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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - It's official, Rockband's coming to Wii

Entroper said:

A few more thoughts:

WiiWare launches in March.

Downloadable content for GH3 on the Wii begins in March.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (with in-game support for SD cards and downloadable content) launches in March in the U.S.

Rock Band on Wii launches in April at the earliest.


Wow Entroper, you are pure genius. I totally missed that until now. 

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rocketpig said:
totalwar23 said:
^Wait a minute, you mean I'm not the only one who thinks it's kinda stupid to pretend rocking on a plastic guitar when you could take the same time learning real guitar lessons? I liken Guitar Hero to basic Air Guitar.

Do you like fighting games? Take Tae Kwon Do lessons. Do you like sports? Join a league. Do you like sword games? Take fencing classes. Anyone who owns a Wii, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, etc. and mocks playing a plastic guitar is a hypocrite.

It's all entertainment.

Anyway, you Wii owners don't know what you're missing. If you like Guitar Hero, you'll love Rock Band. It's Guitar Hero times ten and the party potential of the game is higher than any game I have ever seen, even more than Wii Sports.

Yeah, I know, doesn't the whole "play a real guitar" mantra get old? Not everyone as the time or desire to spend years mastering an instrument, they just enjoy the accesible, simple idea of Guitar Hero; it essentially lets anyone play a bunch of awesome songs while having a blast doing it. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

Entroper said:

A few more thoughts:


WiiWare launches in March.

Downloadable content for GH3 on the Wii begins in March.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (with in-game support for SD cards and downloadable content) launches in March in the U.S.

Rock Band on Wii launches in April at the earliest.



ha your pure genius man where did you think of those

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

DMeisterJ said:
@ Entroper

Are all of those true?

If so, links?

I thought they were all pretty common knowledge.


I'm not the genius, guys, I have to give credit to BlackNMild2k1 at NintendoWorldReport who came up with this argument before I did.

Well, they finally announced it.

If they port the PS2 version:
They can get away with it. If you need DLC or Character creation, you have the X360/PS3 version that's been out for months. I'd still be pissed off though.

If they port the X360/PS3 version:
YAAAAAAAAAAAY! I guess they'll put DLC on WiiWare. Problem solved.

I wonder if Nintendo set up a "standard guitar interface" like Microsoft did that avoided the guitar compatibility issues in the PS3 version. Time will tell...

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

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i probally will not buy it but i guess tis good news for the wii.

Chadius said:
Well, they finally announced it.

If they port the PS2 version:
They can get away with it. If you need DLC or Character creation, you have the X360/PS3 version that's been out for months. I'd still be pissed off though.

If they port the X360/PS3 version:
YAAAAAAAAAAAY! I guess they'll put DLC on WiiWare. Problem solved.

I wonder if Nintendo set up a "standard guitar interface" like Microsoft did that avoided the guitar compatibility issues in the PS3 version. Time will tell...

As far as I can tell, the guitar motions are communicated through the Wii Remote as button presses. You can press the buttons on the Wii Remote, and they have the same effect as if you were pressing the corresponding buttons on the guitar. A is green, B is red, 1 and 2 are yellow and blue, etc. So it should be trivial to implement support for the Les Paul guitar.

Of course, that doesn't mean they'll do it. 

Been thinking about getting this game. If the Wii version has:

1) DLC

2) Wii mote implementation

3) Nintendo related songs to download in particular, such as the Zelda or Mario themes

I'd actually buy the Wii version instead of the PS360 one. I won't be getting it until Christmas if I get it at all, so I've got plenty of time to find out!">">

I don't think there'll be Zelda or Mario themes... would be nice but highly unlikely. That's what Wii Music is for!

WiiWare: March release in US, is this for real? GHIII DLC in April, really? Did I really miss out on that much news?

the Wii is an epidemic.

If you Wii owners get DLC, you should be jumping in joy when RB releases.

DLC adds so much to RB, more than any other game on the market. The weekly update schedule, list of great tracks, and upcoming complete albums keep the game fresh and exciting over the long haul, easing the $170 buy-in price a bit.

The best thing about RB is that you can use all the DLC in career mode.

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