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Forums - Sony Discussion - CONFIRMED: Gran Turismo 6 announced for PS3, releasing Holiday 2013

eFKac said:
sergiodaly said:

i don't think GT6 in PS3 can damage PS4 sales... early adopters will get next gen no matter what and will still keep current gen machines active for some time. PS4 doesn't need to be monstrous this year... the gen its just starting... this is no yearly phone business model...

Actually I think the total opposite in both things, it will damage PS4 sales to some extent, hard to say how much, but certainly racing enthusiasts have very little reason right now  to make the generational jump. 

And yes PS4 needs to be monstrous this year, maybe more then ever. They will most probably have a launch alligned with their biggest competitor, arguably strongest threat for Sony in the console race so far, with huge presence in USA/NA - still the most valuable market for video games by quite a margin. They really need to up the ante for this year without any more mistakes, because this year may be crucial in the long run. 

It may be the defining factor for core gamer market, 3rd party support and a lot of people afterwards chooses the console that their friends already have and this time around with a stronger push towards social aspects, if the next xbox outsells PS4 by a good amount this holiday season and during the first half of a year 2014 it may prove to be to hard and costly to make a comeback a'la PS3.

don't really know why you put people that buy GT games as "racing enthusiasts" and as a group that only "buys/care for" racing games... if that kind of people exist (and i believe there is a few people like that), they are a freaking minority that is still to be proved they would jump into next gen this early just for driveclub. so... the extend of damage is minimal when GT6 will have a huge user base to sell easily 6 million games in the next 2 years (impossible to do in PS4).

what you describe was not a monstrous launch... its a description of a good launch on par or a little better than competition that is the plan from sony for sure... this year the supply will be limited for SONY and MS, so there is no multi million advantage for grabs this year and in first 6 months of next year... again... this was the best move from sony/PD... the damage is minimal and the sales of GT6 will be 10 times better

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Well I'm happy, don't care it's not for ps4 (yet)
7 new tracks and introducing new tracks monthly. That's what I want from a racer, not endless car packs.

And yes I'll still be getting a ps4 for DriveClub. I can play 2 games.
Anyway Grid 2 should be out first, 2 more weeks, not on WiiU of course :(

eFKac said:
AnthonyW86 said:
I can't believe some people seriously thought this was coming to PS4, you could have seen this coming years ago. They alway's launch a second GT game late in the generation. You're nothing going to launch a title this big and expensive on a system with zero install base.

Also supporting you're system longer with quality titles can actually boost sales of the new system, because people will realise that the new system will probably last them just as long.

@bold. Yeah maybe, but there again, the first Xbox was supported for 4 years and then tottaly cut of, and it didn't discourage 75 million people from buying the X360, unfortunately I think customers have very short memory when it comes to these things, the bunch of core gamers may see the benefit of it but I doubt many other will.

As to the first paragraph, well you can't just compare it like that.

First of all Gran Turismo 2 released 4 months before the Japan launch of the PS2 almost a year before NA/EU

Gran Turismo 4 released more than a year and a half before the PS3 launch in any region

Second of all both GT1 and GT3 released earlier in the respective consoles lifecycles then the GT5 did on the PS3 and the second installment brought pretty big changes.

And the last thing. Before the PS3 the only way to include new cars, tracks, options was by releasing a new game. Now we have patches and DLCs that Polyphony was effectively using to introduce new things so GT5 could evolve and get way way better game then it was at launch.

I agree it will differ between people, most people will probably buy a system if something comes along that they really want. Though you can't really afford a system to die out to early causing a system to collect dust long before a new one comes out. I guess bad memories stick longer than good ones, Wii-U pretty much is proof of that.

However Sony probably wanted to release the PS3 before the holiday's in 2005 and even a more definitive launch date in the sprind/summer of 2006 was delayed. GT4's launch date was probably picked with that still in mind. It also makes sense to boost the sales of the old system because that turns a profit for each unit sold, witch is important especially for Sony right now.

I do agree about the fact that adding a few cars these day's doesn't really warrent a new game but who knows what the new engine will bring, maybe this time around most or even all cars will be ''premium'' quality?

sergiodaly said:
eFKac said:
sergiodaly said:

i don't think GT6 in PS3 can damage PS4 sales... early adopters will get next gen no matter what and will still keep current gen machines active for some time. PS4 doesn't need to be monstrous this year... the gen its just starting... this is no yearly phone business model...

Actually I think the total opposite in both things, it will damage PS4 sales to some extent, hard to say how much, but certainly racing enthusiasts have very little reason right now  to make the generational jump. 

And yes PS4 needs to be monstrous this year, maybe more then ever. They will most probably have a launch alligned with their biggest competitor, arguably strongest threat for Sony in the console race so far, with huge presence in USA/NA - still the most valuable market for video games by quite a margin. They really need to up the ante for this year without any more mistakes, because this year may be crucial in the long run. 

It may be the defining factor for core gamer market, 3rd party support and a lot of people afterwards chooses the console that their friends already have and this time around with a stronger push towards social aspects, if the next xbox outsells PS4 by a good amount this holiday season and during the first half of a year 2014 it may prove to be to hard and costly to make a comeback a'la PS3.

don't really know why you put people that buy GT games as "racing enthusiasts" and as a group that only "buys/care for" racing games... if that kind of people exist (and i believe there is a few people like that), they are a freaking minority that is still to be proved they would jump into next gen this early just for driveclub. so... the extend of damage is minimal when GT6 will have a huge user base to sell easily 6 million games in the next 2 years (impossible to do in PS4).

what you describe was not a monstrous launch... its a description of a good launch on par or a little better than competition that is the plan from sony for sure... this year the supply will be limited for SONY and MS, so there is no multi million advantage for grabs this year and in first 6 months of next year... again... this was the best move from sony/PD... the damage is minimal and the sales of GT6 will be 10 times better

Of course I can't tell how many only buy racing games, I agree there are not many of them, but I'm sure that gamers whose favourite genre is racing, with GT being the definitive simulator, may wait with the transition until GT PS4 will launch, given the GTs system shifting abilities that means some damage.

If one of MS/Sony has a lackluster start with the other going smooth we can see a 1-1,5 maybe even 2 million difference between the two by next years E3 and a big difference in momentum and  we will probably see two very similar consoles for aprox. 400-450 dollars so with todays economy I think most people will settle with one console for at least few years.

And of course sales won't be ten times better, sales history shows that the first GT released on a platform sells the best due to the speciffic sales pattern of GT games - big first week, but then amazing legs for many years. So probably GT6 on PS3 would sell way more first week, so the revenue would be bigger definately but in the long run GT6 on a descending platform (PS3) won't have the huge legs and will stop selling prematurely compared to a GT on a ascending platform (PS4)

and I think that if GT6 would be on PS4 it would outsell GT6 on PS3 but that is pure speculation and we'll never know

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

AnthonyW86 said:
eFKac said:
AnthonyW86 said:
I can't believe some people seriously thought this was coming to PS4, you could have seen this coming years ago. They alway's launch a second GT game late in the generation. You're nothing going to launch a title this big and expensive on a system with zero install base.

Also supporting you're system longer with quality titles can actually boost sales of the new system, because people will realise that the new system will probably last them just as long.

@bold. Yeah maybe, but there again, the first Xbox was supported for 4 years and then tottaly cut of, and it didn't discourage 75 million people from buying the X360, unfortunately I think customers have very short memory when it comes to these things, the bunch of core gamers may see the benefit of it but I doubt many other will.

As to the first paragraph, well you can't just compare it like that.

First of all Gran Turismo 2 released 4 months before the Japan launch of the PS2 almost a year before NA/EU

Gran Turismo 4 released more than a year and a half before the PS3 launch in any region

Second of all both GT1 and GT3 released earlier in the respective consoles lifecycles then the GT5 did on the PS3 and the second installment brought pretty big changes.

And the last thing. Before the PS3 the only way to include new cars, tracks, options was by releasing a new game. Now we have patches and DLCs that Polyphony was effectively using to introduce new things so GT5 could evolve and get way way better game then it was at launch.

I agree it will differ between people, most people will probably buy a system if something comes along that they really want. Though you can't really afford a system to die out to early causing a system to collect dust long before a new one comes out. I guess bad memories stick longer than good ones, Wii-U pretty much is proof of that.

However Sony probably wanted to release the PS3 before the holiday's in 2005 and even a more definitive launch date in the sprind/summer of 2006 was delayed. GT4's launch date was probably picked with that still in mind. It also makes sense to boost the sales of the old system because that turns a profit for each unit sold, witch is important especially for Sony right now.

I do agree about the fact that adding a few cars these day's doesn't really warrent a new game but who knows what the new engine will bring, maybe this time around most or even all cars will be ''premium'' quality?

I agree with the second paragraph, and definately the revenue from GT6 should be big, and is the only good reason I can see in launching on the PS3, but then again I would argue that it is short-sighted or shows SCE is in really desperate need of money.

As for the third paragraph, if all cars would be premium it would be godlike :D but sadly I'm afraid it may not be the case, but there is hoping that GT6 will be something more than just GT5.5. E3 should tell us more, either way I'm very excited for the game itself, even on the PS3 :D

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

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Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi has revealed that the upcoming sixth entry in the racing simulator series is also being considered for release on PlayStation 4.

Speaking at today’s Gran Turismo 15th Anniversary event at Silverstone racetrack in England, Yamauchi told IGN, “We actually do have a PlayStation 4 version in mind, but for this holiday season, we thought it would be best for users to release on PS3 for now.”

Players eager to race around the world’s most iconic stadiums in all their next generation glory may want to put their brakes on though. Yamauchi adds, “I thought the best scenario would be to have the game come out, then to have new scenarios, new DLC and other updates. Once the players have thoroughly played out the system, if the PlayStation 4 version came out naturally, as part of that process, I think that would be the best scenario.”

Asked whether progress could be transferred from PS3 to future PS4 versions of the game, Yamauchi would only offer a coy “probably”.

Expect more info on the PS4 version of Gran Turismo 6 to be announced closer to the PS3 version’s release.

Uncharted 4 launching with PS4 will sell more units than GT 6. Yeah I said it. lololol!!

Uncharted 4 is the one of those games that will definitely sells more system because of the fan base alone and the buying habits of that fan base. Uncharted fans is mostly Sony fan and I can't say the same way for GT ( mostly racing fan and casuals ). Uncharted is more of a system seller now than GT 5. Uncharted 4 can showcase the power of PS4 just like it did with PS3. 

That's why if Sony don't announce Uncharted 4 as launch title or launch window then I will definitely scratch my head or worst case scenario UC 4 for the PS3 yeah that's stupid but GT 6 for the PS3 not really.


NoCtiS_NoX said:
Uncharted 4 launching with PS4 will sell more units than GT 6. Yeah I said it.
Uncharted 4 is the one of those games that will definitely sells more system because of the fan base alone and the buying habits of that fan base. Uncharted fans is mostly Sony fan and I can't say the same way for GT ( mostly racing fan and casuals ).

That's why if Sony don't announce Uncharted 4 as launch title or launch window then I will definitely scratch my head or worst case scenario UC 4 for the PS3 yeah that's stupid but GT 6 for the PS3 not really.

I can't see Uncharted 4 selling more then GT6.  GT6 will easily sell over 8 million units.

Chris Hu said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Uncharted 4 launching with PS4 will sell more units than GT 6. Yeah I said it.
Uncharted 4 is the one of those games that will definitely sells more system because of the fan base alone and the buying habits of that fan base. Uncharted fans is mostly Sony fan and I can't say the same way for GT ( mostly racing fan and casuals ).

That's why if Sony don't announce Uncharted 4 as launch title or launch window then I will definitely scratch my head or worst case scenario UC 4 for the PS3 yeah that's stupid but GT 6 for the PS3 not really.

I can't see Uncharted 4 selling more then GT6.  GT6 will easily sell over 8 million units.

I was just joking at the first part hence the smiley. I'll edit it to avoid confusion.

So is this releasing exclusively for the PS3 and not on the PS4? Cause if they do release it on the PS4, won't it hurt Driveclub's sales?


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