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Actually, I must say that I have discovered a really annoying problem that is actually a carry over from Uncharted.


So basically, whenever you help Tess up to a ledge, she then helps you up. This is done by Joel jumping and then she catches his whole weight on her one arm and pulls him up. This is simply impossible unless she is a professional body builder and even then it is unlikely. In Uncharted, it was meh given that it was normally Drake helping up Elena and he is absurdly strong, but this is meant to be more realistic.

Actually Golden Abyss was the worst in terms of dodgy physics where Drake could seemingly jump over absurd games that just had be staring at the screen saying REALLY?

Anyway, it has just been a little thing that has been annoying me so far, but everything else is great, but I do really suck. 2 big fights so far, I have died 4-5 times on each of them