons. Hell Major Nelson promotes their Xbox Games on STEAM all the time. Alan Wake and Dust are 2 examples. Why would he do that if Xbox was competing with PC in terms of games sales?