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Forums - General Discussion - George Zimmerman Trial

J_Allard said:
I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

There is little to no evidence that GZ provoked a fight, although he did follow and confront Trayvon. He did not physical or verbaly attack Trayvon and he certainly did not shoott him on the spot.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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killerzX said:
J_Allard said:
I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

i swear if this has got to be like the 10 person in this thread alone to just ignore the facts of this case. thats not what happened at all.

lets see, zimmerman is legally allowed to possess a weapon, he was suspicous of an unkown, shady looking person, in a place where there has been a rash of crime, then after loosing track of martin, martin then confronted zimmerman and proceeded to smash zimmermans head into the pavement, to which zimmerman responded by shooting his assailant. 

all the evidence is pointing to zimmerman not committing any crime

Can you please point to the part of my post where I said or even implied that it is against the law for Zimmerman to carry a weapon?

Zimmerman was the instigator and aggressor in the situation. You know how he could have saved himself a lot of trouble and money, not to mention a kid his life? Just roll up on TM and ask him what he is doing. You know, like normal people do. Instead of slowly creeping on him and essentially stalking him. And how about when he was told by 911 dispatch not to follow Martin, why not comply?

You have a situation where a guy who has failed out of police academy multiple times, being jaded by recent robberies in his area and "fucking punks" always getting away with it, getting fed up when told by dispatch to wait for the real police to show up and decided to take matters in his own hands. You have your panties in a wad over whether or not it's a crime for Zimmerman to carry a gun, here is what Trayvon is guilt of that night:

Being out at night
Confronting someone stalking him

And please, LOL @ his head being "smashed into the pavement". And yet only minutes later when medics arrived, his devastating, life-threatening wounds were not even bleeding, and all he had was a slightly bloody nose and a couple of small lacerations on his head (which could have come from a rock in the grass or many other things). No blood on the sidewalk, no serious wounds for Zimmerman. Also, Zimmerman trained multiple times a week, MMA style. You'd think he could get a kid off of him but meh, I guess the easier course of action when getting your ass kicked in a fight you started is to just shoot the kid.

Like I said, a shame. An even bigger shame that people are defending the piece of shit. Oh well.

enditall727 said:
-CraZed- said:
Figgycal said:
Veracity said:
Trayvon Martin is a thug. He attacked Zimmerman and was shot for it. Should have just gone home. Zimmerman was not the crusader the media portrayed him to be at all.

We can all rest easy knowing there is one less criminal on earth.

Comments like that is why the civil rights people are up in arms. George Zimmerman stalked and shot an innocent 17 year old kid because he looked suspicious. I even watched the Sean Hannity interview with Zimmerman (and I hate Sean Hannity) and he basically admitted to having started the confrotation and went on to say it was all part of God's plan- as if murdering a child wasn't enough. I wont rest easy unless the dude gets what he deserves.

What I hate is that they tried to pin 2nd degree on him. SMDH

"Stalked?" We have already established that GZ lived in that community and TM did not. We've already established that the community had been experiencing a large number of break-ins and thefts. It is not a crime to ask someone what their business is in your neighborhood or even follow them as they walk on PRIVATE property. GZ lives in a 'gated' or 'planned' community and the sidewalks and roads within those are PRIVATE property. The folks who live theri have the right to 'patrol' and even ask people who do not live there or are loitering to leave. I don't care if GZ said "Hey punk get outta my neighborhood!" TM was an interloper on the private property of the residents of that community and was therefore wrong for puttig his hands on GZ.

GZ has already explained that he inquired why the young man was there and we now know TM thought he was a crazy a$$ cracker. And unless you or anyone else can provide eye witness testimony to dispute GZs accunt (which jives with the facts so far AND the 911 call transcripts) then he is not guilty. SO rest easy because he will get what he deserves... an acquital.

Hmm.. Good comment

This is what I came in here for. I wanted to find out the "truth". 


So far it seems like Trayvon was walking home. Zimmerman started following him. Trayvon then turned around to confront him, words were exchanged, a scuffle broke out, Trayvon was getting the best of him them George shot him.


Damn this case is crazy! 


Seems like Trayvons downfall was when he turned around to confront George. But George still started it by following Trayvon because that was the only reason why he turned around.


Seems like George only shot him because he was losing the scuffle.


George should've just left it alone and let the kid walk home and Trayvon should've kept walking instead of turning around

You aren't getting the truth though. From what I've heard GZ was on the phone with 911 they asked him to stop following and leave him alone. Captain America didn't listen. This could've been avoided 

-CraZed- said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Veracity said:

Yes.....I've learned of such things. Those were some useless lessons because none of it was applied. There is a way to throw someone off of you if someone is in a full mount ground and pound positions and ways to keep people from pummeling you. Again....Even though I know how to get out of such things it doesnt mean my thoughts or even that fact of MMA are important, because he never initiated it himself in the testimony. The only time he actually got Treyvon over in the testimony was after the gunshot.

Yeah its called bridging or he could have shrimped but it takes YEARS to fully grasp those in a real fight. Its much easier to pull those off when practicing than to do it when you are being hammered from above.

Very true. It also depends on the type of opponent you're facing. Even then a guy trained in the basics of Jiu Jitsu knows how to prevent a full mount from even being initiated and keeping the distance so the opponent only has to exert force and tremendous energy to land a blow. Apparently hes not suited to be a cop nor a fighter, eh? LOL

killerzX said:
J_Allard said:
I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

i swear if this has got to be like the 10 person in this thread alone to just ignore the facts of this case. thats not what happened at all.

lets see, zimmerman is legally allowed to possess a weapon, he was suspicous of an unkown, shady looking person, in a place where there has been a rash of crime, then after loosing track of martin, martin then confronted zimmerman and proceeded to smash zimmermans head into the pavement, to which zimmerman responded by shooting his assailant. 

all the evidence is pointing to zimmerman not committing any crime

all the evidence is pointing to zimmerman not committing any crime

Yeah sure buddy...with all those interviews he has many times can Zimmerman contradict himself...points to guilt when someone can't keep a straight story

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silentdj151 said:
killerzX said:

i swear if this has got to be like the 10 person in this thread alone to just ignore the facts of this case. thats not what happened at all.

lets see, zimmerman is legally allowed to possess a weapon, he was suspicous of an unkown, shady looking person, in a place where there has been a rash of crime, then after loosing track of martin, martin then confronted zimmerman and proceeded to smash zimmermans head into the pavement, to which zimmerman responded by shooting his assailant. 

all the evidence is pointing to zimmerman not committing any crime

all the evidence is pointing to zimmerman not committing any crime

Yeah sure buddy...with all those interviews he has many times can Zimmerman contradict himself...points to guilt when someone can't keep a straight story

The problem with Zimmermans case is that he isn't majorly contradicting himself in interviews. His friends book and testimony were a big spoke in the wheel of Zimmermans eeriely clean testimony. Even the detective, Serino said either the guy is telling the truth or hes a pathalogical liar. 

Zimmerman is going to walk. For a few reasons. Florida's "stand your ground" law. In most other states he is path to claiming self defense would be far more difficult. They should have charged him with manslaughter. Despite his bias, I don't think he set out to kill anyone. He did start this whole situation. I've seen people say that Trayvon Martin instigated the confrontation but that isn't true. Even by what GZ admits to, he followed Martin. He lost track of him and continued to look for him. He called the 911. They told him NOT to follow Trayvon Martin he did anyway. If he would have let the cops do there job. He'd be at home right now and so would Trayvon Martin.

Figgycal said:

Maybe I would have more sympathy for Zimmerman if, you know, he didn't kill a 17 year old kid. What part of that is defensible? Forget he's black (for you racists out there- you know who you are) ; forget that he called Zimmerman a cracker- who gives a shit (is anyone here offended by that?). This kid's life was cut tragically short by a paranoid stalker with a history of being prejudiced.

And you got to love the contradictions between the Sean Hannity interview, which made him look horribly guilty- and his testimony. Two things I remember specifically about that interview were: "I reached into my pocket"- right before he claims Trayvon attacked him- and as it turned out he had a gun on him and Trayvon had every right to be afraid. And saying him killing Trayvon was part of God's plan- keeping it classy.


EDIT:Sean Hannity interview:

I don't remember where what was said, but there are some contrasts between the stories starting at 7:00 and 11:00

I just watched about 20 mins of that interview and i must say that he conducted his self pretty well and it seemed believeable but their are a lot of people saying that he is supposedly inconsistent and that more vids of his need to be watched to catch his contradictions. I dont even feel like doing that right now though Lol


Geez people just let the jury decide, there's no reason to get emotional about this case unless you know the defendant or victim.

enditall727 said:
Figgycal said:

Maybe I would have more sympathy for Zimmerman if, you know, he didn't kill a 17 year old kid. What part of that is defensible? Forget he's black (for you racists out there- you know who you are) ; forget that he called Zimmerman a cracker- who gives a shit (is anyone here offended by that?). This kid's life was cut tragically short by a paranoid stalker with a history of being prejudiced.

And you got to love the contradictions between the Sean Hannity interview, which made him look horribly guilty- and his testimony. Two things I remember specifically about that interview were: "I reached into my pocket"- right before he claims Trayvon attacked him- and as it turned out he had a gun on him and Trayvon had every right to be afraid. And saying him killing Trayvon was part of God's plan- keeping it classy.


EDIT:Sean Hannity interview:

I don't remember where what was said, but there are some contrasts between the stories starting at 7:00 and 11:00

I just watched about 20 mins of that interview and i must say that he conducted his self pretty well and it seemed believeable but their are a lot of people saying that he is supposedly inconsistent and that more vids of his need to be watched to catch his contradictions. I dont even feel like doing that right now though Lol


He's consistent. No one stays 100% the same everytime they speak. Consistency is based off of trueness to the original story. No person tells one story the same way and even worse when pespectives are added from other people.