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Forums - Sony Discussion - 4 hours into The Last Of Us: impressions (no spoilers)

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Actually, I must say that I have discovered a really annoying problem that is actually a carry over from Uncharted.


So basically, whenever you help Tess up to a ledge, she then helps you up. This is done by Joel jumping and then she catches his whole weight on her one arm and pulls him up. This is simply impossible unless she is a professional body builder and even then it is unlikely. In Uncharted, it was meh given that it was normally Drake helping up Elena and he is absurdly strong, but this is meant to be more realistic.

Actually Golden Abyss was the worst in terms of dodgy physics where Drake could seemingly jump over absurd games that just had be staring at the screen saying REALLY?

Anyway, it has just been a little thing that has been annoying me so far, but everything else is great, but I do really suck. 2 big fights so far, I have died 4-5 times on each of them

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Munkeh111 said:
Anyway, it has just been a little thing that has been annoying me so far, but everything else is great, but I do really suck. 2 big fights so far, I have died 4-5 times on each of them

The key is a lot of patience at first, eventually you'll know the mechanics and the AI inside out and if you went back to these you could do them in 1 try easily, like any game I guess. Best way to get rid of them is wait until a few are close together, then chuck a brick/bottle to get them to run to it, then chuck a molotov. When you get a nail bomb that'll play the role of the brick/bottle as well. And don't forget you can run and hide if the clickers see you! It doesn't always work, but you won't lose progress or waste ammo if it does. By now you've probably figured all this out anyway.

13 hours in: I just saved Ellie from the fireflies. So many feels to feel. 

Yeah I've seen a lot of muddy textures so far in the game and blurry view distance. Other than that the game has a great art style and the visuals are still pretty good. Though other than Hitman being a bit darker in some places I found that the Glacier 2 engine looks visually more impressive. Though I was running that on the PC so It's really hard to tell. Good game though so far from what I've touched of it. I'm glad you gave an honest opinion on visuals as some people see Naughty Dog then freak out that it'll be the best looking thing since forever.

Andrespetmonkey said:

+ Great storytelling we all expect from ND.

+ Some of the best acting I've ever seen in a game.

+ Environments are bigger than Uncharted's (3-4x the size, multiple paths in many areas), exploration is encouraged (for loot mainly, though you may find a key that'll be used for a safe somewhere around the map for example).

+ You can stealthily take out enemies or go all guns, but you'll be punished for the latter (low ammo). Sometimes you can just sneak by. "Choice-based" combat is the term I've heard used for it, and is fitting. Stealth works better than in Uncharted, and you don't get multiple hordes of enemies like you sometimes do in Uncharted.

+ Survival/rpg elements like looting and crafting are well done and paired well with the bigger environments, but - aren't so in-depth.

+ Little notes and leaflets and stuff you may find really adds to the story, the personal anecdotes that collectively help tell you wtf happened are my favourites. 

+ Clickers are terrifying, not just because they're scary monsters, but because they whimper and cry when they don't see you which creeps me the fuck out, as does the clicking when they do see you... literally fuck that noise.

+ Enemies are smart. They'll flank you, they know when you're using guns or not and act accordingly, that kind of stuff. Maybe not as smart as initially thought, but still better than most games. 

+ Obviously, visuals are amazing. Somewhere inbetween Uncharted 2 and 3 so not the PS3's best, but I'm guessing that's due to the bigger and more complex environments. So a step down from UC3, but still a + because it's well justified and still looks damn good, best art direction ever for a post-apoc except for maybe enslaved.

+ Sound design is excellent. All sounds you emit vary very accurately depending on surface and sorroundings. The way bullets whiz, the sound of a dude being strangeled, the bashing of skulls etc. all make combat that much more intense. VA ofcourse is god-tier. Music is generally ambient, and it really adds to an already rich atmosphere. 

- Movement feels a little ice-skatey if you know what I mean.

- AI companions not as smart. They'll help you out a little by fighting if you get overrun or telling you where guys are, but they get in you way (albeit very occasionally) and the fact that enemies don't see them can break the immersion. I know this was done on purpose, but I wish they found a better solution. 

- Some aspects of the story are kind of cliched (protecting the cure).

- Relates to above: The opening sequence was well done, but felt a little derivative. I wasn't blown away and it certainly wasn't one of the best opening sequences ever like people are saying.

So basically, the game is fucking GOOD, and I can't wait to play the rest over today and this weekend. What did you all think? (plox no unmarked spoilers)


CGI-Quality said:
Knocked out about 3hrs, thus far. Best game I've played in a while and certainly up there with Heavy Rain for emotion!

Keep playing ;D <3

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Gave it a shot today, freaking hate it, too damn predictable and slow for me. But credit where credit is due, the game is a masterpiece, just not my style.

CGI-Quality said:
errorpwns said:
Yeah I've seen a lot of muddy textures so far in the game and blurry view distance. Other than that the game has a great art style and the visuals are still pretty good. Though other than Hitman being a bit darker in some places I found that the Glacier 2 engine looks visually more impressive. Though I was running that on the PC so It's really hard to tell. Good game though so far from what I've touched of it. I'm glad you gave an honest opinion on visuals as some people see Naughty Dog then freak out that it'll be the best looking thing since forever.

The visuals get the job done and I agree with the OP. It's much more open than the Unchrated games, so it the fact that it still clears most of them is, yes, something worth praising Naughty Dog for.

As for Hitman (PC), yeah, there are plenty of games on that device that look better, so that's pointless to mention.

OT: Anyway, the mechanics are some of the best I've experienced. Also, the A.I. is sharp and Ellie is quite comedic! Fabulous, fabulous title after 6 hrs in.

Yeah I wasn't meaning that to bash it. Just i've seen so many people try to argue that this game has better visuals than anything else out there. Which simply is not the case and I was glad to see OP was honest. As for the A.I yeah it looks great and I was impressed. The game certainly looks more open and on top of that it seems as if they  paid  good attention to detail on what to add to the game. I see fewer repeated textures too which is always a plus more variety in visuals. The mechanics feel wonderful too. I've been playing a copy a friend has and might have to actually pick it up myself. I wasn't a fan of any of the uncharted games, but the last of us actually has me interested!

Carl2291 said:
I got the bug around the time where you first meet Ellie.

Releasing a game with an obvious game breaking bug is a shitty thing to do, Naughty Dog.

You know they have been releasing buggy builds since U3. U3 coop has this nasty bug that renders coop unplayable. It's been a few months now and there is no patch in sight.

Andrespetmonkey said:
Munkeh111 said:
Anyway, it has just been a little thing that has been annoying me so far, but everything else is great, but I do really suck. 2 big fights so far, I have died 4-5 times on each of them

The key is a lot of patience at first, eventually you'll know the mechanics and the AI inside out and if you went back to these you could do them in 1 try easily, like any game I guess. Best way to get rid of them is wait until a few are close together, then chuck a brick/bottle to get them to run to it, then chuck a molotov. When you get a nail bomb that'll play the role of the brick/bottle as well. And don't forget you can run and hide if the clickers see you! It doesn't always work, but you won't lose progress or waste ammo if it does. By now you've probably figured all this out anyway.

13 hours in: I just saved Ellie from the fireflies. So many feels to feel. 

NOT touching that spoiler! At the moment, I haev been trying to just sneak past the clickers. I was just getting through so many shivs that it didn't seem worth killing them. I just need to get used to being more aware, several times I have just assumed that I am safe after 1, then suddenly I hear that clicking noise and I am dead.

I'll try that tactic! I have mostly been using bricks to get them to point the other way so I can sneak up, but I do have a few molotovs stashed away

It's so awesome!