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Forums - Gaming Discussion - square enix ff 15 and kingdom hearths 3 will be multiplatform , ps4 and xbone

But PS4 will be the only console on which you can actually own a copy of FF15!

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SnakeEyez said:
The reason y this is somewhat surprising is because along with the rumor that it was being changed to ff xv, was that Sony had stepped in to help develop it which would keep it exclusive. This is a big blow to the ps4 and almost confirms that kh3 is also going to another platform

Lol man 15 minutes later and I was proven right, smh. FFXV and KH III going to xbox one is HUUUUGE.

Carl2291 said:
When they didnt call it an exclusive at the conference, but called XIV an exclusive afterwards...

It was obvious.

Is anyone actually surprised?

I'm surprised they chose Xbox One, would have expected the 360 and Wii U first.

A little disappointed to be honest.

brendude13 said:

I'm surprised they chose Xbox One, would have expected the 360 and Wii U first.

A little disappointed to be honest.

As am I, as am I. So many KH's have released on Nintendo platforms that you would think KHIII would come over... ;(

Was there anything said about KHIII coming to PS3? Because I can deal with that!

badgenome said:
But PS4 will be the only console on which you can actually own a copy of FF15!

It's coming to PS3 too.

I am glad it's coming to PS3.

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maximrace said:
Awsome, so sony has no big third party exclusives if I get this right?

No need to pay for them.

Disgraceful move by were assured Versus was exclusive for 6 years; last straw for SE for me

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Ok this is hilarious........

For YEARS, I have heard and seen PS fans bragging about Versus 13 being a PS3 exclusive killer app. Years. Even after the delays and vaperware.

Now, its name changed, and it gets a Xbox 1 version........."meh no biggie"

lol how the hell do you walk this off so non-chalante. You just lost a major exclusive 7 years in the making. You guys just roll with everything don't you?

(Mods, I am just stunned to see such a role reversal and am just appalled the fans simply walk away from years of bragging and gloating that this was a PS exclusive).

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sales2099 said:
Ok this is hilarious........

For YEARS, I have heard and seen PS fans bragging about Versus 13 being a PS3 exclusive killer app. Years. Even after the delays and vaperware.

Now, its name changed, and it gets a Xbox 1 version........."meh no biggie"

lol how the hell do you walk this off so non-chalante. You just lost a major exclusive 7 years in the making. You guys just roll with everything don't you?

You are not getting the meltdowns you are hoping for.

LurkerJ said:
sales2099 said:
Ok this is hilarious........

For YEARS, I have heard and seen PS fans bragging about Versus 13 being a PS3 exclusive killer app. Years. Even after the delays and vaperware.

Now, its name changed, and it gets a Xbox 1 version........."meh no biggie"

lol how the hell do you walk this off so non-chalante. You just lost a major exclusive 7 years in the making. You guys just roll with everything don't you?

You are not getting the meltdowns you are hoping for.

Ya......which is very interesting. All those years of bragging......and now your all holding your breath and holding your keyboard trigger fingers steady.

How do you guys play this off. Because this is a major developement. You just lost a 7 year exclusive.

Kingdom hearts too, as it was also heavily expected to be PS4 exclusive

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