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vivster said:

How would we accurately judge the power of the consoles if we have to only use games that are optimized to hell for them? Seems like an unfair comparison to me. Ubisoft games are much better because then the GPU has to bruteforce performance and we'll see the true strength. Otherwise we'll only judge the performance of game developers rather than the performance of hardware.

And in the end that's what performance is. PC people go ham over the strongest possible hardware exactly so we can be sure that even the most unoptimized garbage can run decently. That's the beauty of PC gaming. We don't have to complain to devs to make games better, we just buy better hardware to compensate.

I don't see why PC has to take 3-4 knockdowns for consoles to somehow appear as strong or exactly on line with the likes of the 20/30 series, especially from a Publisher that honestly doesn't give much of a toss about PC via it's poor performance/DRM.

We shouldn't even have to brute force their games, that's my entire point when it comes to talking about Ubisoft at all. We should never ever have to brute force through their crap half the time, but we have to, because they don't care about us.

Well at this point if we're going to judge devs on game performance, beth/Ubisoft are scoring very low in that dept, but at the same time, I'm not going to pretend like the latest Creed is legit Crysis on steroids, especially when you go by Alex's vid.

I think you and me see PC gaming differently in that aspect. See I want a 3080ti, and what I then expect is for me to run games quite decently, not struggle like some kid trying to lift 3 times his own weight. The beauty to me is that we get to swap our parts and the modding community, as well as the tech that comes out for the platform, not to struggle because some publisher has the child-like mentality to treat an entire platform like dirty thieves after 2 decades, to a point where they slap 3 layers of DRM on top and artificially crank up perf demands, despite their games not looking as much different from console counterpart versions. 

We shouldn't have to shell out for far higher end (3090/Titans) just to run AAA games decently, we just shouldn't. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"