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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - My Wii U games sales prediction

 That's what I am saying! GC was doing bad WITH GAMES AND HEAVY MARKETING. Wii U is doing bad WITHOUT GAMES AND WITH NO ZERO MARKETING. GC was  just a cursed console from the start.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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These predictions are very safe and the gaps are too big.

It doesn't matter if you're wrong, just have fun with it and say a single #.

For example, instead of saying a game will sell 1 to 3 Million, just say 2 Million :)

Already explained in an other comment. A game can appeal a lot ( 3 million) to  the masses or just a bit ( 1 million). Saying 2 million won't make justice for the possibility of the game doing better or worse.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I will disagree with game and wario. the game bombed in japan so it would be a miracle for it to reach 1M

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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I also agree with most of your predictions except for Sonic Lost Worlds.

Somehow, Sonic lost a lot of its marketing appeal (maybe due to a series of bad games?). I see Nintendo working to market this game a lot, but even so I doubt that it will surpass 1,5 million. Anyway, this is just a hunch.

It´s clear that Nintendo has been saving marketing/advertsiment money in order to produce games right now, seriously, is there any other company with so many games actually in development at the same time today ? I´m impressed with their effort, but they do need a better and more comprehensive marketing campaign to sell the wiiU this year.

Nah. Secret Rings reached 2.6 million despite being Ok at best. Ninty marketing the game will easily make it reach 2-3 million. Him being in Brawl  and the Mario & Sonic also helped. He is  pretty relevant. People went nuts when they heard Lost Worlds was exclusive to Wii U/3DS.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I think you are way too optimistic given the install base of Wii U, as well as its current future prospects. Wii U will pick up, but this sort of numbers indicate a nearly 100% attachment rate, and this is not going to happen. Wii titles in these series sold very well, but given the customer base, they still sold well sort of any such percentage -- most big Wii titles had an attachment rate below 30% and this is not going to be any different.

My predictions:

  Super Mario 3D World- Low point: 1.7 million | High point: 6.1 million | Most likely: 4-5 million

           Mario Kart 8- Low point: 4.5 million | High point: 11 million | Most likely: 6-8 million

           Super Smash Bros 4- Low point: 2.8 million | High point: 8 million | Most-likely: 5-6 million

           Zelda Wind Waker- Low point: 1.1 million | High point: 3.7 million | Most-likely: 2-3 million

           Sonic Lost World- Low point: 0.6 million | High point: 3.4 million | Most-likely: 1-2 million

            X/ Xenoblade 2- Low point: 0.4 million | High-point: 1.5 million | Most-likely: ~1 million

              Bayonetta 2- Low point: 0.3 million | High point: 1.2 million | Most-likely: ~0.75k

               Pikmin 3-  Low point: 1 million | High point: 3.8 million | Most-likely ~2 million

             The Wonderful 101- Low point: 0.3 million | High point: 0.8 million | Most-likely: ~0.5 million

              Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze- Low point: 2.1 million | High point: 8 million | Most-likely: 4-5 million

 Mario 3D World will sell more than Sunshine. I am just so sorry. This game will outsell Mario Sunshine no matter what. Sunshine was a new low for the Mario series back then in the eyes of the hardcore fans. I like Sunshine but that is the tough reality.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Interesting list. I can't say I agree with most of them.

For first-party games, I'd take all of your estimates cut them by 1/3.

For the rest, I'd cut them by 1/2.

I think people are assuming that the Wii U, eventually, HAS to do better than the Gamecube. My guess, the actual hardcore Nintendo fans who are going to buy most of these games remains pretty much at the level it was before the Wii came out. I expect the figures to be slightly higher than their GC counterparts, but not much.

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