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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic will be a system seller?

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Yes or no?

yes 70 52.63%
no 63 47.37%
zorg1000 said:
Not alone but with the combination of other titles yes. I wouldnt say Pikmin, Wind Waker, Fit U, Party U, W101, DKC, 3D World, Sonic are system sellers on there own but when u put all of those together in a few months span then yes they will push alot of consoles.

I shoulda read the thread first. :L

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curl-6 said:
Mensrea said:
It looks better than that 3D world though. I will be purchasing it.

Agreed. it's bizarre that we live in a world where the next 3D Sonic game looks better than the next 3D Mario game.

Bizarre is an understatement.  Sonic hit some of his lowest lows on the wii, and mario his highest highs. Then next gen, suddenly mario looks worse than sonic? I don't think that's ever happened before. 

yes, if the year was 1993.

Serious_frusting said:
Nope. Sonic is not what he used to be. He needs to go back to his routes. Not all these clunky experiments they keep doing with him.

 This is what Lost World is doing. It takes rid of the speedy gameplay of Colors/ Unleashed and instead goes for exploration.  Something that was crucial in Sonic 1-3.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Nope. It will hopefully be a million seller on the Wii U, definitely a hit on the 3DS.

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it will entice people to buy the wii u. How much? i don't know? but it is a welcomed exclusive

Sonic lost his power when Sega went 3rd party. Fans of Genesis loved Sonic because he was 'their' Mario, the cooler alternative.

That said, he's still a decent brand. There are lots of old fans of Sonic who would buy a system to play his games, and there are young fans who see the cartoons on Saturdays and want some Sonic. Sonic:Lost World will move some systems, and be a relevant factor for many when deciding what system to buy. I don't think it will push millions, but it will be relevant, especially with other big titles hitting Wii U.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Sonic lost his power when Sega went 3rd party. Fans of Genesis loved Sonic because he was 'their' Mario, the cooler alternative.

That said, he's still a decent brand. There are lots of old fans of Sonic who would buy a system to play his games, and there are young fans who see the cartoons on Saturdays and want some Sonic. Sonic:Lost World will move some systems, and be a relevant factor for many when deciding what system to buy. I don't think it will push millions, but it will be relevant, especially with other big titles hitting Wii U.

It's true.

But the Sonic games released after the Dreamcast also contributed for old Sonic/Sega fans who moved to other platforms to be skeptical about new games.

Sega damaged Sonic brand.

If this was 1993, I would say heck yeah!

But these days, definitely not.

If it was 4 player it would be better. I am only getting 3D Mario world over it because of this.