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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Everyone else disappointed by the xbox one reveal?


The vision of a 'microsoft connected/integrated future' is strategically the right thing to do for MS, but the reality is that no one will actively pursue the purchase of the Xbox One just to watch TV, skype, or use kinect 2.0. It's just not going to happen. #pipedream

I actually am and about 2/3 of my friend list is too and they all are between 28 and 40+ years old.... may I remind people that the average gamer age all platforms and game style put together is 32 yo......

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iceland said:
I was pretty disappointed

+15 Exclusives
+1000 FL
+Halo TV

-Focus on Kinect and TV
-Always on
-Used game fee
-EA sports

Why is this bad?

endimion said:
shhhh the more I read tech blogs and forum the more I like that fee thing..... will this mean we'll have even less annoying kiddos on XB1 than XBL was keeping at bay???
hopefully yes.... then what could have been the only negative point I have seen so far for my personal use (which wasn't offsetting the positive anyway) might actually become a good point for me... another gate to keep away people that add nothing to the gaming community beside their ranting..... sign me on I'll pay for that HA :P

Because paying full price for a used game stops the fact annouying kids bought games when they were new and full price anyway, right?, if you seriously think theres a corrolation between used games and "annoying kids" online then you clearly don't have much of a grasp on reality.

nope but it might piss them off enough to not get the XB1

and with 2 bachelor in advertising management and marketing research and a master in business admin specialized in financial management and several years in an international marketing specialist position I think I have better grasp on reality than a lot of whiners around here thank you very much....

most of the time it's the hardcore gaming community that's on crack...

endimion said:
nope but it might piss them off enough to not get the XB1

and with 2 bachelor in advertising management and marketing research and a master in business admin specialized in financial management and several years in an international marketing specialist position I think I have better grasp on reality than a lot of whiners around here thank you very much....

most of the time it's the hardcore gaming community that's on crack...

I think you might need to re-evaluate your wasted youth.

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Then stop thinking...

But it's rather entertaining... so scratch that.. keep on, I actually like people that make me smile...

The current business model is completely outdated and counter productive for everybody.... devs are losing money and customers too.... if handled right the key/fee system will be way better for everyone on the long run... but each is entitled to their own opinion.... if it follows the same line than steam or the app market on smartphones I'm fine with that.... it will be way more cost efficient for everybody once again....

And people against the always on cloud based computing are born in the wrong century..... if you have a decent connection I don't see the issue if you don't.... you should be bitching against your ISP or fight for infrastructure development in your area not ask technological progress to slow down.....

They didn't show any games. Forza teaser, no gameplay. Another teaser trailer for a project that is clearly not even 10% done, Quantic whatever.

Multiplats that are already going to be on PS4. Plus I think I speak for the majority of consumers around PLANET EARTH. We aren't interested in windows kernal, or bing, or kinect, or windows phones, or windows media center, or anything having to do with microsofts 'vision of a connected future.'

We already have iphones, playstations and galaxyS4's lol.

No apple, no Sony, no Google for me if I can help it.....

At this point, it's pretty clear Microsoft is going after Apple. Windows Phone 8 vs Samsung vs iPhone, Surface Tablet vs. iPad, Windows vs. Mac OS, now XboxOne vs Apple TV.

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

endimion said:
No apple, no Sony, no Google for me if I can help it.....

That's called being in the minority lol.