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Forums - General Discussion - George Zimmerman Trial

I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

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J_Allard said:
I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

The ilk of the clueless continue to multiply. There is no evidence to suggest that Zimmerman provoked a fight. He was following only. Sucker punched when heading back to his car.

Figgycal said:

Maybe I would have more sympathy for Zimmerman if, you know, he didn't kill a 17 year old kid. What part of that is defensible? Forget he's black (for you racists out there- you know who you are) ; forget that he called Zimmerman a cracker- who gives a shit (is anyone here offended by that?). This kid's life was cut tragically short by a paranoid stalker with a history of being prejudiced.

the part where that 17 year old was beating zimmermans head in.

Veracity said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Veracity said:

I cannot replay the events without being in the same area as the event. Any recreation without it is flawed. It was 1/4 on concrete and the rest on grass. The best possible evidence came from the Zimmerman video but as compelling as what he said was its only one persons side of the story. I cannot base a conclusion off of a defendents word without corroboration. 

As for my personal experience from fighting, thirty pounds means very little outside of leverage and distribution of weight , but even weight distribution can be used against you if the person knows how to fight or defend themselves. What I think doesn't matter though in this case because we know nothing about the positioning, we don't have Trayvons word, no witnesses again agin only Zimmerman.

Regardless of all of these things Zimmermans lawyer is doing a hell of a job. At this point no one can prove anything, just beyond reasonable doubt at this point. 

Either an innocent man is going to jail or justice isn't served for a kid who was shot. It's a flawed case. 

Let me put it this way. Listen to Zimmermans best friends testimony and you will see exactly why this putting someone on the stand who isn't a first hand witness is pointless. Bless his heart, but he was essentially useless and potentially harmed Zimmerman because he didnt know exactly what he was saying (perhaps he should've brought the book he wrote about zimmerman with him.)

Zimmerman had been training in mma 3 days a week.

Yes.....I've learned of such things. Those were some useless lessons because none of it was applied. There is a way to throw someone off of you if someone is in a full mount ground and pound positions and ways to keep people from pummeling you. Again....Even though I know how to get out of such things it doesnt mean my thoughts or even that fact of MMA are important, because he never initiated it himself in the testimony. The only time he actually got Treyvon over in the testimony was after the gunshot.

Zimmermans friend could seriously hurt his case, because they are now reading exerpts from his book on the news which dont add up about the fight. Misquotation or dishonesty? We'll see. They shouldn't have used him as a witness.

Luckily for Zimmerman Serinos testimony was very good in his case, more compelling than his best friend who needs to shut up.

J_Allard said:
I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

His life isn't completely ruined. People gave Zimmerman hundreds of thousands of dollars to bail him out of jail. Its just a matter of Zimmerman needing to watch where he goes in certain places. Not everyone thinks hes guilty. Look at OJ, he lived down the road from me and no one bothered him.

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J_Allard said:
I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

i swear if this has got to be like the 10 person in this thread alone to just ignore the facts of this case. thats not what happened at all.

lets see, zimmerman is legally allowed to possess a weapon, he was suspicous of an unkown, shady looking person, in a place where there has been a rash of crime, then after loosing track of martin, martin then confronted zimmerman and proceeded to smash zimmermans head into the pavement, to which zimmerman responded by shooting his assailant. 

all the evidence is pointing to zimmerman not committing any crime

I've been anti Zimmerman from the very beginning. But it's only until recently that I did my own research on the whole thing that I no longer think it was intentional murder.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

silentdj151 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
silentdj151 said:
Veracity said:

Always a treat when someone completely clueless chimes in who has not watched a single minute of the proceedings pawns off their vociferous nonsense as a substantiated case. 

Go watch the trial you ignorant person.

its very clear that TM attacked Zimmerman. 

yes an assualt occurred, which Zimmerman started because he got out of his car and preceded to confront someone who was hiding in a bush.

We don't know if Zimmerman started it. There were no eyewitnesses. Both sides are incompetent. The only thing that can be done about this case is to find out whether it was murder or self defense and even then the case is still broken.

Ok let me put this as simple as I can: Zimmerman started the events that caused someone to die.

Only thing martin was doing that night was walking home from buying candy and tea



I'm glad you were able to place such a complicated thing such as one man killing another into such simpl eterms for all us dummies who are obviously over thinking things here.

Try using your barin for two seconds. Just because he set out to buy skittles and tea doesn't mean he wasn't casing the neighborhood. Let me tell you a story.


When I was in Junior High one of our neighbors lost her baby to SIDS. After that she spent weeks in our apartment 'grieving.' It seemed to be helping her as she was feeling better and spending time with us and talking more and not crying etc. a lot of the normal recovery stuff. So then, after she had been coming over for those weeks one day we left the apartment to go over to another family members home for the day. WHen we returned home our apartment had been broken into (somone kicked the friggen door in) and all of our electronics, some clothing and a lot fo other things were stolen.

After that happened we realized that a few of our neighbors including the woman who my mother was helping to 'grieve' were all in on the burglary. She was casing our house the whole time. We can remember her commenting on a lot fo the stuff that was taken. My brother's collection of Rayon shirts (yeah I know rayon right) she had commented to us on how nice they were. My mothers perfume collection which my mother let her try a few of them, my TV and Sega Genesis I worked over the summer to buy ur VCR and TV in the living room, etc. etc.

Point is never underestimate the cunning and measures criminals will go to to shroud themselves so as to avoid getting caught while planning to rob or hurt you.

I'm not confirming anything about TM because I wasn't there and I don't know him but I have some life experience AND I have worked as a Nurse for the corrections dept' here in my state and I can tell you that you would be surprised by the lengths people will go just to get at you or your stuff.

Just getting skittles and a tea perhaps. Or maybe taking the opportunity around having to walk through such a tempting target such as a housing tract and having a 'reason' for being there?

The way I see the confrontation, based on everything that I have heard is that GZ was following Trayvon because GZ though he looked suspicious. Whether he was stereotyping Trayvon or not, is somewhat irrelevant and from the recent pictures you can find of Trayvon, he looked like a fucking thug so GZ wasn't too far off. He also appeared to have past problems with violence/weed/etc, I can't say how true it is but his pictures seem to validate his thug-like behaviour. Trayvon's father was apparently a member of a gang in his past, crips from what I have heard but I can't say how true that is.

Anyways, GZ confronts Trayvon, asking him about what he was doing, where was he headed and the likes. At some point, Trayvon attacks GZ and pins him to the ground. Trayvon then proceed to slam GZ head into the pavements so GZ activates the "stand your ground" law and uses his gun in self defense and that is the end of the story. There are pictures of GZ's head being wounded and with a broken nose, although I'm not sure what happened to that piece of evidence.

In my opinion, GZ did kill Trayvon obviously, but he did so in self defense. While GZ probably should not have confronted Trayvon openly, he did not begin a physical confrontation, it was all Trayvon. Trayvon did not need to die that day but his own actions caused his own death. I know Eminem said something that perfectly described Trayvon's downfall but I can't find it. All Trayvon had to do was speak in a rational manner, show GZ he had no intentions of committing any cry and walk away. I assume Trayvon was filled with both anger and fear of being followed but there would be no reason to attack GZ unless he was threatening him physically.

I think GZ will walk and who knows what will happen then. I like to think that people will not get up in arms about the verdict, that we will calm accept or appeal or whatever legal action can be taken if Tray's parent feel that there is some injustice.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Veracity said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Veracity said:

I cannot replay the events without being in the same area as the event. Any recreation without it is flawed. It was 1/4 on concrete and the rest on grass. The best possible evidence came from the Zimmerman video but as compelling as what he said was its only one persons side of the story. I cannot base a conclusion off of a defendents word without corroboration. 

As for my personal experience from fighting, thirty pounds means very little outside of leverage and distribution of weight , but even weight distribution can be used against you if the person knows how to fight or defend themselves. What I think doesn't matter though in this case because we know nothing about the positioning, we don't have Trayvons word, no witnesses again agin only Zimmerman.

Regardless of all of these things Zimmermans lawyer is doing a hell of a job. At this point no one can prove anything, just beyond reasonable doubt at this point. 

Either an innocent man is going to jail or justice isn't served for a kid who was shot. It's a flawed case. 

Let me put it this way. Listen to Zimmermans best friends testimony and you will see exactly why this putting someone on the stand who isn't a first hand witness is pointless. Bless his heart, but he was essentially useless and potentially harmed Zimmerman because he didnt know exactly what he was saying (perhaps he should've brought the book he wrote about zimmerman with him.)

Zimmerman had been training in mma 3 days a week.

Yes.....I've learned of such things. Those were some useless lessons because none of it was applied. There is a way to throw someone off of you if someone is in a full mount ground and pound positions and ways to keep people from pummeling you. Again....Even though I know how to get out of such things it doesnt mean my thoughts or even that fact of MMA are important, because he never initiated it himself in the testimony. The only time he actually got Treyvon over in the testimony was after the gunshot.

Yeah its called bridging or he could have shrimped but it takes YEARS to fully grasp those in a real fight. Its much easier to pull those off when practicing than to do it when you are being hammered from above.