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vivster said:
JEMC said:

Alright, you know your needs better than anyone else.

And wow, I'm impressed you've been able to manage all your games with just 500GB for so long.

The trick is to not have games installed I don't play. I know, crazy novel idea that most people just can't fathom.

What about all the games you intend to play soon but end up playing in two years if ever? That's the problem I've often faced at least - I install games I think I want to play soon, just so that I don't have to wait for them to download when I actually want to play them, and then I don't play them and a Windows reinstall or something else comes in the way and I'm back in the starting square. And the problem is that this even makes sense because sometimes I do end up playing those games. Of course most of the time I don't, which is the problem...