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CGI-Quality said:
errorpwns said:
Yeah I've seen a lot of muddy textures so far in the game and blurry view distance. Other than that the game has a great art style and the visuals are still pretty good. Though other than Hitman being a bit darker in some places I found that the Glacier 2 engine looks visually more impressive. Though I was running that on the PC so It's really hard to tell. Good game though so far from what I've touched of it. I'm glad you gave an honest opinion on visuals as some people see Naughty Dog then freak out that it'll be the best looking thing since forever.

The visuals get the job done and I agree with the OP. It's much more open than the Unchrated games, so it the fact that it still clears most of them is, yes, something worth praising Naughty Dog for.

As for Hitman (PC), yeah, there are plenty of games on that device that look better, so that's pointless to mention.

OT: Anyway, the mechanics are some of the best I've experienced. Also, the A.I. is sharp and Ellie is quite comedic! Fabulous, fabulous title after 6 hrs in.

Yeah I wasn't meaning that to bash it. Just i've seen so many people try to argue that this game has better visuals than anything else out there. Which simply is not the case and I was glad to see OP was honest. As for the A.I yeah it looks great and I was impressed. The game certainly looks more open and on top of that it seems as if they  paid  good attention to detail on what to add to the game. I see fewer repeated textures too which is always a plus more variety in visuals. The mechanics feel wonderful too. I've been playing a copy a friend has and might have to actually pick it up myself. I wasn't a fan of any of the uncharted games, but the last of us actually has me interested!