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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Bros on 3DS and Wii U was a terrible idea

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I think the 3DS version will come out first, and will hype up the massive Wii U title.

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Soleron said:
Otakumegane said:


It's be like additional skins, constantly being updated and such. I fully expect the next Smash to have patches ever so often for balance. Why not just include some alternate costumes with them? 

Skins OK, characters/gameplay elements not OK, unless the game is F2P.

It won't have balance patches, have you see Sakurai's attitude to competitive Smash?

That's precisely why it would have balance patches, to nerf A-tier characters and try to build up E-tier characters. Balance patches would keep the community guessing, especially if they're in ways that aren't immediately apparent.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

curl-6 said:

The Wii U desperately needs system selling games, and Smash Bros would have been a Godsend... if they hadn't given players the option to play it on the much more common and cheaper 3DS.

They may have undermined one of their biggest potential hardware movers with this.

I think the exact opposite. I think the may been one to 3ds first that comes out this year and serves as intro point into the wii u one that would come out in the next year or so. That 3ds would be fully featured and come with most of the characters and so new ones. It will set the stage for the wii u one. So this may be a very smart idea if everything turns out right.

Hey I never thought of that. I don't need to get a WiiU for Super Smash Bros. I can get a 3DS instead now.


But people are correct about the local multiplayer on home consoles being better but for myself, my kids are grown and out of the house and my friends are all to busy to all come over simultaneously so 3DS would be fine.


Considering they will most likely be two different games, I don't believeit having both will impact sales very much; if at all.

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I don't see it as a issue.....the Xbox and PS4 won't get it. Simple.

It doesn't have to be a exclusive to have a exclusive effect.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


I think in this case the Wii U version will come out first.

Smash Bros. U - April/May 2014

Smash Bros. 3DS - November/December 2014

If that's the case then it's no problem, the Wii U will get most of the benefit.

I think the 3DS version may be more of an enhanced port of the GCN/Wii games anyway.

Relax - the Wii U version will be definitive

Games can and should tell stories and share ideas through their mechanics. This is the intrinsic element of the medium and this is how experiences should be crafted in video games. No company does this as well as Nintendo and their echoes from the past.
  Aurum Ring  Delano7  Ocarinahero032

going to buy both day one, i dont see a problem.


WII U // PC // 3ds XL // VITA

The wii u version will probably be superior, and all the largest fans will buy that version. Also I think in general most others will too, as the multiplayer is the real flesh and bone of the game, and on a handheld multiplayer is a very different beast.