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eFKac said:
sergiodaly said:

i don't think GT6 in PS3 can damage PS4 sales... early adopters will get next gen no matter what and will still keep current gen machines active for some time. PS4 doesn't need to be monstrous this year... the gen its just starting... this is no yearly phone business model...

Actually I think the total opposite in both things, it will damage PS4 sales to some extent, hard to say how much, but certainly racing enthusiasts have very little reason right now  to make the generational jump. 

And yes PS4 needs to be monstrous this year, maybe more then ever. They will most probably have a launch alligned with their biggest competitor, arguably strongest threat for Sony in the console race so far, with huge presence in USA/NA - still the most valuable market for video games by quite a margin. They really need to up the ante for this year without any more mistakes, because this year may be crucial in the long run. 

It may be the defining factor for core gamer market, 3rd party support and a lot of people afterwards chooses the console that their friends already have and this time around with a stronger push towards social aspects, if the next xbox outsells PS4 by a good amount this holiday season and during the first half of a year 2014 it may prove to be to hard and costly to make a comeback a'la PS3.

don't really know why you put people that buy GT games as "racing enthusiasts" and as a group that only "buys/care for" racing games... if that kind of people exist (and i believe there is a few people like that), they are a freaking minority that is still to be proved they would jump into next gen this early just for driveclub. so... the extend of damage is minimal when GT6 will have a huge user base to sell easily 6 million games in the next 2 years (impossible to do in PS4).

what you describe was not a monstrous launch... its a description of a good launch on par or a little better than competition that is the plan from sony for sure... this year the supply will be limited for SONY and MS, so there is no multi million advantage for grabs this year and in first 6 months of next year... again... this was the best move from sony/PD... the damage is minimal and the sales of GT6 will be 10 times better

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