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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Everyone else disappointed by the xbox one reveal?

Suke said:
At this point, it's pretty clear Microsoft is going after Apple. Windows Phone 8 vs Samsung vs iPhone, Surface Tablet vs. iPad, Windows vs. Mac OS, now XboxOne vs Apple TV.

They are trying to go after these companies with their xbox one. 


The current reality is that they are LOSING to all of these companies in every field lol.


You can speculate as to how the xbox one will do in terms of generating any meaningful competition to any of those companies.

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The reveal itself was not a disappointment to me at all. I called it. I said "we won't see gameplay at all, and that's exactly what happened. I've had more laughs this week about Xbox than I could have predicted, though.

AndrewWK said:
iceland said:
I was pretty disappointed

+15 Exclusives
+1000 FL
+Halo TV

-Focus on Kinect and TV
-Always on
-Used game fee
-EA sports

Why is this bad?

Nothing I was just listing what I personally think, I'm not that big on sports so it was pretty meh to me.

Most people seemed to be disappointed including Xbox fans, even developers and games journalists.

what it boils down to is essentially the xbox supporters i thought were reasonably intelligent are at best questioning microsofts actions, at worst already junped ship to pc/wiiu/ps4, the xbox fans i guessed would defend every fault no matter how ludicrous or how contradictory to previous arguments about the same issues with other systems, are doing just that.

predictability makes forums boring, so far i've not had any surprises about certain users reacting to the xbox reveal, pretty much like the xbox reveal itself, no surprises.

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what minority???? MS is the biggest OS distributor in the world ever across all platforms combine yesterday, today and for at least another decade easily.... iPhone has barely 20% of the smartphone market, and dropping behind in emerging markets, tablets I think they are under 50% now and even if that one is exploding lately, it is still a niche market in the computing business, apple and google are innexistant on the server market, and still marginal in the corporate world.... and even if dropping the PC/laptop business is dominant.... MS is still a solid company actually and one with deep roots in many businesses and partnership that are tight with the private and public sector around the world....

and when it comes to SONY... I honestly think that a lot of their products are too expensive for what they are, in some sectors like high end TV panels their produce are really good but still overpriced IMHO, PS2,3,4 are actually decent consoles but I never forgave SONY for the Dreamcast fiasco (this is silly but it's one of my childhood heritage, I actually stoped completely console gaming from Dreamcast until Xbox) and the rest of consumer electronics to me is pure brand image unless you go in the semi-pro, pro range of product which is not for me in that case...

so yeap no apple, no google, no sony and I can assure you I have a complete experience if not a better one of the cyber connect tech world around me :) and I don't feel bad almost 12 month google free at 90% (yeah I have one gmail account linked to my outlook one) and I'm still here :D LOL

anyway.... Xbox one will fit perfectly in my vision of the future where things happen and stuff are not static looking like a polished static desktop across all my device but be really interconnected and continuously responsive and interactive.... but hey if you dig artifacts and the old-fashioned, guys!!!! be my guest! we need passionate people to preserve the past to build a better future :P

And for the fee thing, first I would like too know exactly how it works because it's hard to argue one way or the other depending on how you see it will be made..... but from my point of view a fee key/system can be way better than the current model, given that you already accepted the always on cloud connected world.

which I have for quite a bit now without issues, I have a VPN service so my identity is safe when I want it to and what I let filter to the corporate world I really don't care about.... whatever they could collect about me through something like Kinect or skydrive is fine with me.... it's not like we are in Deus Ex in the real world guys, knowing that I play in boxers while smiling with my left eye closed is not gonna ruin my life and I trust them not to turn this against me for the very little they collect anyway.... and I have a private cloud just in case for access reason...

but hey you can be paranoid about technology some people where thinking cars, planes, submarines, spacecraft where crazy or evil things too in the past.....

now about the fee/key system... if it helps reducing cost of production (less hard copies in circulation, so less cost of pressing, printing boxing, shipping the product) less middle men, and more flexibility on the developer side to deliver content....
me I'd go as far as the subscription fee by the hour for games.... it could allow serialization of games give devs time to work properly each chapter and spread cost....
now if second hand fee go partialy back to the devs it also give them more power of investment which is a good thing for us...
and with such systems we customer can sanction immediately their failures by not buying the game...

bottom line a fee/subscription/key system could cut cost and upfront investment for everybody from top to bootom and shorten the distribution loop if implemented properly there is no doubt about it....

the question is how long both side (corporate and customers) will take to align and find the right point of equilibrium.... because we are heading in that direction, that's a given it is a logical model with the evolving technological world....