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I wouldn't be using Ubi games as the basis of what Current gen can do against the likes of the 20 series, let alone the 30 series. I think Ubi is the second to last publisher for gaming benchmarks we should be looking at, with bethesda being last.

We're better off waiting for titles like Minecraft, with full on RT or Cyberpunk. I know both of those are Nvidia sponsored, but let's be frank, most of the time we get AMD sponsored games, Nvidia sinks, and atm we're 2 consoles with AMD as well as AMD's GPU's vs nvidia's current set of GPU's and some previous gen ones.

Besides, I'm more interested in seeing how MC bedrock RTX performs over a 3 layer DRM, console parity forced game like Creed or Watch Dogs.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Chazore said:

I wouldn't be using Ubi games as the basis of what Current gen can do against the likes of the 20 series, let alone the 30 series. I think Ubi is the second to last publisher for gaming benchmarks we should be looking at, with bethesda being last.

We're better off waiting for titles like Minecraft, with full on RT or Cyberpunk. I know both of those are Nvidia sponsored, but let's be frank, most of the time we get AMD sponsored games, Nvidia sinks, and atm we're 2 consoles with AMD as well as AMD's GPU's vs nvidia's current set of GPU's and some previous gen ones.

Besides, I'm more interested in seeing how MC bedrock RTX performs over a 3 layer DRM, console parity forced game like Creed or Watch Dogs.

How would we accurately judge the power of the consoles if we have to only use games that are optimized to hell for them? Seems like an unfair comparison to me. Ubisoft games are much better because then the GPU has to bruteforce performance and we'll see the true strength. Otherwise we'll only judge the performance of game developers rather than the performance of hardware.

And in the end that's what performance is. PC people go ham over the strongest possible hardware exactly so we can be sure that even the most unoptimized garbage can run decently. That's the beauty of PC gaming. We don't have to complain to devs to make games better, we just buy better hardware to compensate.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
JEMC said:

Do you really need the extra speed of the 980Pro?

I'm just saying because while it's only Gen3 and the speeds are limited to 3400MB/sec read and 3,000MB/sec write, the Corsair P400 4TB is just a bit over the price of the 2TB 980Pro, and while I'm sure you'll notice the extra space, I'm not sure you'll notice the extra speed.

I actually will not notice a difference between 2TB and 4TB. I do not have that many games. I've been on 500GB for 4 years now and I don't have any issues. I will notice faster loading times even if it's just a second.

Alright, you know your needs better than anyone else.

And wow, I'm impressed you've been able to manage all your games with just 500GB for so long.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

AMD Ryzen 3000 and Older Zen Chips Don't Support SAM Due to Hardware Limitation, Intel Chips Since Haswell Support it

Well that's a bit awkward. Of course as the only way Intel and AMD 5000 series are getting SAM support is through Bios updates from the manufacturer, it will remain to be seen how many of them will even bother to update their legacy platforms. Still this is a bit lame for 3000 series owners at the very least.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

JEMC said:
vivster said:

I actually will not notice a difference between 2TB and 4TB. I do not have that many games. I've been on 500GB for 4 years now and I don't have any issues. I will notice faster loading times even if it's just a second.

Alright, you know your needs better than anyone else.

And wow, I'm impressed you've been able to manage all your games with just 500GB for so long.

The trick is to not have games installed I don't play. I know, crazy novel idea that most people just can't fathom.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network

Amd has already become evil.

vivster said:
JEMC said:

Alright, you know your needs better than anyone else.

And wow, I'm impressed you've been able to manage all your games with just 500GB for so long.

The trick is to not have games installed I don't play. I know, crazy novel idea that most people just can't fathom.

What about all the games you intend to play soon but end up playing in two years if ever? That's the problem I've often faced at least - I install games I think I want to play soon, just so that I don't have to wait for them to download when I actually want to play them, and then I don't play them and a Windows reinstall or something else comes in the way and I'm back in the starting square. And the problem is that this even makes sense because sometimes I do end up playing those games. Of course most of the time I don't, which is the problem...

vivster said:
JEMC said:

Alright, you know your needs better than anyone else.

And wow, I'm impressed you've been able to manage all your games with just 500GB for so long.

The trick is to not have games installed I don't play. I know, crazy novel idea that most people just can't fathom.

Once or twice a year I do uninstall the games I no longer play, but with game sizes increasing all the time, I'm glad I have a 1TB drive.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Captain_Yuri said:
Conina said:

So exactly as expected due to the PS5 specs... no secret sauce yet.

Well personally, I was expecting it to be more so in the middle of 2070 and 2070 Super. Not 2080 levels. Although considering how poorly Asscreed performs on Nvidia gpus with 6800XT even killing 3090 in Raster, on average, it may still be the case outside of one offs like this.

The thing I don't quite understand is why the Series X is performing so low. In fact, Ps5 and Series X has switched spots in that aspect as the Series X is more so in between the 2070/2070 Super and Ps5 is 2080 for this game. Although Series X is performing worse in every game against the ps5.

From what I've got, the developers got their final devkits extremely late (as in, September late), too late to do much programming on them before the game gets shipped. What they had until then were just modified One X devkits, and those of course couldn't tap into the power of the new architectures.

In other words, the situation should get better with time, with the programmers getting used to the tools and what the hardware can and can't do. But right now, they all have to play a giant game of catch-up with PS5 developers.

vivster said:

How would we accurately judge the power of the consoles if we have to only use games that are optimized to hell for them? Seems like an unfair comparison to me. Ubisoft games are much better because then the GPU has to bruteforce performance and we'll see the true strength. Otherwise we'll only judge the performance of game developers rather than the performance of hardware.

And in the end that's what performance is. PC people go ham over the strongest possible hardware exactly so we can be sure that even the most unoptimized garbage can run decently. That's the beauty of PC gaming. We don't have to complain to devs to make games better, we just buy better hardware to compensate.

I don't see why PC has to take 3-4 knockdowns for consoles to somehow appear as strong or exactly on line with the likes of the 20/30 series, especially from a Publisher that honestly doesn't give much of a toss about PC via it's poor performance/DRM.

We shouldn't even have to brute force their games, that's my entire point when it comes to talking about Ubisoft at all. We should never ever have to brute force through their crap half the time, but we have to, because they don't care about us.

Well at this point if we're going to judge devs on game performance, beth/Ubisoft are scoring very low in that dept, but at the same time, I'm not going to pretend like the latest Creed is legit Crysis on steroids, especially when you go by Alex's vid.

I think you and me see PC gaming differently in that aspect. See I want a 3080ti, and what I then expect is for me to run games quite decently, not struggle like some kid trying to lift 3 times his own weight. The beauty to me is that we get to swap our parts and the modding community, as well as the tech that comes out for the platform, not to struggle because some publisher has the child-like mentality to treat an entire platform like dirty thieves after 2 decades, to a point where they slap 3 layers of DRM on top and artificially crank up perf demands, despite their games not looking as much different from console counterpart versions. 

We shouldn't have to shell out for far higher end (3090/Titans) just to run AAA games decently, we just shouldn't. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"