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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge magazine goes CRAZY- "ps4 is your next console", "One; titanic failures"

slowmo said:
The Fury said:

No bloody kidding. You'd think that's what journalist did or something.

Why do they need to write a retraction? Did they make up horrible hurtful things about Don Mattick's family so they have to apologise? They are going to be pointing out their decision by analytical journalism, which isn't really something that can be retracted as they've got nothing to retract. It's opinion based on known facts.


Why do you feel you need to defend them so much, do you have shares in Edge or Sony?

No shares. Future PLC would be stupid to invest in, magazine market as a whole is shrinking. Sony are climbing so might be worth it but alas, I've no idea how to buy them.

This said, I'm defending the journalists that many here think are so without integrity they'd take money from Sony to publish this article. It's like people assume just because they are a magazine they aren't allowed to have an opinion, even if it's backed up with facts that affect them. 

Hmm, pie.

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The Fury said:
slowmo said:
The Fury said:

No bloody kidding. You'd think that's what journalist did or something.

Why do they need to write a retraction? Did they make up horrible hurtful things about Don Mattick's family so they have to apologise? They are going to be pointing out their decision by analytical journalism, which isn't really something that can be retracted as they've got nothing to retract. It's opinion based on known facts.


Why do you feel you need to defend them so much, do you have shares in Edge or Sony?

No shares. Future PLC would be stupid to invest in, magazine market as a whole is shrinking. Sony are climbing so might be worth it but alas, I've no idea how to buy them.

This said, I'm defending the journalists that many here think are so without integrity they'd take money from Sony to publish this article. It's like people assume just because they are a magazine they aren't allowed to have an opinion, even if it's backed up with facts that affect them. 

Not sure why you're quoting me then as I've made it quite clear I have no problem with them posting their opinion, I merely said I'd laugh in future if they're wrong which is my perogative as a consumer.  Funny enough I've got a pre order for a XBO and not a PS4 so their opinion that the PS4 is the "only" choice right now is ridiculous in my opinion and according to the facts that I have available to me.  The fact that I'm a consumer arguably gives me more weight than someone out to sell a magazine.  It's pretty clear that there are plenty of reasons that it is not the "only" choice right now and that's a fact, hence why people are still pre ordering the XBO.  The headline is simply their opionion, it isn't fact.

slowmo said:
The Fury said:

No shares. Future PLC would be stupid to invest in, magazine market as a whole is shrinking. Sony are climbing so might be worth it but alas, I've no idea how to buy them.

This said, I'm defending the journalists that many here think are so without integrity they'd take money from Sony to publish this article. It's like people assume just because they are a magazine they aren't allowed to have an opinion, even if it's backed up with facts that affect them. 

Not sure why you're quoting me then as I've made it quite clear I have no problem with them posting their opinion, I merely said I'd laugh in future if they're wrong which is my perogative as a consumer.  Funny enough I've got a pre order for a XBO and not a PS4 so their opinion that the PS4 is the "only" choice right now is ridiculous in my opinion and according to the facts that I have available to me.  The fact that I'm a consumer arguably gives me more weight than someone out to sell a magazine.  It's pretty clear that there are plenty of reasons that it is not the "only" choice right now and that's a fact, hence why people are still pre ordering the XBO.  The headline is simply their opionion, it isn't fact.

Bad flow of people I guess, but i did quote you for what I found an odd statement based on how journalism works. Having just read DJEVOLVE comment didn't help. You can't be wrong on an opinion, according to you and your choice they already are wrong.

Eitherway isn't it a great example of journalism and good editorial work? How much debate has this thrown up just because of a cover of a monthly UK based magazine? Regardless of their opinions, they are skilled at their jobs.

Hmm, pie.


slowmo said:
The Fury said:
slowmo said:

I think the entire point is they're professional journalists writing a headline to get attention, if they get it wrong then yes they should be ridiculed.  Journalists should ALWAYS be held accountable for what they write.  Of course it could be they write a retraction article later down the line if things went different in which case I would review my attitude and reaction towards them. 

No bloody kidding. You'd think that's what journalist did or something.

Why do they need to write a retraction? Did they make up horrible hurtful things about Don Mattick's family so they have to apologise? They are going to be pointing out their decision by analytical journalism, which isn't really something that can be retracted as they've got nothing to retract. It's opinion based on known facts.


Why do you feel you need to defend them so much, do you have shares in Edge or Sony?

What Edge wrote was pretty accurate really (inside), and what most people have been thinking. Whether they should have printed it or not, well it is a little early to be doing this kind of thing, might have been better to wait until the consoles launch and some early numbers come in...but its an opinion... like all opinions some will like it some wont.

But what they wrote wasnt wrong, so wasnt bad journalism either... front cover might have been overdoing it though.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

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Carl2291 said:

That seems quite not biased. Interested to read the rest.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

after microsofts total 180 its proof they are in disarray and the damage has now been done.

i cant wait to see which console most people purchase, ive a fair idea which console that will be.......

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Carl2291 said:


have you seen titanfall?

Yikes, can Sony show some cool games finally, since EDGE says this is apparently my next console?

The Fury said:

Bad flow of people I guess, but i did quote you for what I found an odd statement based on how journalism works. Having just read DJEVOLVE comment didn't help. You can't be wrong on an opinion, according to you and your choice they already are wrong.

Eitherway isn't it a great example of journalism and good editorial work? How much debate has this thrown up just because of a cover of a monthly UK based magazine? Regardless of their opinions, they are skilled at their jobs.

Indeed, I was just pointing out the ridculousness of the headline, it will be interesting to see what the magazine actually contains so we get some context as it could just be a silly tag line to dupe people to buying.