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Runa216 said:
bananaking21 said:


when MS says it, we KNOW it. when sony says it, its questionable.


bias at its best. 

As for the thread itself:  yep.  Been saying PS3 has been on a roll for  years now, but nobody believed me, or would come up with arguments and get aggressive.  Facts are facts.  I guess some people need an actual visual image to understand the difference, otherwise it doesn't count.  "I don't see it, therefore it doesn't exist" 

the word hypocrisy suits the situation better.

as for PS3 being on a roll, thats very understandable, Sony has a much stronger lineup of first party devs, you are talking about industry veterans here such as Sucker punch, polyphony digital, naughty dog and studio japan among others. these devs literally helped shape the industry, MS's biggest first party dev was bungie, and they left. 343 while a good dev team, hasnt really proved them selfs to be amazing. then you have turn 10, which have proved them selfs to be a good racing dev. and then who? lionhead? their previous games speak for them selfs. First party devs are really the ones who can maintain the steady flow of games through out a consoles life. Worldwide studios was established in 2005, which explains the reason of the lackluster first party lineup on the ps3 the first two years or so. once sony got their shit together with worldwide studios they destroyed MS in games in term of both quality and quantity.